Sunday, 8 August 2021

Antibiotic Context
Many years ago, I reacted to an antibiotic that contained penicillin. However, since then, there have been no reactions, until now. Since I was given the antibiotics for the infection, I’ve felt tired, mouth ulcer, headache, irregular heartbeat and some nausea.
My Reaction
I awoke this morning to sore gums; and, I slept in until 10:00 am, without a late night. My husband put it down to me having a sleep debt. There’s some truth to it, but it’s not something that affects me unless I get less than six-seven hours a night. No, I attribute the tiredness to the recovery. When your body is healing, it typically needs sleep.
Anyway, I put the sore gums down to being extra vigilant in brushing since I’d been to the hygienist not too long ago. The occasional irregular heartbeat was ascribed to the “heart flutters”, although the feeling was quite different. The headache I put down to poor sleeping posture or that I’d slept so long. And nausea, I felt, was usual with antibiotics.
When I got some blood specs from my lady part, which I put down to “spotting” yesterday, I became worried when the “spotting” continued today, and I hadn’t had any spotting for about three years. At this point, I looked up the NPS MedicineWise website for possible symptoms of the flucloxacillin antibiotic.
To my surprise, the website listed a few of my symptoms. The website advised not to stop taking the antibiotic until a doctor requests it because it might be dangerous! I contacted my doctor, but Doctor Jay (Day 218) was on recreation leave. The clinic then put me through to Doctor Lee, a doctor working from home during isolation. Luckily, good sense prevailed, and I stopped taking the antibiotics.
What I thought was unusual about my discussion with Dr Lee was the question as to why I hadn’t mentioned my allergy. My response was, “I’d never had that antibiotic before, so how would I know to mention it”?
Now, all I can do is wait and see.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Antibiotic Analysis
Carryover Cards
One card carried over from yesterday; Guilt moved from Hopes & Fears to Others’ Views.
It all began with Sorrow and sadness in the Distant Past. Sorrow paved the way for a significant shift in the physical body in Thunderbolt, the heart flutters. Thunderbolt has Letting Go as its influence.
My Goal was to do the right thing reflected by Morality. The right thing, in this case, is to follow the antibiotics prescription.
In the Recent Past, I’ve felt sadness or that enjoyment has been missing in my life. Not in the sense of me not loving the people around me, but I’ve felt Ice-olation.
Ice-olation is the need for tears, and if you don’t cry them, the body takes on the strain. Now, I don’t have to have anxiety in my life, and there’s no reason why I cannot have both my paying work and my home life work.
The problem with my extracurricular activity is it challenges me to grow; stay focused on a single task. I’ve been very good at cross-skilling all my life, and that’s because as soon as something got too hard, I’d change to something else.
The advantage is I became very versatile because of the cross-skilling advances aptitudes in other areas. However, the task to task to task was also avoidance.
Letting Go is appropriate because changing this habit means changing how I have operated, but that’s where the stress lies.
The Fool is in Future Energy and shows a change in approach, yet again.
At this point, I feel I need to Trust in the process of the universe to guide me. Note, Trust is very similar to Letting Go.
Guilt has moved from becoming a fear to something others have noticed in Others’ Views. I don’t believe the Guilt card has followed us from yesterday in its meaning. Coming from the internal Hopes & Fears doesn’t necessarily mean it become visible externally. This card, I think, might be me feeling Guilt at stopping or not stopping the use of antibiotics when symptoms began.
Today’s Hopes & Fears is Intensity. Intensity is about dynamic energy, which I hope will return now that the antibiotics have stopped. The fear is more has been going on, and energy levels will remain low.
Finally, Clinging to the Past is in the Outcome spot. Alas, not Letting Go of something I’ve always done might be a little trickier than I thought. 😟
References & Notations
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
Note: by now, you know that I don’t use real names of individuals; this includes doctors too. I also routinely create composite characters, that is, people made up using characteristics from different people into a single identity for storytelling purposes.