Thursday, 23 September 2021

Friends Leaving Context
Well, Audrey is leaving us today. After many hours of fretting and missing home, she finally has to take the leap and head back. Having friends whose company you enjoy visiting is a mixed blessing when they leave. You’re feeling very merry-go-sorry, unfortunate they need to go but also happy because, in Audrey’s case, she’s heading back to where she can visit her love interest.
Then there’s the tiny part of you glad to have your own space back. And as much as you love your friends, everyone has their way of being. For instance, when we don’t have visitors, I use the main bathroom to do my hair because it has more space than the ensuite. It’s not that we mind, and I’d be happy to work around for months. But that’s just it; it’s a work-around.
Now, where was I? Oh, yes. On the upside, Audrey has lovely, adorned hands with managed fingernails; I conned to get her into demonstrating my shuffling techniques.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Friends leaving Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
First, I’m beginning with the Distant Past and Ripeness. Happily, I see this as it was the right time for Audrey to visit. She had time; we had time; the clouds of COVID lockdowns parted long enough for us to connect.
Second, the Recent Past was about our visit to Stanthorpe (Day 247) and simply enjoying Experiencing the wonder of Girraween national park and the joy of each other’s company.
Audrey leaving has thrown my Mind into confusion. I love having her here, but the primary influence to head home is her kind of new relationship.
My Goal is to keep my thoughts and emotions to myself, but that means Suppression. Unfortunately, it’s the Suppression of my truth, but this is one of those times when revealing my truth would not gain anybody anything.
Lastly, when it comes to the cross element of the Celtic Cross layout, Future Energy is Flowering, who is the Queen of Rainbows and is an expression of confidence. It’s also about an abundance of love, and after having my friend visit, I feel love for more people. If everything breeds itself, then love breeds love.
My Feelings are those of Understanding Audrey’s situation and wishing her the best for her travels back home and into quarantine.
In alignment with Future Energy’s Queen of Rainbows, is Abundance who is its King. This alignment suggests appearances match the energy conveyed in Others’ Views.
Inwardly, Consciousness is playing on my thoughts and has me hoping that I’m reading Audrey’s desire to get home correctly and fearing that she might be leaving because we were poor hosts. It’s unlikely because it’s not all about me – after all. 🙂 In summary, that’s Consciousness in Hopes & Fears.
Finally, Morality in the Outcome spot means I’m going to do the “right” thing – which, in this case, means Suppression. 😢
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
SEO – It’s always sad to say goodbye to those you like. Today was the same because my visitor was leaving me for a longing that called to her.