Monday, 11 October 2021

Second Opinion Context
When it comes to doctors, people advise getting a second opinion if you get unfavourable news. The same recommendation can apply to most things in your life. For me today, it was about selecting another builder for our bathroom renovation (Day 120).
The builder we had spoken to initially (around Day 244 or Day 250) and because I’m lazy, if the price and timeframe were “reasonable”, I would use them. Unfortunately, the timeframe wasn’t right since it’s April 2022.
Shocked by the lead time, I thought to ask around to find out what a market scan would do. Right from the word “go”, the second opinion was worth the effort. Fantastically, the contact could come within the hour, which was better than waiting two weeks for an inspection.
By the way, it was lucky Darren happened to be in the area when I called. Otherwise, I wouldn’t normally expect such a prompt response.
In addition to the quick response to assess the work, he was professional, accommodating, and instructive for bathroom products. Moreover, let’s say, Darren if accepted as the builder, would speak to the tile store on my behalf and ensure I got the right number of tiles. When I say “correct” amount, that’s not too many or not too few, but just right!
Darren worked with me to help me to enable me to make informed decisions. Only time will tell because I still need to get his quote! I’ll know then whether the second opinion was as exciting a prospect as it seemed.
Subsequently, there is the terror of communicating to the first option that I’m going with another. Yes, the fear is real.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Second Opinion Analysis
Carryover Cards
Two cards carried over from yesterday; Slowing Down moved from Outcome to Recent Past, Politics moved from Influence to Hopes & Fears.
A Transformation in the Distant Past changed the way I viewed selected a tradesman. Previously, I’d considered choosing a tradesperson like picking a skillset, and I’d assumed that people with specific skill sets are all trained and competent.
The view was if this were the case, then it didn’t matter whether it was the first person or person number ten. So, providing the first person I contacted was reasonably priced, I took for granted they could do the work. Getting a second opinion seemed irrelevant.
Note, if the first person seemed competent and not out of the ballpark with their prices, I reasoned that going with the first would save me time. It’s also part of satisfying my inner chicken of telling someone I’ve gone with someone else. That always feels a little breakup-like.
Maybe it was in the Recent Past’s Slowing Down where I realised I could afford the time and select someone who might deliver in my preferred timeframes.
Most of all, I wanted Harmony as my Goal. That Harmony was both within myself and with the person working on the renovation.
It was a relief then that Darren’s experience and his situational Creativity put me at ease. And with full Consciousness, I’d made the decision that I would like him to do the bathroom. So, it seems getting that second opinion and moving away from chickening out was wise.
Selecting Darren wasn’t a first selection thing; as sad as to let the first option go, Darren might be an even better option. Everything happens for a reason (Please let his price be reasonable, or something acceptable).
Alas, it’s no surprise that Success is in Future Energy.
The whole scenario felt amazingly surreal. As strange as it may sound to the likes of those who have a very matter-of-fact way of dealing with these situations, I had Feelings of Courage.
Conversely, it seems that Others’ Views of me are simply factual in that I’m making a physical change to my accommodation or building something, which shows by the presence of Thunderbolt in this position.
Inwardly, Politics is in the Hopes & Fears spot. This card in this location reflects the fears that the interaction was that of a salesman and prospect. And not the hopeful one of mutual respect.
Finally, there’s Traveling as the Outcome. Since this Outcome didn’t seem to fit with my expectations, I decided to do the “look at the page and see what line my eyes land on thing”. Yes, it’s kooky, but what else am I going to do, relay the whole lot when only a portion is relevant? Besides, what does it have to do with today’s topic of seeking a second opinion?
Anyway, the line I spotted went like this: “there is no need to struggle or plan too much” (Osho, p.92). So much for me thinking it was going to bring about ‘actually’ going somewhere.
So, what was my lesson today? I learnt that it is not only worth getting a second opinion on medical and work situations, but it’s also helpful for matters in your personal life.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
SEO – Usually, too chicken or lazy for a second opinion in my personal life. The first option’s renovation timeframes were too long, so now what?