Statistics for June 2021
Brief Analysis
We reached July, and with it comes the June Stats. Ordinariness had a spate of appearances in the middle of the month and looked like becoming a regular. Ordinariness drifted off toward the end of the month; its run in the middle pushed it into the top four cards for highest appearances overall for the year. Interestingly, The Source remains near the top for the number of appearances-to-date but didn’t make the top positions in June.
Other cards making a splash this month in the limelight in June were Conditioning and Ice-olation., with eight appearances each. Conditioning’s showed toward the end, while Ice-olation’s occurred across the month.
The card with no appearances was Success, and the cards with only a single appearance were: Friendliness, The Master, Going with the Flow & Maturity. So you could say there was no success for me in June. 🥲
Overall, The Master, Going with the Flow and Maturity are generally shy in making their appearances. On the other hand, Friendliness is fifth over the year but second last with its appearance in June.
You’ll notice I removed the Top 5 or Top 10 stats graphs; this is because the sorted graphs make it easier to view the top and bottom cards at a glance.
To enhance the graphs visuals, I’ve tried saving the files as JPGs versus PNGs to see whether reducing the size of the JPG to upload it makes it clearer on your device. From where I’m viewing the graphs from the clarity is better.
If you’re interested in seeing what happened in May click here.
June Stats - By Day By Position
Top three highlighted

Overall Yearly Trend - Highest to Lowest

Sorted By June's Stats - Highest to Lowest