16 June 2021

Dream Context
Today I awoke unpleasantly. It was not waking into the “real” world by an alarm but waking from a dream world shock. It’s not even like the dream I had was unpleasant or nightmare-like, but on reflection, it certainly would have been classified as such. Dreams, even unpleasant ones, I believe are reflections of our inner processes. It’s like your mind is a house (or palace), and every now and again, you need to do some spring cleaning.
My dream occurs in a location similar to one of my mother’s paintings, except at the end of winter. Mum’s pictures appear to be full spring or summer.

The Dream
There was a bustling village at the foot of the mountains, which reminded me of Switzerland or Germany. The villagers went about their business when an avalanche got detonated. As the avalanche’s roar came closer to the village, the villagers calmly moved their livestock and children toward the road out of town; women grabbed the children and men the livestock.
The town knew an avalanche situation; after all, they were seasoned hands familiar with the territory and terrain. So they sent a sound to warn the outlying fields the village was evacuating. Now, as the villagers moved out of town, at the edge was what I assumed was a trap laid out by helmeted military of a first or second world war ilk.
These military men began indiscriminately shooting. I thought it was at the villagers, but even as a witness within the dream and as its observer, I wasn’t sure at what exactly. It was like an old-fashioned movie where you see flashes from the guns but don’t see where the bullets have gone.
Inside the dream, I watched from behind a bush. Not yet reaching the evacuating hordes in response to the siren, waylaid by a wayward cow as I was. In the dream, I felt I was a boy aged about nine years old. And as I neared the exiting villagers, from behind a bush big enough to hide me, I saw a long, dark, sleek car appear; it was limousine-like.
Although not seeing anyone get shot or seeing anything get destroyed, I was stunned and unsure how to act. Not from the horror, but my ambivalence toward everything in the scene while remaining hidden. It was also a little bit exciting. Then, unable to move or decide what to do next, the alarm went.
Reading a Dream
For as long as I can remember, I have been analysing my dreams. On the odd occasion, I interpreted dreams for others, including random strangers at parties and even on community radio for a while. Unlike tarot reading, it’s crucial to understand how a person “feels” about elements in their dream. It’s useless to go by how I feel about the details in someone else’s dream.
Sure, the elements have similar connotations, but my reaction to them might be completely different. For instance, water, water forms, or fluids in dreams usually relate to emotions. If you can’t swim, you may find falling into a public swimming pool horrific. But, on the other hand, if you can swim, you may find falling into the pool fun.
Hmmm. There’s the whole thing of whether you’re comfortable with your emotions or not involved with that too. Here’s a random thought to explore: Are people who learnt to swim more comfortable with their feelings? I might do a poll on this one day.
One of the critical things to remember when looking or trying to analyse a dream is not to get “freaked out” of what happened or how you reacted to it within the dreamscape. The other thing to remember is that unless you’re prescient, all the aspects displayed in the dreamworld are aspects of yourself.
People, both good and bad, are simply elements of you personified. In mine, the village people, the helmeted gunmen, the boy, the avalanche and even the timeline are aspects of me. So it’s not just the humans who belong to you; it’s everything!
Dreamscapes are different worlds and deserve appreciation and love. However, sometimes the hard to look at dreams are where you’re doing the most emotional growth or work.

My Interpretation of My Dream
My mother is from Switzerland, my father from Hungary, and I lived in Germany until I was four. Therefore, these two countries have a strong influence—specifically, the countryside aspects where my d-grandmother lived. D-grandmother is my writing shortcut for dad’s mother or grandmother on my dad’s side, just as m-grandmother is my grandmother on my mother’s side.
Around the age of eight or nine, our family went to a Christmas party where they had a raffle, and if you had a raffle token, you got a prize for matching the drawn number. So when the emcee called a ticket, I saw a token with the corresponding number and colour at my feet. Excitedly, I ran up and collected a prize and took it back to my parents.
Therefore, my dream is about money concepts and relates to my purchase of cryptocurrency on Day 163. The notion is so foreign from anything my parents, teachers or even the society I grew up in could convey to me. In a sense, I’ve had to lay waste to what I had taken comfort in and rebuild where necessary, but this will take time.
The unknown damage is why I didn’t see buildings or people destroyed; I had just assumed it was happening. In some snow area villages in Switzerland in the past, snow could sit on the mountain for a lifetime and not become an avalanche. Nowadays, they forcefully detonate them as a safety precaution.
My feelings regarding snow and avalanches are, I love snow but am scared of the power of an avalanche, never entirely sure if one is survivable or not.
The Clues in a Dream
The dream gave me clues about its content. It has something to do with:
- the values instilled in me by my parental and cultural upbringing
- what I adopted around the age of nine
- what I found comforting and old-fashioned but still functional
- my emotions around the idea I adopted as indicated by the avalanche. Avalanches are a water form in the shape of snow,
- a radical idea I have recently adopted, but I’m unsure whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing
- changing the direction. The village structures collapsed once the snow melts, and the foundations will still exist
- nature protecting me
- the road, cows, and transport survived, suggesting some notions still apply
- transportation has a new form, and a limo-like car spells “potentially fancy.”
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
Ordinariness is in the Now influenced by Postponement. The Goal of The Miser seeks to hang onto something in uncertainty. Patience in the Distant Past has contributed to the blissful Ordinariness state.
Thunderbolt in the Recent Past shows a significant change has occurred.
From a significant physical world shift to ordinary life with a Future Energy of The Master, who encompasses both physical and metaphysical without bonds tying him to either. Free energy.
Feelings spot has the Conditioning card, in which I break old world beliefs and structures for myself. Thus, Conditioning echoes The Master card.
Others’ Views are that I move from Moment to Moment; again, this aligns with Conditioning, Ordinariness and The Master. All these cards are cards that move at their own pace and follow their mind.
Hopes & Fears is Trust. I hope that my Trust in my instincts is valid, and my fear is I have trusted the wrong impulse.
Finally, the Outcome card is New Vision. The New Vision aligns nicely with the analysis of the dream and the minor but significant purchase of cryptocurrency for myself. Little quantity, but the “trusting” leap into the unknown.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7