Thursday, 15 July 2021

Exciting Context
Not long to go to New Zealand, and I am so looking forward to travelling, and I’m hanging out to go skiing, especially since we were unable to go last year. It’s exciting!
Thankfully, we’re not looking too bad concerning COVID cases. So, fingers-crossed things will stay this way. The oversized ticket items to sort out are: what are the protocols for travelling to New Zealand? What do we need to do when returning to Australia?
A traveller at work advised that you needed to get a COVID-19 test from a free clinic but had to come from a pathology department because they provided documentation.
I’ve also started counting calories to reduce my weight and am seriously thinking about enrolling at the yoga centre for some hot yoga. No point getting excited if you’re not going to be fit enough to enjoy it.
Vaccinations are not Exciting
Since my husband is almost fully immunised, it was time for me to decide whether to have the vaccination. This indecision about getting a vaccination or not getting a vaccination has led some people to conclude that I am against vaccinations. For the record, I am not FOR vaccinations, but I am also NOT AGAINST vaccinations. What I support is INFORMED vaccination decision making.
Making Informed vaccination choices means understanding the risks of both having the vaccination and what would happen if you don’t have the vaccination and owning the decision. But I get it. It’s hard to make the decision, and like children who have adults decide for them, we want someone to do that for us, too.
All too often, we make decisions and then when we find ourselves in hot water, as a result of that decision, we seek to blame someone or something else for us winding up in that situation and claim it was unforeseeable. The same goes both ways. It’s comforting to have vaccinations mandated; it then absolves us if anything goes wrong. Of course, I’m facetious.
I just want to be able to choose without somebody guilt-tripping me, one way or the other, about my choice.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Exciting Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
Inner Voice is in the Now, and Totality is its influence. Today, I am committed to going to New Zealand. My Goal is Celebration, and while COVID-19 is around, predictability is out the door, but celebrating travelling to another country is still an exciting prospect.
Beyond Illusion is the process where the caterpillar is undergoing chrysalis; this is what had happened in the Distant Past when we booked New Zealand.
And in the Recent Past, I’ve undergone a Transformation which is the next step moving from the cocoon’s process of transforming to having experienced a Transformation. In terms of today’s reading means the changes to the diet, fitness and registering for a COVID vaccination.
A person at work who had only last week travelled to New Zealand indicated smooth travel – supporting things going back to some form of normality.
Continuing listening to the Inner Voice is the Future Energy of Turning In. Maybe there’s something I’m missing if I’m Turning In, or I’m simply at peace.
Because I tackled some of the outstanding questions about travelling to New Zealand, my Feelings of Completion are justified.
Others’ Views is that I’m connecting to The Source of who I am; maybe it’s in my excitement.
Existence is in Hopes & Fears. Sometimes, I hope just to sit and be me – at one with the whole of Existence. When I go travelling or skiing, it’s what makes the wait worthwhile. The fear is the trip will still get cancelled, and the ease of connecting to Existence is gone.
The Outcome has the card of Change. Change can mean anything in today’s world, but today, the trip is close enough not to get cancelled – I hope.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7