Day 290 – Delegate Upward

Sunday, 17 October, 2021

Day 290. Delegate upward. Cards in order of appearance: Past Lives, Inner Voice, The Rebel, Celebration, Beyond Illusion, Friendliness, Politics, No-thingness, The Fool, Totality, Deck pile shuffle

Delegating Upward Context

My thoughts today drifted toward delegating and what that means.  I’m talking about the verb form of the word, which the dictionary defines as “to entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself” 3.  However, in today’s world, you can potentially delegate upward.

If you look at the other part of the statement, “send or authorise (someone) to do something as a representative”3.  You can delegate upward.  You may say, “you can’t delegate up the chain of command”.  Sure you can; what do you think seeking approval is?

Anyway, this is what I was doing a lot of today; making sure the right area gets enough information to act on a request without having to do all the running around – spoon-feeding is not in my job description.

That’s it for today.

Today's Cards

Day 290. Delegate Upward. Cards in order of appearance: Past Lives, Inner Voice, The Rebel, Celebration, Beyond Illusion, Friendliness, Politics, No-thingness, The Fool, Totality, Deck pile shuffle

The Cards - Delegating Upward Analysis

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


In the Distant Past, I’ve had cause for Celebration with delegating upward.  Don’t get me wrong; I’ve long worked within the weighted risks of process and permission versus radicalism and forgiveness.  That’s if you subscribe to the school of, “It’s easier to seek forgiveness than it is to get consent”.  There is, of course, a time and place for both. In the Recent Past, a chrysalis occurred where I’ve emerged from the cocoon of uncertainty in Beyond Illusion.  I’ve come to understand my Past Lives4 because my Inner Voice is influencing me.  This influence comes from a Goal of wanting to do what’s right wherever I can, and The Rebel card exemplifies this aim. Thankfully, Future Energy has Friendliness implying a balance of the quip-pro-quo between the ability to delegate upward, keep stuff and delegate downward.


Initially, delegating in any direction makes me feel “dirty” or that in some way I’m being duplicitous or playing Politics.  It’s the whole being an independent thing and thinking and/or wanting to do it all!  Delegating sometimes feels like I’m not taking responsibility, but that’s the trick, isn’t it; knowing when to trust is the skill.  It’s still how I feel, nonetheless.

Others’ Views are that I have potential or options open to me in the card of No-thingness.

On the other hand, The Fool reflects my inner Hopes & Fears.  I hope that the risks I’ve taken are something I can continue – after all, I’m assuming a certain degree of authority.  Of course, if I get or feel pushback, I’m happy to step back.  On the flip side, I’m fearful of being The Fool and getting the decision wrong.

Finally, Totality in the Outcome position; looks like it’s going to be an “in for a penny, in for a pound” scenario when I delegate upward 🤔.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Tarot Layouts per month
  3. Apple Mac Dictionary
  4. When I talk “Past Lives”, I’m talking about this lifetime. Think back to the world before COVID-19; it seems like “another life”, for instance.
End Day 290
Day 290 – Delegate Upward
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