Sunday, 3 October 2021

Crypto Addiction Context
I’ve discovered that I enjoy watching the numbers change without my direct (except I’ve invested in funds) input on my crypto journey. AutoShark **, for instance, has a “Stats” area. In this part of the website, you can sit and watch your investment fluctuate on the whim of the electronic world. It’s surprisingly addictive.
I’m on the website at least once a day, and although I’m not changing anything, the movement almost hypnotises me. Do I have an addiction to crypto? Or is it something else?
There’s a part of me that clings to it like it’s the lottery, and suddenly it’ll make me a heap of money! Is that what it feels like playing poker or slot machines for people? You simply get mesmerised by the spinning activity like each moment you’re going to have a windfall.
Part of the lure is the attraction of seemingly “instant” cash, but I think for me, it’s the fascinating prospect that I’m earning money and doing very little to “earn” it. I’m not sweating over a hot computer, nor am I producing a product or writing a post for a website. It all seems ‘alien’.
The closest thing I could get to, which fascinated me, was watching the electricity or water meters ticking over. Moreover, the strangest thing is I don’t mind if the number goes up or down! It’s like watching the minuscule calculations that produce the interest on your home loan.
This fascination with the moving numbers is why people who probably have money in cryptocurrencies can’t stop talking about them; it’s the mystery of it – like a jack-in-the-box, you’re waiting for something to “GET YA”.
** there used to be a link to the AutoShark site here. It still exists but the site has since stopped trading and therefore recommendations to use this site on this site have been removed – I hope 🤔
Today's Cards

The Cards - Crypto Addiction Analysis
Carryover Cards
Eight cards carried over from yesterday:
- Aloneness moved from Distant Past to Goal
- Friendliness moved from Recent Past to Distant Past
- Abundance moved from Now to Recent Past
- Success didn’t move from Future Energy
- Letting Go moved from Goal to Feelings
- The Dream moved from Influence to Others’ Views
- Intensity moved from Outcome to Hopes & Fears
- Suppression moved from Hopes & Fears to Outcome
Do you see what happened with the cards? Yesterday, I was “suffering” from elation, and I couldn’t be bothered doing a proper analysis on the cards. So distracted was I that I completely forgot to distribute the cards throughout the deck to spread them out. This slip of memory has nothing to do with my “crypto addiction”! 😁
There’s nothing left for me to do but take the cards more seriously and simply read them today. It’s a lesson I learnt on Day 002 and forgot – until now. Furthermore, it may transpire that reference to the day before doesn’t happen.
The other thing to note is that the Stress and Guilt cards did not carry over!
The Friendliness of the Recent Past, and I’m guessing this relates to the positive feedback I got yesterday at work.
The Recent Past’s elation (Day 275) further contributed to magnanimousness and generosity on my part toward others in the office. The successful growth of cryptocurrency fuelled this Abundance. This positive result from the crypto investment is a dangerous formula for encouraging crypto addiction – because you can feel you’re always on a winner! There appeared to be a light at the end of the tunnel when running my website.
Additionally, I sought Guidance amidst my internal struggle (Fighting in Influence) on how to go it alone (Goal of Aloneness). If these cards were predictive, it would be a positive sign that Success is in Future Energy because I’d like to have this website be a non-advertising, non-subscription-pushing site.
Somewhere you can go just to read without being prompted to do anything else. An oasis on the internet of a sort, if you like. Success implies that I succeed for a time.
After 276 days, I finally feel that I can let go (Letting Go) of the idea of making this site a “business” to make money. You see, the website was never about making money. Okay, maybe a little to cover running costs. It began as an idea to see what the tarot cards would do across the space of a year. Could they tell me anything different to the single reading?
There was a lot of pressure to turn the site into a business. Indeed, it’s an assumption the moment you create a webpage with a company name. There isn’t a suffix that says “mysoulembrace.oasis” 🤔. Now, if I can avoid crypto addiction and be smart about it – it’ll work out.
Conversely, Others’ Views with those thoughts of non-profit fantasy come ideas of me romanticising the notion, aka The Dream.
Internally, Hopes & Fears have an Intensity that I hope will move me forward. However, the fear associated with that is that my Intensity will burn out or find another avenue.
Finally, Suppression is in the Outcome position and yesterday. I feared that I would move past the elation. Sadly, the fear became a reality today.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
SEO – Well, 5 months since my first crypto purchase (Day 163) & while there were ups & downs, there’s an unexpected danger in getting a crypto addiction.