Monday, 21 June 2021

Ordinary Context
My notebook didn’t have any notes for today. Once again, I turn to the cards to help me out, but all they have for me is Ordinariness.
Being the Monday and looking at my work calendar, it’s pretty busy with meetings, but on the whole, just ordinary. The weekend’s highs and lows would have an impact on my energy. Keeping my head down and bum up, as they say.
Yesterday, Day 171, I didn’t have notes in my notebook since I’m writing this retrospectively after a couple of days, and I still don’t have notes scribbled down. The cards are going to need to prompt me yet again on what to write.
Work has kept me busy, and I haven’t had much time to venture beyond surviving the day-to-day.
So, let’s start.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
The Now position is Ordinariness, which supports the description above about the day simply being a day. Totality influences Ordinariness and the submersion of my energy into operating within the everyday routine. See, didn’t I say it wasn’t exciting?
The Goal spot is Experiencing. Experiencing is about making the ordinary extraordinary and viewing life with wonder daily. It reminds me of the movie 50 First Dates with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore (2004), where Lucy faces each day with a fresh perspective. Or is it more like Groundhog Day with Bill Murray and Andie McDowell, where Bill Murray tackles every Groundhog Day like an opportunity to experience life differently?
Ordinariness came from my Distant Past when I connected or wished to connect to my essence, soul, or The Source. I associated Ordinariness with easy, but that’s not the case – alas, a downside 😟.
More recently, in the Recent Past, I have been looking at the events in my life naively. The Dream card represents illusion, one out of which comes the card in the Now position.
From the Now, there is cause for Celebration – because I manage to get through meetings and take pressure off myself?
I know that living the ordinary life is tiring when you commit, and consequently, I feel (Feelings) Exhaustion. There is a word of caution from Osho with this card, “The message of this card is not just about being a workaholic … [it is also about setting up] unnatural routines for ourselves, and in doing so, keep the chaotic and spontaneous away” (p 94). Oh, I hear you!
Others’ Views is I’ve experienced a Breakthrough. Could the Breakthrough be me booking a holiday overseas? It is pretty exciting when someone you know decides to venture beyond your local council’s boundaries. How the world had changed since mid-2019 when overseas trips talk was all the rage!
I hope for Guidance, especially around setting up the web page and how to tackle moving forward when the daily blogs in conjunction with an entirely ordinary life, reduce my spontaneity. Of the Hopes & Fears, fear is of finding the wrong kind of Guidance I might latch onto because it’s telling me what I want to hear. You know, the path of least resistance.
Finally, Comparison is in the Outcome position. Comparing my day to other days is ironic since I strive for the ordinary all the time. The difference here is the typical day is so packed with routine, I’ve boxed myself – which in this case, was today’s downside. This boxing of myself might be why I arced up yesterday (refer Day 180) when our money-spending habit changed.
Is it me, or does Ordinariness seem to have made its presence felt?
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
50 First Dates (2004)
Groundhog Day (1993)