Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Logical Context
Today, my post was about talking with the “other side” and why we might not trust our intuition. You know those moments when you’ve followed something, and it hasn’t come out just right, only to realise you’d grown from it. Sometimes, our intuition and creativity can appear to lead us astray or wind us up in a big pile of excrement, and we wish we’d used logic.
Think of it this way; it’s like giving a dog a bath when they’ve been rolling in something smelly; to get them clean, they have to pass through water and possibly doggy shampoo to come out smelling roses – or whatever scent you’ve chosen!
Our intuition can only get to us via the creative area of our brains. The logic side of our brain pieces information from different parts of our brain together. The creative part of our brain is an area that collects data and communicates to our logical brains.
Today was all about using my creativity to communicate at work, and I do work in IT. Believe me, to translate some of the tech-speak into customer speak, and vis-a-versa requires creativity. You’re essentially translating the creative brains of the techs into something logical for the customer to digest.
Yes, you’re reading that the right way round. For the techs to operate in the virtual space, they MUST use creativity. I was going to say the output code is the logic, but if you’ve seen code and aren’t into computers, there doesn’t seem to be anything logical about it. 😉
Logically Making Beautiful Music
When creativity and logic work together, you get art, music, books, stories, films, games, and the list goes on. However, uncertainty creeps into the picture if the creative brain tries to communicate something the logical brain cannot reconcile or fit into its conditioning.
Creativity, of all the other information gathering areas, is capable of putting together the subtleties of emotion, physical responses and external inputs for logic to translate. But logic likes a beaten path. A beaten way is safe more times than it isn’t. Why then would it opt for something new from creativity, no less!
What logic forgets is the number of times creativity has saved us. Where’s the beaten path showing those numbers? In reality, it’s likely to happen so often that the way is taken for granted, just part of the scenery. Those other ideas creativity comes up with, pah! What would it know? It’s been wrong a couple of times.
I’m going to personify creativity and logic for a moment:
“Hmm, what about when you ignore my logic?” says Creativity.
“When?” replies Logic.
“Remember the trivia quiz, and I said the answer was Germany, and you went Nah and opted logically for France?” Creativity pointed out.
“Oh yeah, that was once”, said Logic
“What? Once an hour times infinity”, said Creativity.
“Shush! I’ve told you a million times to not exaggerate”, Logic said primly.
“Actually, it was two million and forty-six times, counting that one”, Creativity replied smartly.
“la la la ….”, Logic says and tunes Creativity out.
You see, creativity also stores information in creative ways and can retrieve it at will. Logic doesn’t know how to lose gracefully. Besides, everything creativity does is made up, right?
I wasn’t sure I was going to have enough steam to write as much as I did. It looks like I did write about trusting our intuition. 😃 Yay, me!
Of course, none of the above is fact, and it’s based playfully on my observations and some of my internal banter between creativity and logic.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Logical Analysis
Carryover Cards
Four cards carried over from yesterday; We are the World moved from Outcome to Now, Existence moved from Now to Goal, Postponement moved from Influence to Distant Past, and The Master simply stayed where he was in Recent Past.
We are the World was yesterday’s outcome of working together for IT support. Today it’s in the Now. As I said in the above Context, I spent much of my day trying to relay customer expectations into something constructive.
Preventing me from being completely effective is the Influence of Exhaustion. Yeah, I’m tired; why do you think it’s taken 14 days to publish today’s post? I can write the post because I jot down notes at the end of each day.
The Goal was Existence, and Existence echoes elements of We are the World in the same way as We are the World works holistically to bring things into focus. Since Existence and We are the World have swapped spots, I’m going to go with “same, same but different”.
Postponement was in the Influence position yesterday, but today has moved to the Distant Past, indicating I have moved on from its influence. Note that Postponement in the Distant Past could be anything I’d previously postponed influencing my desire to get a team to work together, but I am too exhausted to make it happen ideally.
The Master remains in the Recent Past. Yesterday, I spoke of being comfortable in my abilities, which held for today as well.
Future Energy has Mind, and Mind is confused or too much going on in my head. It shows the result of Exhaustion’s influence having a dominant effect on my mental state.
When I’m exhausted, or under its influence, my Feelings turn to Aloneness. In today’s case, I am seeking to be left alone so I can recover my energy.
Others’ Views is I surrender to customer’s suggestions too often, and on the flip side taking the tech suggestions too – the result too much Receptivity, from their point of view.
Hopes & Fears, I need Healing. I hope for Healing and am afraid that I will not spend time on myself to recover fully.
Courage is the Outcome. Pursuing the goal while balancing seemingly conflicting views, all the while exhausted, takes Courage. Charge!!!
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7