Saturday, 3 July 2021

Saxophone Context
My husband and I like to watch YouTube reactionists. These YouTube clips are of people recording themselves reacting to movies or TV shows. The reactors provide their thoughts and or critiques of the film or song. Three of the reactors all mistook the sound of the saxophone in Lethal Weapon as “sexy”. I think the sax’s mesmerising quality has a sexy connotation but is not solely so.
Okay, I admit when the saxophone sounded, it was to show how Murtagh’s daughter, Rianne, enters dressed to go out, and the sexy music plays. It’s another moment in the movie when Roger realises his daughter is no longer his little girl. It’s Martin reaction to Rianne that prompts the realisation.
In addition to mesmerising, the saxophone has a sultry, longing sound drawing the listener’s heart into a void of yearning, which is more than just sex. Of course, sensuality is often associated with sex but is not sex; it can form a part but not always. It was also the magical instrument of the 80s for me, although it existed obviously before then.
Bob Seger’s song Turn the Page has the saxophone, and it’s challenging to find “sexy” although there is sensuality. The saxophone conveys the singer’s loneliness on the road. It harks of warmth, longing, and remembrance of home, like squeezing the last bit of water out of a sponge.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Saxophone Analysis
Carryover Cards
Only one card carried over from yesterday; Harmony moves from Outcome to Future Energy.
Today’s Now has The Master. The Master, like Gautama Buddha accompanied by Ananda weeping over the souls, with Sorrow, who haven’t reached enlightenment because they are too occupied in their Mind. I’d like to say it could be as simple as the cards telling that story of Buddha; alas, it is not. My cards, my day.
To look at my day’s main thought against the cards, I’m comfortable in my belief (The Master) about the mesmerising quality of the saxophone. There is sufficient evidence to support me. What makes me sad (Sorrow) is how the saxophone seems to have become stereotyped (in the Mind).
In the Distant Past, the saxophone would transport you from one state of being to another, like the chrysalis from caterpillar to butterfly (Beyond Illusion). In 1987’s, Lethal Weapon, Rianne’s transformation from a little girl to a young woman before her father’s eyes using Martin’s objective eye, using the saxophone to maximum effect on all its emotional levels.
The Recent Past shows the card of Existence which echoes The Master card for comfortableness and humility.
Harmony is listening to your heart and experiencing the connection between body, mind and spirit working together. The Future Energy position is a continuation of The Master’s serenity and comfortableness within himself.
My Feelings are I am The Creator of my destiny when it comes to saxophone listening. If this position were the Immediate Future, it would be echoing The Master, Existence and Harmony.
Almost in complete contradiction to how I’m feeling, Others’ Views of me is that I’m a little touchy or overly sensitive in the card of Fighting.
For Hopes & Fears, the card of The Rebel hopes to continue the current state of being and knows (fears) it’s changing.
The Outcome position has Flowering; lo and behold, it’s a woman comfortable in her sexuality and sensuality and emanates a sense of assurance in who she is – bring it on!
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7