Sunday, 5 September 2021

Stoic Context
Animals are amazing and stoic. At Ariel’s place, that’s Audrey’s mum – thought I’d give her a name today – they have a partially blind dachshund, Karl. Karl has recently undergone surgery and isn’t allowed to lick himself. Karl wore the cone of shame for a few days, but Ariel opted to leave it off and monitor him instead.
Animal stoicism always impresses me; whether it’s a three-legged cat or a blind dog, they just get on with living. At first, there are some teething issues to the new way of being, but the animals don’t give up or feel sorry for themselves. It’s like the DH Lawrence quote, “I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.”
We had a lovely morning with our hosts, but since Ariel and Audrey were expecting family for lunch, we decided to clear out of the way early. Saying goodbye to Audrey, Ariel, and stoic Karl, we headed home.
On the way home, we stopped at a beautiful lookout on the Cunningham Highway. The spot was different to the usual with a view; this was a stop where you could park and go for a bushwalk if you were so inclined. Unfortunately, there were no parking spots; we pulled aside and played babysitter to the car while the other stopped to use the convenience.
Once home, we greeted our cats, who made sure we knew they were glad we were home. With the greetings out of the way, our cats then stoically proceeded to give us the cold shoulder to let us know they were not happy.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Stoic Analysis
Carryover Cards
One card carried over from yesterday; Beyond Illusion moved from Future Energy to Others’ Views.
Experiencing in the Distant Past led to Recent Past Laziness, and with the influence of Friendliness, The Master emerges in the Now with compassionate detachment. The Source seeks to identify its contents.
Experiencing friendship with Audrey has been fantastic. The bushwalk alone was worth the trip, couple that with yesterday’s hot chocolate, and you have the ingredients for a good time. The weekend’s catch-up has shown that I’ve been lazy when it comes to maintaining regular contact. Yes, I know it takes two, and speaking of stoic – as in uncomplaining – I would like to reach out just a bit more.
Being lucky enough to have stayed with Ariel and her friendly hospitality, I extended my appreciation and love for all in my sphere. The entire weekend felt relaxed, and we felt welcomed the whole time.
Additionally, we were privileged to be part of someone’s home life and how her parent’s influence contributed to Audrey’s personality. Consequently, it made me reflect on my upbringing (The Source) and how it made me. And since today’s word is stoic, my response to my upbringing was not uncomplaining 😄.
It was easy to have Feelings of Playfulness because the environment was relaxed.
Beyond Illusion occupies Others’ Views. Sadly, it’s unclear how to interpret the card because it has many aspects to form interpretations. Usually, I say this is the chrysalis card, which would mean I’m transforming myself from caterpillar to butterfly. Perhaps it’s simply seeing me as changed.
Hopes & Fears has the card of Moment to Moment. My fervent wish is that others accept I was moving from Moment to Moment. On the other hand, I fear that if others did see me in this light, it might have appeared as blasé or rude.
Ultimately, Sharing is in the Outcome position, and it’s how everyone interacted.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Updated August images to Tarot layouts