Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Melbourne Earthquake Context
OMG! An earthquake hit Melbourne, Victoria, Australia!!! Alright, more specifically, Mansfield, Victoria had an earthquake! I know that’s too many exclamation marks, but hooley-Dooley, I don’t think it is!
Okay, from the 1989 Newcastle earthquake, I’m aware that Australia has earthquakes. However, 1989 was only 32 years ago! Almost unbelievably, the earthquake that killed 13 people and caused more destruction was significantly less severe than yesterday’s one, according to Wikipedia.
The difference in damage is likely to be the proximity to the cities. In Newcastle, the epicentre was in Boolaroo, only 19 kilometres (12 miles) from Newcastle’s centre. In comparison, the Mansfield earthquake was 215 kilometres (≈134 miles) from Melbourne’s centre.
Given the recent earthquake that happened right at the end of ski season and in the Victorian Alps, the life loss and injury toll may have been worse if the tail-end of ski season had happened. I mean to say that Melbourne, Victoria was fortunately in another COVID-19 lockdown, so no families trying to get a shoulder season pass in with the kids were in the Alps skiing.
Mark’s mum, who lives in Melbourne city, mentioned it was scary and quite disturbing. Nonetheless, she held up well. Additionally, a quick phone call to my mum in Sydney assured me she had not even noticed the quake.
What a year it has been!
Today's Cards

The Cards - Melbourne Earthquake Analysis
Carryover Cards
One card carried over from yesterday; Projections moved from Recent Past to Distant Past.
Since doing this daily deal experiment, I’ve sometimes noticed that the Goal position acts as a physical world indicator. For instance, Thunderbolt, which represents unexpected destruction, has shown up in the Goal position. If I then correlate Thunderbolt to the Mansfield earthquake, the Goal position acts like something that pervades across the cards.
Of course, in the Distant Past is Projections, this would be me projecting my experience of the Newcastle earthquake onto the people of Victoria I know.
In the Recent Past, I’d simply been taking the day Moment by Moment. Thus, leading to a Compromise within me, caused because of the innocent nature of the earthquake. The shock of an earthquake can lead to fear and frustration, which in turn, usually if there were an adversary, would get directed outward rather than repressed. The best way to release the suppression is by listening to your Inner Voice. Alas, Inner Voice is also the card in Future Energy.
I’m unsure why I have Feelings of Adventure in light of the topic that played heavily on my mind today. Perhaps it was following the initial shock that Victoria had an earthquake, and there were no (?) serious fatalities; the experience’s novelty might be considered an Adventure – conversationally, at least.
Success in Others’ Views suggests that something else was going on in my life apart from the earthquake. Audrey was visiting, and she’d finally settled on a path she had been pursuing to get back home interstate.
Wow! Again, I’m unable to relate the Guilt card to its position, Hopes & Fears. We had a joke at school that went: I’m a Catholic, I can feel guilty about anything – just pick the topic! Being raised partially Catholic, I could identify.
Since I’m unable to locate the exact reason, I’m hoping not to feel guilty but fear I might do it anyway; I’m going to skip pushing for a reason. And I’m not even going to feel guilty about it, either.
Finally, The Lovers in the Outcome position means teamwork and a unity of purpose. There’s a comfortableness in associating with another; it’s how I feel with my husband and my friends. Maybe this is just helping Audrey get home or contacting loved ones to ensure they’re okay following an earthquake.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month
- Day 264 – Taking time to Smell the Roses (Audrey visit)
SEO – An unusual turn of events, Melbourne had its 1st earthquake in my lifetime & 32 years after the Newcastle quake. The cards don’t make sense.