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Welcome to my site. I believe everyone is on a learning curve. Surprisingly, very few people I know would go back and change their lives to be something other than the one they lived. Perhaps, as you get older, that could change. Guess I’ll find out. This site is very personal to me, and I will be laying out my heart, soul, journey and ideals for my personal growth and your amusement or growth.

Being eternally curious, I have dabbled and experimented in various areas from numerology, tarot cards, philosophy, statistics and many more in the field of personal development.  Please note that these tools are a way to prompt conversations and should not be used to “box” people.  There are enough tools in both business and personal worlds, that while helpful in helping people connect, cannot be solely used as the only mechanism for defining a person.

Meet the person, listen to their life.  More importantly, listen to what they are saying, sometimes not in words but story and actions.  You cannot begin to understand a person until you start to understand yourself.


You have your own path and there is no one ahead of you who can show you the way. Your life is a daily adventure, a moment by moment discovery. Each of you connects with your own inner spiritual awareness. Each of you has to see that the creative power of the universe is within you. Each of you creates reality and has to take responsibility for doing so.

And so the man goes on, tending his herd, ploughing the soil, alone with his thoughts, alone with his prayers.

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