Saturday, 10 July 2021

Cinema Context
It has been months since we set foot in a cinema to see a movie; today, we’re revisiting it, especially since there’s another lockdown looming.
Black Widow was exciting, and I’m a fan of Scarlett Johanssen’s acting. And the movie aside, it was so lovely to get out of the home to watch a film. There were no interruptions or distractions. At home, the cats want attention and believe me, they can be VERY persuasive and a touch pushy.
The thing I’ve always loved about visiting the cinema is the immersion it gives you. Sitting in the dark, in comfortable reclining seats, with nothing to do but watch the screen, it’s almost like going through a rebirth. It’s like those times when I talk about being at the airport and have those moments just to experience the now.
One of the things that worries me about continually being inside is that I might want to stay inside. You become comfortable and safe inside your little world; if I set up space in my home to be like a cinema, I might never leave the house.
In my early 20’s I used to struggle to leave my rented room to go to work. It took everything from me to open the door and walk past the threshold. All I remember is the voice from the nurse at the family planning clinic (ex psych nurse) in my mind telling me not to let fear win. Once it wins once, it’s harder to break overcome it next time. Every time after that, stepping out got easier. In short, LEAVE now! I’m so glad her voice was there. It did get more manageable, and today it doesn’t challenge me, but I remember.
Today's Cards

Cinema Analysis
Carryover Cards
Three cards carried over from yesterday; Innocence moved from Goal to Others’ Views, Aloneness from Feelings to Hopes & Fears, and Turning In moved from Now to the Outcome position.
And it’s a crooked deal today, beginning with New Vision in the Now. New Vision influenced by Consciousness and the Goal was Compromise. Sorrow sits sadly in the Distant Past, and Clinging to the Past is in the Recent Past. Intensity is born out of New Vision for the Future Energy.
Relating the cards to the cross-part of the Celtic cross to today’s events goes like this: New Vision is seeing a film at the cinema with mask-wearing COVID restrictions in place for Brisbane. The Kippa-Ring Hoyts cinema is fantastic with comfy seats and a lovely sized screen.
Consciousness is the awareness of the new situation and the cinema. There was a Compromise, and it was mask-wearing, but we knew that before we left.
Since COVID hit the world stage with lockdowns in 2020, it caused me Sorrow to think of the cinemas potentially dying out because of the lack of accessibility. And yes, I am Clinging to the Past when it comes to the cinema. The experience has always been rejuvenating.
The Future Energy card of Intensity might be the reawakening of my loyalty to the cinema. Of course, if you have a lovely cinema, that’s easy to do.
Feelings of Ripeness, we’ve been waiting for an opportunity to go to the cinema; we wanted to go when Wonder Woman was released, but the COVID situation at the time inhibited efforts. In the end, we paid Disney the same amount of money as going to the cinema except without the ice cream. So, Ripeness describes the right moment; one thing I will say about COVID it makes you seize opportunities that present themselves.
Others’ Views is of me as Innocence. The only person close enough to form the assessment today was my husband, and perhaps his interpretation is of me is my excitement at getting the cinema ice cream 🍦. It could simply be an adult having fun like a child – not childish but child-like.
Aloneness is in Hopes & Fears position. I love the movies because you can each be alone but together if you have other respectful cinemagoers. My hope is for respectful people to attend the film I’m watching and fear that every now and again, you get a couple of people -who are probably spies running from certain death 😎- who talk through the whole movie.
My final comment on the cinema is it prompts me to turn inward (Turning In). It’s not the kind of Turning In as in meditation but a surrender to the moment of being inside a different world.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7