Saturday, 18 September 2021

Confelicity Context
Firstly, I’m going to confess that I do not have a lot of notes on today. And secondly, I’ve drawn a mental blank on the exact situation. What I can say is that the notation in my diary has the word confelicity in it (it’s another Susie Dent word meaning “joy in another person’s happiness”).
The other thing sitting beside the word is “overcoming jealousy of another’s opportunities”. Hence, I am going to surmise today I had turned a corner when it comes to feeling envious of opportunities others have gotten, which I think I wanted. Similar in a way to how I felt landing my current job.
Today, someone else was awarded something similar, not to the extreme, but the ugly head of being unvalued came across me in the form of jealousy. Then I remember how I got the job I’m in, or the philosophy of “the job for me will have my name on it”. Alas, the current role had my name on it. At this moment, I was able to let my inexplicable longing go.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Confelicity Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
It looks like the cards know that in the past, confelicity was only present at some moments. In the Distant Past, I have striven for Control over my emotions, creating a balance. Judging, if you will, the circumstance, the situation and the person’s worthiness.
In the Recent Past, the situation has changed where I’ve matured through meditation and reflection, and the time is ripe (Ripeness) for me to grow.
The problem with Control is maintaining the balance was exhausting and could cause subtle tension in situations until I processed my emotions. True confelicity, if socialised out of you due to your influencers life-toughened experience, is challenging. But if you’re aiming to have a Goal of Harmony, something needs to change if you don’t want the underlying stress.
Confelicity can take Courage if you’re going to brave being different from those influencers. After all, your influencers are people whose approval you seek. Setting off on your own, breaking new ground is Aloneness.
Alternatively, Future Energy shows how the balance I was trying to achieve in the Distant Past with Control works with Integration. Thus, making life easier.
My Feelings were like those portrayed by the Schizophrenia card. To achieve the state of confelicity I wanted, I needed to let go of keeping the two seemingly incongruent sides together. On the one hand, I wanted to be ecstatic and truly happy for the other person’s achievement.
On the other hand, a little voice in my head that sounded like my father pulled me back and asked, “why isn’t that you getting that achievement? Aren’t you good enough? Work harder/ smarter?”. Because of that voice, I grew sad. Perversely, I felt his disappointment, acceptance and love of me withheld – unintentional though it might have been.
So, I had to let go of wanting to be happy for someone; when that was gone, the voice didn’t appear either. Then I was proud of myself, confelicity for the other person arose without prompting, and the bonus was I felt happier because of it. Aha! You get happiness when you’re happy for someone else – there is something in it apart from jealousy.
From Others’ Views, I’ve simply matured and reached Maturity.
I fear that this Healing isn’t temporary and isn’t an across the emotional spectrum Healing, although this is what I hope.
Lastly, in the Outcome position is the Travelling card. Currently, there are no travel plans, but anything is possible. Will it prompt a challenge to test the Healing and whether the ability to feel confelicity, happiness for others, will occur in more areas of my life? 🚲
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month