Day 182 – Cat Masks, Lockdown & Mask-wearing

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Masks & Cats. Day 182. Integration, Aloneness, Sorrow, Ice-olation, Sharing, Celebration, No-thingness, The Dream, The Miser, Playfulness

Cat Masks Context

Brad & dog Rover put together playful COVID mask shots. I wondered if a dog can do it, can a couple of cats? So, what happened with cat masks?

While the day at work wasn’t anything special, the company has social channels to post stuff to group connects with you.  One of those channels is for Pets, where people publish things about their various pets and the mischief the furry critters do. 

We’ve been in lockdown, and mask-wearing is mandatory indoors where you can’t social-distance.  One of the owners, Brad (not name), owns a cute and obedient dog, Rover (not name).  Brad put up photos of Rover modelling mask-wear displaying the correct and incorrect ways to wear a mask.

As of the time of writing, I’ve requested permission to post the photos on the website; in fairness, I only asked today 🙄.  Until Brad responds, I don’t have any pictures to post.  Since my focus today was pets wearing masks, and the blog is supposed to reflect the primary aspect of my day, I needed pets wearing masks. 

Our cats, Valentine and Dobby, white and ginger, and full ginger, respectively, become models for cat masks.  The photos have them simulating – as close as possible – the pics by Brad showing Rover.  

Of course, it’s not quite the same as the original, but it’s arguably just as cute, all the same.  I should point out that I took no damage from the cats in making them wear the cat masks, although the sewing needle did give me a bit of a fight!  The cats were also not harmed or bribed to pose.  I was at an advantage capturing them in mid nap 💤.

Cat masks. Lying propped against lounge Cat, Valentine, mask hanging off ear, then under chin, then under nose. Slouching Cat Dobby mask under chin, mask on head, mask correct way.

Today's Cards

Masks & Cats. Day 182. In order of appearance.:Integration, Aloneness, Sorrow, Ice-olation, Sharing, Celebration, No-thingness, The Dream, The Miser, Playfulness. Shuffle method was Fan Selection

Cards Analysis - Cat Masks

Carryover Cards

No cards carried over from yesterday.


From the Distant Past of Ice-olation (lockdown), Integration is born into the Now and influenced by Aloneness’ energy.  Basically, I was bored (Ice-olation, Aloneness) and feeling sorry for myself in lockdown (Sorrow) and wanted something to do – aka make cat masks (Integrating my creativity and playful side).

The result of cat masks on cats and the photos it generated was Shared (Sharing in Recent Past) with my mother and the Pet channel at work.  To my absolute joy, my mother loved it, and so did the folks at work.  Brad had sparked a couple of people subjecting their furry friends to mask-wearing. 

It was a Celebration (Future Energy) of the companionship our pets provide us but also of the solidarity of lockdown’s purpose.


When doing the cat masks, I’d hoped to share them with family and friends and hoped people on the website would find it fun.  My Feelings in Sharing, I saw the potential of No-thingness, and I’m using the word No-thingness to mean fulfilment of creative possibilities.

Today I don’t mind people seeing me working on The Dream where The Dream is about illusion because portraying cats wearing cat masks is an illusion.

The Miser card appears in the Hopes & Fears spot, and I don’t know how to interpret it.  At the same time, I’m possessive of our purr babies and want to keep it intimate.  Actually, I hope Brad doesn’t mind me riding on his coattails. 🐕‍🦺

Finally, the Outcome card is Playfulness, which is what has happened.  The day was a bit of fun with my “teenage-like” cats and some cat masks.  Fun is playful, right?


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Mask Wearing Etiquette for People

Related Links

End Day 182
Day 182 – Cat Masks, Lockdown & Mask-wearing
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