Sunday, 12 September 2021

ABBA Context
The thing most on my mind today was the release of two singles by ABBA. Yep. I did a doubletake too! ABBA’s back with music? The last I’d heard, they were definitely not getting back together. Had I read the Guardian in 2010, I might have had hope. So my response was, Nah, it’s probably stuff I hadn’t heard. The music industry was bringing out songs years after Elvis and The Beatles had moved on in their respective manners. So, I figured these weren’t new releases, just remastered or something along those lines.
It was quite by accident that I heard the tunes. You see, my husband is a fan of watching younger YouTubers reacting to music they hadn’t heard before, although he tends to focus on reactions to Australian artists he likes ACDC. He knew I grew up with ABBA and put it on screen. The reactionist was Sincerely, KSO., and the song by ABBA called, I Still Have Faith in You (2021).
Initially, I thought the song must have escaped my radar, even this long a time. So, my reaction was “yeah, yeah”, but I sat down to watch anyway. KSO followed up with ABBA’s second single, Don’t Shut Me Down (2021). Wow!
Anyway, the last I’d heard, and my news was very dated as I was about to discover, Agnetha was struggling from fear of open spaces and had the Greta Garbo desire to have people leave her alone. That snippet was in the early 2000s.
An internet search turned up an interview by Agnetha, and she’s been far more productive than keeping her musical talents confined to Sweden! In the interview, I was also impressed to hear that she, like Jane Fonda for Grace & Frankie (Netflix), went back to school to top up their respective skills. Agnetha went to music lessons, and Jane Fonda to acting classes. It’s so incredible that they weren’t too proud to get a couple of lessons to brush up even with both their skills.
Today's Cards

The Cards - ABBA Analysis
Carryover Cards
One card carried over from yesterday; Conditioning moved from Hopes & Fears to Outcome.
In the Distant Past is Silence. On the one hand, this could be about ABBAs hiatus as a group from music. On the other hand, it’s about me and when I felt mental quietude.
Recently, I’ve been guilty of Postponement and delaying the inevitable disrepair that leaving even the most essential things alone can have. More appropriately, taking too long to complete something because you’re distracted into reconnecting to ABBA on an emotional level. 😉
Awareness is in the Goal position, and it follows from Day 251 when I discovered who I was amid emails.
Fortunately, I’ve moved on from Postponement and moved to Completion under the influence of The Rebel’s dynamic, self-assured energy.
Consequently, following Completion are opportunities to go from Moment to Moment.
ABBA’s back! After watching KSO’s reaction, amongst others, to ABBA’s songs, I felt like Sharing. I wanted to be Sharing my enjoyment and my news.
Others’ Views are of me simply living my life in my Michaela-esque way, summed up by the card of Existence.
Alternatively, Participation is in Hopes & Fears. I hope I can participate in something again – like in the past, a bit of nostalgia. But I fear ABBA are too old to be too energetic with promotions. Let’s not forget the impact COVID has had on our lives.
Finally, the Outcome has Conditioning, and since it has moved from Hopes & Fears to Outcome, we’re still talking about breaking free of societal constraints or becoming part of a culture. Based on the Participation card, the latter seems more likely today.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Tarot Layouts per month