Friday, 9 July, 2021

Personal Growth Context
Recognising moments where you’ve changed from who you used to be, is an intriguing experience. Most of the time, the shifts we make are so subtle you don’t notice they’ve happened until you look back on who you were and realise you’re different.
Some changes where you experience personal growth follow significant events like weddings, funerals or stressful situations. You may not realise it at the time, but something has changed if you were to look back to how you even were pre-COVID. Of course, you’re still the same person you’ve always been. After all, it’s not like you can take a holiday from your shadow and come back and say “surprise!” did you miss me? 😲
The other thing is I wouldn’t want to look back ten years and discover nothing about me has changed – and I’m not talking physically. I would hope, for myself, my tolerance of younger people has increased. With my patience, I’d want compassion toward the more youthful me for making decisions that, in retrospect, were made with limited visibility and knowledge.
Being older allows you to see mistakes you might have made, and being older, you can see how the young might make the same mistake. You, of course, try and warn or advise, which my younger self only paid limited attention to when someone older told me
Aiding Youth & Personal Growth
So, it’s simply about being there if they fall; it is the advantage of age; at least you know how to fix the mistakes, the person who ignored your advice made 🥱. Personal growth also means you need to realise the world the next generation is in is different. They might succeed where you failed. Stuff which was new for you might be old hat to them, so make sure you also the good fellowfeel on hand if they succeed. 🎉
Personal growth happened today, or should I say I recognised a change in me when I reacted to an incident differently than in the past. It was a pleasant surprise that my responses were more controlled, less “reaction”, and more balanced response. Why don’t you recognise when that shift occurred until the event that needs the new you arises?
The incident, so fleeting, I didn’t note the incident because the shift in me was noticeable. It reminded me not to pass judgement on decisions past because it doesn’t conform to today’s sensibilities. It is both harsh and cruel.
Today's Cards

Personal Growth Analysis
Carryover Cards
Wow! Eight cards carried over from yesterday, and I suspect it was late, and I didn’t shuffle the cards correctly, nor did I put the cards back individually like usual. However, in the spirit of honesty, this is what came out, and I need to deal with the output. The cards are notable in different positions, pointing to events changing and meaning something different, except for Turning In moving from Future Energy to Now, showing clear progression.
Turning In moved from Future Energy to the Now; Trust moved from Now to become an Influencer. Innocence moved from Distant Past to Goal.
The Outsider moved from Others’ Views to Recent Past, where The Dream moved from Feelings to Future Energy. Control only moved one spot from Hopes & Fears to Others’ Views, Ice-olation moved from Outcome to Hopes & Fears, and Adventure was in Recent Past and is in the Outcome position.
Turning In in the Now shows how I’ve gone back to meditating over the past couple of days. It was something on my mind. It might be that noticing the personal growth resulted from being more aware of my actions due to mediation this morning. Turning In and Trust are symbiotic if this is the case. Trust what I am feeling is correct.
Innocence as Goal is what meditation is all about, and the card depicts a wise older man conversing with a grasshopper. From what I have indicated of my personal goals, this card sits nicely as a Goal.
Playfulness dances in the Distant Past and contributes to the Goal, desire to turn inward and in being inwardly happy and make you feel like The Outsider, which is in the Recent Past.
Alas, all the positive energy generated can lead me to believe that I will continue to meditate and grow readily. Hence The Dream appears in Future Energy to remind me romantic notions can burst.
My Feelings echo the Recent Past of The Outsider in the card of Aloneness. Aloneness varies slightly from The Outsider in Turning In is actively seeking Aloneness, and the other is along the line of fear of missing out (FOMO).
Others’ Views is I like to be in Control. Moving from the Hopes & Fears position yesterday, it seems I’m not hiding it very well if my goal was not to display fear my fear. 🙈.
On an inner level, my Hopes & Fears are Ice-olation. Ice-olation in today’s reading follows the undercurrent of being on one’s own; the hope then is wanting to be alone and continue to turn in, or the fear is not to be left out or feel like The Outsider.
The final card on personal growth is Adventure in the Outcome spot. Personal growth certainly is an Adventure, and it looks like the Adventure will continue.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- Fellowfeel, from Susie Dent‘s Twitter Feed, 16 Century – to share in the feelings of others; to have compassion. To share the pain of others, 13 March 2021