Statistics for May 2021

Overall Trend

It looks like the year is coming along nicely.  I’ve been looking forward to writing against the stats.  This month’s May Stats saw The Source and Friendliness reach the front of the yearly cumulative total with 29 appearances each, followed by Possibilities, hot on their heels.


So, what does this mean concerning the overarching meaning?  Or has a theme emerged?  Does it mean Friendliness underpins everything I do, and I’m able to foster it regularly?  After all, Friendliness is a regular visitor to all positions except for positions eight and nine who have had one visit each in Hopes & Fears and Outcome, respectively.


The Source‘s appearing in the past two months seems to indicate a trend toward connecting to what motivates me.  Each person has at their source a clay makeup. The card of The Source is like the clay a potter selects to make a particular work; different clays different results.  After a while, we might forget who we are and what makes us up, and it means returning or connecting to ourselves and our source (or soul) to remember.


When it comes to the Possibilities card, it always seems to be hanging around from my perspective.  However, its spread is mountainous across the positions and hasn’t topped any of the previous months.   Are the cards trying to show me, or me trying to show me, that Possibilities are always there? And is it just the type of year I’m having?  If doing the Tarot Days (or 365 days of tarot) wasn’t such a challenge to do with a full-time job and interstate relatives, I’d love to continue for another year.  Perhaps, I can still do the cards daily but do weekly summaries instead of writing a small essay daily.  Ah… my world is full of Possibilities 😉.

Distribution of Tope 3 Cards Against Position

Chart Top 3 Position Spread The Source, Friendliness & Possibilities

Top 3 Card Distribution Over the Months

Chart month by month spread Top 3 year-to-date @ May

Highest Cards from January to May (Top 3)

Table Top 3. January equals Moment to Moment 9, Flowering & Control 8, February The Rebel, Flowering & The Burden 7 each, March Postponement 9, Letting Go 8, third card spot blank, April The Source 9, Totality 8, third card spot blank, May The Source & Awareness with 8 each, third card spot blank


Chart year to date stats as at May. Top five are:The Source 29, Friendliness 29, Possibilities 28, No-thingness 27, Control & Harmony 27, Totality & Sorrow 26, Intensity 25.

May Stats - Cumulative by Month

May Stats Cumulative Graph Monthly
Cumulative Graph Possibilities to MaturityMonth by Month as at May

Trend for May Stats

As you can see from the previous months’ top performing cards (refer to the table titled, Top 3 Highest Cards from January to May), The Source has recently appeared, in April and May.  For the last two months, I have been thinking and acting toward reconnecting with my soul and remember its purpose.   Awareness points to an idea sitting at the fringes of awareness and sits “on the tip of your tongue”, but as soon as you focus on it, it slips away.  (April Stats)

Top 10

Chart May Top 10

Bottom 10

Chart May Bottom 10
May Stats – Tarot Card Statistics
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