Saturday, 24 July 2021

Spuddle Context
Don’t you hate it when you almost get something finished and then you have to wait a time for it to completely finish?! That’s what happened today. You know that cover I was trying to reverse engineer on Day 192? At the time, my husband recommended simply sewing a sleeve rather than wrestling the complex original design? Well, I made the sleeve with a tricky fabric, but it worked out beautifully. After yesterday’s news about New Zealand’s cancellation, I needed a distraction, so I spuddled.
What can I say is life spuddled*, “extremely busy whilst achieving absolutely nothing” (Susie Dent). Spuddle is a great word because it reminds me of spud, the spud is a potato, and potato is like a couch potato. As a couch potato, you typically don’t accomplish too much in the day. Spuddle is busy completing the same thing – only with more steps.
With that said, I’m simply going to do the analysis, and perhaps something interesting will unfold as I work through the cards.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Spuddle Analysis
Carryover Cards
One card carried over from yesterday; Inner Voice moved from Now to Outcome.
Creativity sits in the Now, and Flowering is the Influence. Connecting these cards to today’s activity, Creativity makes the chair sleeve design, and Flowering is the sleeve becoming a reality.
The Goal position has Moment to Moment, and this is how spuddling happened today – just following each moment as it happened.
The recent past chair sleeve change in design gave me the Breakthrough I needed to get the job closer to completion.
All of this activity has been driven by a brain fart back on Day 192 when I thought I’d replace the deteriorating fabric on a chair – making me wonder what my Mind was thinking in the Distant Past.
So, what kind of energy does that generate in the future? The Future Energy is Clinging to the Past, which could mean I’m going to pine for the old chair or the old design. There have been moments.
Continuing the last thought of “there have been moments” where my Feelings during the process have had me at war with myself. The card of Schizophrenia echoes the Clinging to the Past and inability to let go – I think I’m struggling to let go of the design even though the new design is better.
Others’ Views is of Sharing, and I have no idea how to relate this card to today’s activities. Therefore, I’m going to have to leave it uncommentable. Or maybe it’s the business created by spuddling that looks like Sharing. No? Okay, I’ll leave it.
Control is in the Hopes & Fears position and relates to the Clinging to the Past and Schizophrenia cards. The inability to let go can stem from a fear of letting go and the unknown new world once you let go – that’s the risk, isn’t it.
My hope is I will see the resulting product and embrace it. My other fear is that I’ll let the “going back to redo” the original get forgotten because the current problem is under control.
The Outcome is Inner Voice; when there are conflicting emotions, the Inner Voice card reminds me to centre myself, get rid of the voice, and find out what I need to do.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7