Sunday, 26 September 2021

Frequency Music Context
Today’s going to be short and sweet. I began listening to focus music frequency, as my mental energy was flagging and distracted. Sleep is forever beckoning, and there was mild anxiety over the looming second vaccination.
So, I found a frequency track that promoted itself as a Mental Energizer, and it worked a treat. Fortunately, it is one and a half hours long. That’s great, I thought! And it’s all I’ll need. It was at about the 15-minute mark, I noticed my energy pick up, but I knew the fundamental tiredness wouldn’t go away that easily.
Absorbed in my work, I didn’t notice the time passing, so YouTube rolled into another music video when the track finished. Without warning, my eyelids got heavier, and I began to struggle to keep myself awake. With every ounce of determination, I was going to finish the article. Disappointed that the energizer frequency music didn’t have long term effects, I continued to push against an overwhelming desire for sleep. The need was so great that dizziness was becoming an issue.
After 20 minutes of push and struggle, I gave up and pulled the plug. As part of shutdown … OMG! Am I struggling! It’s not even very late. It was part of switching off the music that the cause for my tiredness became apparent; YouTube’s next track had been a vid designed to encourage sleep! Goodnight!
7:00 AM: Well, that was certainly a surprise! The sleep frequencies music certainly seem to work. I should also mention, I’m incredibly nervous about my second Pfizer jab. Wonder what theories I’ll sprout while waiting in line today (refer to Day 239).
Today's Cards

The Cards - Frequency Music Analysis
Carryover Cards
Three cards carried over from yesterday; The Outsider moved from Recent Past to Now, Aloneness moved from Outcome to Influence, Experiencing moved from Feelings to Distant Past.
Distant Past has Experiencing, and I’m going to call this out as the day I got my first COVID-19 vaccination. It was certainly an experience. And in the Recent Past, when I made the booking to get my second jab, it meant commitment in Totality.
Today, I’m unsure of what tomorrow will bring, but Now I feel trapped in getting the second jab like The Outsider. Maybe if the frequency music stuff works, perhaps remapping my DNA will correct anything out of place from the vaccine anyway 😏. It’s that Aloneness Outcome from yesterday hanging around to influence.
In the end, Ordinariness is Future Energy. Suggesting, perhaps placatingly, that my nervousness and anxiety are me simply making a mountain out of a molehill or it’s a storm in a teacup.
On the other hand, I have Feelings of Celebration not only because I’ve finished writing this post in the morning, but I’ll be glad to have the vaccination worry off my mind.
Others’ Views are that I’m constantly making a Comparison between the different vaccines and the reactions of others. It’s true. Comfort is that frequency healing could be a godsend if I find it messes with my system.
Schizophrenia in the Hopes & Fears position highlights my internal dichotomy. Unusually, this card already sums up both hopes & fears without needing to split these aspects. However, I hope that once the vaccination is over, I will have no regrets and trust me, I will closely monitor my mood, vitals, and changes in physiology. Of course, the fear is that these will be affected.
Finally, the Outcome has Harmony that supports Ordinariness. The way it helps suggests the vaccination won’t be a big deal, and it will agree with me (?). Hmmm, really? We’ll see!
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
- Link to Husband’s first AstraZeneca jab Day 160
SEO – There’s some nervousness about going for my second Pfizer jab tomorrow, & frequency music for energy sends me to sleep.