Friday, 27 August 2021

My First Pfizer Jab Context
I didn’t think it would come, even though I did book it back on Day 231; today’s the day I get my first Pfizer jab. Am I nervous? You bet! I’m not a fan of needles that inject stuff into your system. For starters, on Day 217, I wrote how I’ve fainted from some injections. Even dental fillings see me avoid as many needles as possible. Funnily, when it comes to acupuncture, my response is accommodating.
Anyway, to cope with the stress of my first Pfizer jab, I turned to ludicrous conspiracy theories. The more ridiculous, the better because they make me laugh inwardly at myself and at the way my mind works.
I’m not sure whether citing my theories will add fuel to an argument made by others, and in reality, just because it’s a conspiracy theory doesn’t mean it isn’t true 😉. So, while I would love to go nuts about my in-line chatter to my husband on conspiracy theories, I won’t for fear of adding fuel to a conspiracy fire that is already burning.
My husband found my whole fear persona response to getting my first Pfizer jab funny. I pretended to be hurt by his amused tolerance at my whispered conspiracy theories.
The Jab Process
The process for getting my first Pfizer jab was straightforward. Firstly, I went to the Queensland Government (QG) website to book a vaccination. On the day, the QG paid for parking making it free for people wanting to get vaccinated. Bonus! One of the things that scared me was the long line outside the building. Seriously, it was looooonnnnnng!
In any event, the line moved quickly and once verified, you went through some doors into the convention centre itself. The place was organised into booths and could cope with about 3,000 vaccinations an hour, no wonder the line was long.
By the time we were about to get called up for me to get my first Pfizer jab, my conspiracy theories had moved from a simple “we want to keep the economy moving” to one of “they” want to control us. There might have been some probing comments as well.
My husband took a couple of deep breaths, possibly to encourage me to do the same. There was that tilt of the head and the amused smile he wore as we got closer for my vaccination.
The Nurse & Chocolate
OMG! It was my turn. Help! Are you sure you’re calling me up? You don’t want to help someone else first? No, really? I’m good. My husband calmly mentioned to the usher that it was okay, grabbed my hand, and walked me to the booth!
In the booth, I met Jamie the nurse (not her real name), and after verifying my identity and my health status, again (thus, throwing out at least one of my conspiracy theories – if “they” were all-knowing, why did they keep asking me who I was? Weren’t the computer systems accurate? It did give birth to another theory; isn’t this fun! Okay, I’m going to LOL it… LOL!).
Jamie listened to my concerns about fainting, and we all decided me lying down was probably the best approach. So, my request to lie down meant going to another booth with a “bed”. I lay myself down, rolled up my sleeve and ten seconds later, I was “one of them” – the vaccinated, that is.
I was ushered to a waiting area for 15 minutes from the booth to ensure my first Pfizer jab had the desired effect. No problem. Time’s up! It was time to leave the convention centre and head home. Apart from a minor twinge in my left arm, I was feeling good. So well, in fact, that a trip to Max Brenner’s Chocolate Bar in Southbank was in order. It’s a bit like Harry Potter when you eat chocolate after an encounter with a dementor (comme ci, comme ça).
At the chocolate bar, I began to feel a little spacey, headachy and nauseous. The spaciness and nausea felt like when you were going to “come down with something”, and your body was fighting it – guess it was. On the other hand, the headache could very well have been the tension release from blocked blood tense muscles ahead of the jab.
The rest of the day was me trying out the motorised scooters around Southbank, which was fun. We also went for a walk and soaked up the rare opportunity of going into the city together and not for work. It was incredibly relaxing, which suited the spacey feeling.
Well, I’ve got to go to the mothership now and get beamed up. Now that I’ve had my first Pfizer jab, I’m sure to get the second one.
Ciao! Ooh, another language – I didn’t know that before. No one told me the jab would let you speak another language! Where do I line up for shot duo? Okay, so I can’t spell in another language – yet. 🙄.
By the way, I’m not trying to belittle or promote conspiracy theories; look on them with amused tolerance, if you will.
Today's Cards

The Cards - My First Pfizer Jab Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
In the Distant Past lies Innocence, depicting the appearance of an aged man in seeming conversation with a grasshopper. Whether to jab or not to be jabbed was the question; it does not have a malicious base, and even in the Recent Past, I felt powerless, which is why the Control card appeared in this position.
I listened to where I needed to go and find Guidance (Now), encouraged by Slowing Down as an influence.
As we’ve already established, Playfulness with a conspiracy theory is my Goal when embarking on having my first Pfizer jab.
Future Energy is Sorrow, or what I’m calling the “allow myself a moment of self-pity” card. The Pfizer jab didn’t make me sick, but it did affect me. Not so much the contents of the syringe, but the shot itself did some damage – a big bruise.
My Feelings on my first Pfizer jab are an acceptance of all things being as they are, and my time here, on this plain, and now, in this time, is all I have; its Existence. Or, more succinctly, “it is what it is”, and I feel okay with that.
Others (Others’ Views) believe that I am open receptive to being vaccinated, and after weighing up my options, I have come to accept its necessity – this is Receptivity.
Oh, here we go! Inner Hopes & Fears has the card of Sharing. The reason I leant toward getting an injection is I have a family with underlying health conditions, and the last thing I want to do is to cause them pain, which is my fear. I hope to share time with family in person one day.
Finally, with decisions made and fighting the system removed, the Outcome is Trust. It’s how I feel about getting my first Pfizer job – Trust, pure unadulterated Trust.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7