Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Ekka Context
Today’s main news was the Ekka Show Holiday in Queensland, specifically; the postponement of the Brisbane area public holiday due to Coronavirus, Delta Variant. Queensland had 15 new community transmitted cases. Brisbane’s extended lockdown changed from three days to a week, thus postponing the show day until later in the year. I guess there’s no point in having a show day if you can’t have a show. 😟 It saddened me when I heard this news.
With the show day postponed, it meant plans needed to shift. However, those plans would provide me with some breathing space, and as much as I hate to admit it, writing every day has become a burden. Catching up on the missed days is even more challenging. I’ve been writing two posts a day for a week, the current day’s post plus the published one. In the hope when the show day comes, I would be able to span the delta.
Bummer, Ekka’s postponement has taken the wind out of my sails. And as much as I’ve tried to publish only the Analysis, I don’t seem to be able to do it. To my mind, it seems necessary to write something in the context for, well, context. Nonetheless, after a brief time of licking my wounds, my efforts will no doubt return. It’s always surprising when something knocks you for six (cricket reference), not in a good way.
Knocking Something for Six
Expanding on how the Ekka’s postponement hit me for six, in the game of Cricket, the aim is to hit a bowled ball to score a run. The object is to get more runs than the opposition. There are two batsmen on the field about 20 metres apart. The batsman hits the ball far enough away without being caught on the full; it buys him and the other batsman time to run and swap positions. Hooray! That’s one run.
Suppose the ball returns to either batsman’s batting position, known as the crease because the fielders have thrown the ball toward them. At each of the creases have wickets. The wickets are three sticks close together, known as stumps, whose only job is to hold up the bails that sit on them.
The opposition’s goal is to remove the bails off the stumps, which is how a batsman predominantly gets out. If a fielder catches the ball on the full, the batter is also out. The whole of the opposition’s team is a fielder, even if the positions they play have their speciality.
If the batsman hits the field’s boundary, it scores four runs. When a batter hits a ball out on the full, that counts as six runs. Considering the size of most cricket fields, this is an impressive hit.
So, when you’re “knocked for a six”, you’re impressed, dumbfounded or aghast, which is very much like Ekka’s postponement did for me today. Today, I was shocked, dismayed, befuddled and confused, by today’s news.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Ekka Analysis
Carryover Cards
One card carried over from yesterday; Rebirth moved from Recent Past to Future Energy.
Reading Summary
The Goal of Intensity has The Rebel in the Now influenced by a Breakthrough. In the Recent Past has been Silence, and further in the past (Distant Past) was a grounding in Friendliness.
All of this leads The Rebel to a Rebirth of Feelings as The Creator. Others view me as being in a Compromise position while internally, my Hopes are Fighting not to explode with frustration or sensitivity in response to a circumstance I fear I created for myself. Finally, the Outcome predicts a Change is coming and how I handle the Change will depend on my composure and flexibility.
How does this relate to Ekka’s postponement? Well, Intensity is about unconstrained power and enthusiasm, or simply just a lot of energy. The words I associate with this is “like wildfire”. My Goal then was to burn off the writing backlog. A Breakthrough, blocking and influencing the dynamic but controlled enthusiasm of The Rebel would be the extended lockdown.
The Friendliness, which is the basis for this reading, because it sits in the Distant Past position and thus is considered the root cause for The Rebel’s motivation, is unknown to me. More recently, however, is Silence, and for the three days of lockdown, I was at peace. The logic and its necessity were clear – as is the extended lockdown. An extension might give me time to get ready for my upcoming leave.
Rebirth is in the Future Energy, and it looks like my up-and-go is due to make a return! Woohoo!
With the Rebirth of motivation, my Feelings of becoming a creator, if not The Creator, where I use what I’ve learnt and perhaps repurpose or process it to move me forward more quickly. Although postponing the Ekka show day saddened me, recreation leave is close; Rebirth is likely while I’m away.
Others’ Views is that I will be making concessions, which might mean a Compromise, whether it is the quality of the output or its timeliness.
Fighting is in the Hopes & Fears position, and like in the Summary above, I hope I do not react poorly under the self-imposed pressure, which is my fear.
Finally, Change is the Outcome, suggesting that something will need to give. As is the case with most Changes, how we handle the transition from Ekka to no Ekka (😁) makes the difference on whether we excel or wither.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
By the way, it took longer to get to the point of something being knocked for six than I intended, but at least you have the origin of an Australian phrase. For another, although it is my interpretation, you can refer to Day 188.