Tuesday, 22 June 2021

No Play Context
All work and no play sends my mind to the depressing thoughts of getting older and the squeamish topic of incontinence. Eww…
Every now and again, I get into these moods where I feel my life is all work and no play. I then live on the “edge” by not doing routine things, for which I pay for the result later. It’s a form of self-sabotage. The other thing I do is think about the ageing process, specifically, incontinence – which is the only word in my notebook against today’s date.
Not a pleasant subject, and some of what I might write might gross you out. Suppose you’re keen to become disgusted read on. Otherwise, I recommend catching up on another post 🤧.
The Wayward Thoughts of No Play
Presumably, this note is not referring to the amount of dribble you occasionally hear in meetings. Don’t get me wrong; I love dribble 😃. Of late, however, incontinence is something that’s been on my mind. I suppose it’s not just incontinence; it’s also constipation (but let’s focus on one today).
Because all work and no play makes me restless, the words and phrases uttered by people ring in my head. For instance, “old people smell like pee”, or concerning someone’s nan (passed away now), she had painful urinary tract infections, my grandmother missing the toilet bowl. While the occasional not reaching the toilet as an adult might be down to poor timing or laughing too hard. Or, if you’re like me, you’ll get absorbed in what you’re doing and ignore your body’s hints until the very last minute.
Possibly the reason it plays on my mind is my butt dropping. To be expected, gravity and all. A comment in Endgame about Chris Evans’ ass, while hilarious, reminded me of a comment by a Hollywood female, missing out on a role because her arse had dropped an inch. Yes. It could be sour grapes or bad Hollywood. Whatever the reason, exposure to the comments triggered the tangent thought process in me.
What does a dropping butt have to do with pee smell? Well, when the butt is high, there’s room to pee freely; as the butt drops, it begins to impact on the space you have to pee, thus potentially rerouting the stream’s path – potentially leaving you smelling of pee if you don’t thoroughly wipe. At this point, I’m weirded out by writing about it – another day. But it’s certainly a motivating factor to increase my exercise. Then how do you tighten the skin? Argh!
While it’s easy to get depressed over something like ageing, it’s worthwhile remembering, like the comments uttered by Danny Devito’s character, Eddie in Jumanji – The Next Level, ‘[g]etting old is a gift. I forget that sometimes, but it is.’ because it’s better than the alternative. So, enjoy the moment and maybe a sense of curiosity with dashes of humour thrown it might make the process of ageing easier.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
Only one card carried over from yesterday; The Source moved from Distant Past to Others’ Views.
New Vision (Now) is either struggling to be born because of or despite The Burden (Influence) laid upon it. The New Vision is the result of aiming of Letting Go (Goal). Ice-olation in the Distant Past reeks of my depression and recently forces The Miser (Recent Past) to the surface, but diamonds form under pressure.
The Lovers Future Energy of communion, awareness, and connection produces a union that is not just for themselves, but the relationship fosters compassion around them. Thus, implying the New Vision will bring about an environment beneficial for more than just the people immediately involved.
Thunderbolt is symbolic of change and represents my feelings (Feelings) about the New Vision. It’s a shakeup because Ice-olation cannot continue to exist.
Once again, others view me as connecting to The Source. My guess is others’ views (Others’ Views) are that I am calm and balanced.
The New Vision brings about hopes for a new Adventure because it’s not something I’ve done before. But, on the flip side, Adventures also has an element of the unknown and fear is born from uncertainty.
Consciousness in the Outcome position echoes the card of The Lovers in its awareness and implies the Future Energy’s Consciousness has universal implications – just look at the image on the card.
That’s it for a day where it seemed like it was all work and no play
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- My Soul Embrace FAQ