10 June 2021

Okay. It was good, but then it was P-A-N-I-C stations! Or should I say panic stations? I’d been running behind on my writing my blogs. Sure, I’d been taking notes daily, but that doesn’t get it into the typed format for anyone else to read. I needed discipline.
With a clarity of mind akin to a samurai warrior or a very focussed house cat, I pursued my objective of getting up to date. Following Henry Ford’s production line footsteps, I copied tabs and headed each one with the appropriate day, moved onto photo editing, blitzed the data into Excel and typed a sketchy overview to guide my writing. Then it was save, save, save! Boom! Done.
The Panic Begins
While I’m on a roll, I just saw the theme template come through and thought, why not get it out of the way too. Ah. Hmmm. What? What is this blank screen? Why can’t I get into WordPress? It’s not like back on Day 118 with technology down again, is it? No, it was a different error back then. Wait. Do I get to panic yet? Okay, there might be something else I can try. How about going to the hosting provider and access the site from that angle?
I got you now, you rascally, mischievous system. Bah-b-ow-ng! (The last spelling meant to be a sound made of game shows if you get the answer wrong). Now, I’m really worried! OMG, when was my last backup?
Errrrr … Did I pay my invoice to keep my site running? Rustle, rustle. Okay, you caught me out; it’s not in paper form but imagine, if you will, me rifling through my emails like someone rifling through papers. Yes. Yes, I did. Well, that’s not the problem then.
It looks like it’s time to contact the help centre and potentially look stupid. Okay. The help centre responded quicker than I thought, but by now, it was late. The solution the help desk advised on was to perform an update on a plug-in in WordPress. Hmmm. This advice is like asking you to send an email when you cannot open your email application.
The advice came with some instructions and another plug-in, which once followed and installed, would solve everything. Yeah, right.
Instructions to Panic
Looking at the instructions was like looking at instructions to panic. There was a whole lot of acronyms and words I didn’t understand beyond a cursory, “oh, I’ve seen that somewhere before” kind of way. Instead of panicking, I decided to take a deep breath and venture into the scary world of the hosting program. Argh! Wish me luck.
Tentatively, I clicked on this …. Escape, escape, escape! Clicked on that … Escape, escape, escape! Big frowny face! ☹️ AW… I don’t want to do this; it’s all code and scary-looking. “Back away from the scary-looking code, mam.”. Phew!
Then it dawned on me, as dawn rapidly approached, I could leave this or contact Bluehost assistance; they’ve been helpful in the past. At this point, I chose to have a momentary self-pity minute before I continued to click until I felt confident to act on the instructions to panic. Luckily, Bluehost have made it simple. There was an easy-to-use panel away from the code. I was ready to move.
It worked! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! I’d lost my data and my posts plus a night of writing. Further behind the eight-ball than ever. 🎱
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
There were no carry over cards from yesterday.
Based on tonight’s experience, Letting Go is what I need to do at the moment. Hence, Letting Go starts the reading in the Now. To let go of writing for the night required Courage, playing in the website’s hosting area and potentially wiping most of what I’d written was also scary, and it too needed Courage.
I’m not sure I would wish to set myself up to have the Stress card as a Goal, but alas, I have. Pretty sure the details are apparent.
Past Lives is in the Distant Past and suggests it was the moment in the past when I chose to select this particular plug-in, which triggered today’s event.
The Recent Past has We are the World which is descriptive of the working relationship with this plug-in until today – primarily since I’ve found a couple of shortcuts to setting up multiple days.
Future Energy shows the card of Guilt. The Guilt about me not disciplining myself every night to write, rather than relying on the weekends to catch up.
Intensity is the raw unconstrained energy lashing out trying to cling to a life ring, which is what my Feelings were when it became apparent I would need to let go.
Others’ Views is that I successfully integrated (Integration) or balanced my work life with the website work. Ah, appearances can be perspective.
Oh my, it’s Laziness in the Hopes & Fears position. I want (hope) to be lazy but am scared that my Laziness will cost me the hard-earned support I’ve achieved to date.
The Outcome is Existence. You can only do what you can do and no more. Recognising it’s all just small stuff might be the key to not panicking and acknowledging your uniqueness.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7