Sunday, 18 July 2021

Chew Context
I had to surrender my stubbornness when the reverse engineering of a seat cover started on Day 192 was taking too long. Like in life, you can use someone else’s design as a guide, but in the end, you’ve got to work to your limits. Basically, I’d bitten off more than I could chew. The mess in the living, dining and spare bedroom was also beginning to frustrate me.
Completing the chair was taking too long, and it was taking me away from writing or modifying the website. I had had some time to spare, but I wanted the chair. Let me adjust the statement to I needed the chair.
You may recall from Day 192 that my husband recommended doing a sleeve for the chair, which is fundamentally what the design entailed. However, the cover also had meshing, adding a degree of unplanned complexity, even if I cut all the pieces the same.
It took me a few moments to chew on the idea of switching to the basic sleeve style, but I saw the benefits in the end. More importantly, it would save me time. Although, the new modification would need to wait until next weekend.
To illustrate just how much the chair occupied my day, it’s all I had on my mind and therefore writing about my day is also quite simple. Perhaps chewing on the cards will eke out more. 🐄
Today's Cards

The Cards - Chew Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
Because there were no carryover cards, today’s sequence is unconnected to yesterday. Indeed, even if we compared today’s cards to Day 192, there is still no overlap; this means today’s cards simply apply today. Of course, there’s overlap from somewhere, or there wouldn’t be a Distant Past.
Anyway, let’s move away from yesterday and to today’s cards. Thunderbolt is in the Now influenced by Politics, with Comparison being the Goal. The dynamic force of Change is in the Distant Past, while Projections are in the Recent Past. From the destruction wrought by Thunderbolt to the desire for a more pragmatic approach, delivering the card of Control in the Future Energy.
Now, to apply the cross elements to my day. Thunderbolt is the crashing down of the idea of quickly finishing recovering the chair. Politics is the dual inner nature between kidding myself and things going smoothly.
Having the Comparison card in the Goal shows how I chewed on the differences between the original design and whether the sleeve would have a different structural impact.
The Change in the Distant Past would be identifying the moment where I decided the chair needed recovering, and it reached the point of no return once the first part of the unpicking took place. The Change led to Projections of my capability, not onto another, but me and my skills. As we know, that projection led to Thunderbolt and has reformed in seeking Control.
My Feelings toward the collapsing (Thunderbolt) of my original idea (Change) inspired new energy, a Rebirth if you like.
Others’ Views of me and my situation is that I have reached a state of Harmony, where I am at peace with the new direction. In this case, the other view is my husband’s.
Integration represents my Hopes & Fears. My husband has suggested, “do the sleeve first, get the chair working. Once done, you can go back and take your time doing the proper cover the way you want it”. After I chewed on them, the words gave me hope that I could complete something now and still pursue the original idea. More importantly, it helped me let go and move on.
My fear of integrating the two concepts lay in the philosophy of “don’t fix what’s not broken”. Once the chair has its sleeve, it’s no longer broken. My fear lies in I won’t bother with the original idea anymore, and the Integration of ideas was a ruse.
Finally, the Outcome is Going with the Flow. Once resigned to the making a sleeve, the fighting or wrestling for Control was over. I then set the course and proceeded to flow with the current of the day.
Well, it was identifying the moment when I’d bitten off more than I could chew that allowed me to move on. Okay, my husband helped provide an “ego-safe” way of exiting the situation gracefully. The day made me realise that I needed to create my design for moving things along for all the information available to me.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7