Friday, 25 June 2021

Metaphysical Context
On Day 173, I wrote about incontinence and the woes of having the buttocks surrender to gravity. Today, the thoughts are back, but I’ve decided to look at the metaphysical aspects.
Can Men get Pee-leak?
But first, I thought I wondered how men managed to have pee-leak. The outlet is smaller than the primary one women have, and if women work at their PC muscles with pelvic floor exercises such as Kegel, it can prevent leakage. So, do men leak as they get older?
I consulted an expert, my husband, being qualified by having the opposite to me. He said simply, there’s nothing to control at the outflow point. Ah, this makes sense. However, doing a couple of browser searches revealed men could also use exercises like Kegel to control their bladder, too (Healthlinkbc). Who’d a thunk it!
A Metaphysical Look at Pee-leak
You really do learn something new every day. If I move away from the slightly depressing physical elements of pee-leak and look at the metaphysical, maybe things will pick up. Looking at the mental patterning or conditioning might help to improve motivation and subsequently the physical aspects.
My favourite go-to person for metaphysical advice on ailments is Louise L. Hay. Specifically, The List says, “Incontinence is Emotional overflow. Years of controlling the emotions” (p.200, You Can Heal Your Life). Whereas, Annette Noontil says, “[i]ncontinence [is you feel] guilty of not being loyal to yourself to go after your goals, because you do not know how to obtain your goals or wants. If old – Thinking that you are too old to go after new things” (p.67, The Body is the Barometer of the Soul).
So, not much help from Louise or Annette, just more hard work. Stop controlling my emotions and be loyal to myself and pursue my goals – I thought this is what I was doing. Oh, wait a minute, for me, it’s to continue doing what I’m doing. I might just include those PC/ pelvic floor exercises as a backup. Then I’m pursuing my goal of not wanting to smell like pee when I become older. 🧐
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
Only one card carried over from yesterday; Innocence moved from Goal to Influence.
Metaphysical Cross
I’m going to break with my usual format and begin in the Distant Past with Conditioning and, ooh, breaking with tradition. The Conditioning card is about breaking away from the perception that this is how things get done.
Although the cards laid in a particular order, the story’s telling doesn’t have to begin with the first card selected. Sure, it helps if you’re reading for someone to start at the Now and thread your way back to the origins. But this is me reading for myself, and sometimes trying a new perspective might enhance the experience.
The other thing to remember is I’m breaking my Conditioning, not anybody else’s. In light of today’s musings, my Distant Past would be too polite to ask about elimination areas of the body.
However, when you want to break out of illusion and go Beyond Illusion, and Beyond Illusion is the first wing-flaps of a butterfly you need to create. Those initial wing-flaps are also a little tentative as I try out and voice the new questions.
Today in the Now is The Creator. The Creator is the potter moulding clay; his influence is Innocence. Innocence is looking at things in a new light with a fresh perspective. A new view is what I discovered about the metaphysical aspects of pee-leak. I’m pleased with the information.
Recently (Recent Past), I’ve been suppressing (Suppression) my curiosity, not so much the interest but the vocalisation of thoughts.
The Creator is working to mould things in a new way, and the Future Energy spot shows the card of Change.
Control is an intriguing card to show up in the Feelings position. It works on a couple of levels, one being the purely physical aspect of disciplining myself to do the exercises required. On the non-physical, Control can also limit spontaneity and appear dull and lifeless (Osho, p.94).
Position eight is Others’ Views and holds the card of Existence, which is about being unique and humble. It’s what our physicality makes us, isn’t it?
Hopes & Fears holds Rebirth. Here’s hoping that the Change is pleasant and doesn’t put me onto another learning circuit. The last sentence also encompasses the fear which the hope is trying to avoid.
Finally, the Outcome card is Participation. Perhaps, we can avoid the expectations that incontinence is an inevitable part of the ageing process if we participate in physical and metaphysical exercises.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7