Sunday, 20 June 2021

New Computer Context
After spending money on the NZ trip yesterday, my husband decides to buy a new computer; my emotions were slow to get on board.
When trying to write about today’s post, I struggled with what happened; my notebook for today’s date was a big blank. My husband set about buying a new computer; this challenged the miser in me to want to hang on to our money a little longer, especially since we paid for the whole New Zealand ski trip yesterday. I didn’t want to be a wet blanket, so I didn’t say anything.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
Only one card carried over from yesterday; Control moved from Other’s Views to Now.
After the heady high of booking travel to New Zealand yesterday, Control is in the Now position influenced by Trust. Basically, spending the money means we are no longer umming and ahhing about whether we should or shouldn’t travel. It’s now in the lap of the gods as to what happens next, or we just need to Trust and hand over Control.
Politics is the Goal. It’s showing one face while feeling another. Perhaps this is regarding my husband wanting to buy his replacement computer. It died a few weeks ago, and he’s been making do, and hot on the heels of the booked travel he wants to spend money on a new computer too.
Logically, I don’t mind and waiting a week wouldn’t make a difference in this case and on the surface, I’m supportive, while underneath, I rather keep the money an extra week. It’s not even my gut; it’s the miser coming out in me.
The Distant Past holds Possibilities; possibilities for travel, possibilities for a new computer; everywhere you looked at one time, there were possibilities.
We are moving forward from the options to the more Recent Past of Inner Voice. That would be the Inner Voice telling me the computer purchase is fine.
Being okay with buying the PC led to the Future Energy of Morality, and Morality is about doing things correctly.
My Feelings on the purchase of a new computer are Conditioning and falling prey to the miser who wants to hoard everything. By playing “politics”, I was able to put on the face of the person I wanted to get to while the emotions caught up. My mind was forward-thinking (breaking Conditioning), my intuition knew my mind was right in this instance, but my Feelings needed time to catch up.
Others’ Views of me is one of Sorrow. Although Osho uses Ananda’s experience of crying once a year for the people who didn’t reach enlightenment, I see this card as my self-pity card. Maybe seeing me full of woe for my mixed emotions is how I’m perceived.
Ahh. Here we go, Clinging to the Past, is in the Hopes & Fears place. I’ve mentioned the two-faced Politics card and about hoarding things, aka Clinging to the Past. I want to hold on to something and fear the hanging on to it too closely makes it disappear quicker. I hope for a balance between the two. Sometimes I wonder where carefree spending Michaela went – oh, that’s right, she got a mortgage!
Finally, the day saw the Outcome of Compromise. Compromise is the resentful meeting in the middle where a “balance” is reached, albeit sacrifice on both sides. In the end, the store didn’t have the computer my husband wanted; I then felt bad that he didn’t get the new computer he wanted. It was a merry-go-sorry moment when this was the discovery.
That merry-go-sorry is in this situation what Compromise means; got the trip, the computer will have to wait, just like I thought I wanted. Why am I sad for my husband then? And, why didn’t I realise I’d feel this way earlier?
In the end, the analysis turned out to be fruitful and jogged my memory. I suppose it was only yesterday 😉.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7