Friday, 24 September 2021

Poppycock Context
Yes, I can quickly and convincingly hear the cynic argue that the cards are so generic that their applicability could apply to any day, aka its poppycock. It’s true in a sense, but life also has cyclical patterns of energy. And although I’m writing Day 238 on Day 267 (today), and my daily notes are enough to remind me of the context for Day 238, the layout of Day 238 are as applicable to me on Day 267 as they were then.
Why do I respect quiz show hosts who one could argue are nothing but teleprompter figureheads reading other people’s intelligence? It’s as bizarre as calling flight attendants glorified waitresses. One could say comedians are modern-day poets disguised in jester’s façade 😁. Yet, it’s called charlatanism when it comes to tarot card readers and mystics, or even the people in human resources using Meyers-Briggs.
For instance, Sandy from QI laughably talked about how a mother and daughter devised MBTI. The system of questions was to prove that the man the daughter was to marry wasn’t a suitable suitor. Therefore, it was bizarre how HR (Human Resource) departments have been using it for years. Sandy and QI concluded; it was poppycock.
But I shouldn’t be surprised that personality quizzes upset people. Hey, it upset me for many years, and believe me, I sat for A LOT when I was contracting! It wasn’t until the MBTI that I found something useful in one.
Of course, you can’t box people, but sometimes it’s nice to be understood, even just a little. So, depending upon the box will depend on whether you get robbed of your uniqueness or appreciated for it. Anyway, I write at length on MBTI on Day 132.
Other Thoughts
Incidentally, I don’t know why I get defensive over something that works for me. Something else I need to work on 🙈 Anything of the self-help variety seems to have scientific blinkers applied. Where does that stand by way of open-mindedness?
It’s like my first assignment at uni; you needed to prove you were “widely read”. Being a newly minted and conscientious mature age student, I went to the library, researched information and used it in my assignment. At the time, I was also reading a fiction book my husband loaned me.
And as so often happens, in my life full of synchronistic events in the Pauli-Jung conjecture, the book had the perfect sentence or paragraph to perfectly sum up my assignment. So I used it. Incorrectly in figuring that I would display my ability to be widely read by showing an ability to incorporate academia using fictional metaphorical concepts. In the end, it proved to be seen by academia as poppycock.
Today, it’s no surprise that it wasn’t considered acceptable. I was amazed, though, by the gall of limiting “widely” read to purely non-fictional academic work. In my experience, fiction delves into as many theories as non-fiction but posits it into a story format for exploration.
Alas, if you are only reading one genre or focussing on one category, you’re not widely read in my books. I might have been simply trying to hide the fact I didn’t do as much reading as I could have – trust me, I read many appropriate non-fiction books.
Other Radio Stations
As a teenager and early adult, I remember thinking that I was being radical by listening to ballads and the “tougher” rock music played on the station. But, this was just me perfectly buying into the dichotomy the radio station encouraged. Not just between its music but also by comparing itself to other stations and coming out the superior. Of course, it was poppycock.
Frustrated one morning with just two songs per half hour, I risked listening to another station, also playing the best music in town. But more importantly, I discovered there were radio stations that played “alternative rock”, R&B, world music, “real” heavy metal and even classical music. Talk about an eyeopener! One radio’s playlist does not variety make.
Later, I got accused of having eclectic tastes before I realised it was as a compliment.
In reality, what Sandy and QI were conveying to some extent was that their knowledge tastes weren’t eclectic. They’d say they simply stick to facts, but there is more to the world than facts. It reminds me of a quote by Abraham Robinson: “As far as I know, only a small minority of mathematicians, even of those with Platonist views, accept the idea that there may be mathematical facts which are true but unknowable”.
That’s cool, and like E Haldeman-Julius wrote, “there is all the room in the world for divergence of opinion about something that, so far as we can realistically perceive, does not exist”. Basically, you can say what you like about the unknown because, well, you’ve got a chance of being right without anyone providing evidence against it. For all, we know it could be genius or poppycock.
My point is if you don’t want to be boxed, you need to get out of the one you’ve chosen.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
One card carried over from yesterday; Mind moved from Now to the Distant Past.
Today’s reading stems from a Distant Past of confusion of Mind and an awakening of sorts. The Burden in the Recent Past needs to meet specific workplace demands, which I didn’t mention above. I’m sure you understand it was an ordinary day full of Ordinariness. You know, just putting out brush fires and dispelling misguided communications as poppycock statements all day.
The topic raised by QI was the most significant influence on my day; in a day where my Goal was to exercise Creativity and find ways of writing or problem-solving minor fires. Although my focus landed on how we all want to be understood, we want to be unknowable, paradoxically.
Alas, what lies ahead in Future Energy is an Adventure into the topic and me, I think.
My Feelings are about The Source of clay that makes up my foundations when it comes to wanting to be understood mysterious at the same time.
What people are thinking (Others’ Views) as they watch me write or meditate is that I’m undergoing Change.
Aha! Hopes & Fears shows the card of contemplation, Turning In. The greatest hope is that mediation will help me get to the crux of my “defensiveness.” But fear it will take too long. 🥱
Finally, in the Outcome position is Past Lives or another way of looking at the Rebirth and knowing it will be an Adventure. Perhaps it means there’s a past life connection to the QI panel. 🙄
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
SEO – Does a statement on QI saying something is poppycock trigger my defensive stance? It did; it might have touched on a sore point :).