4 June 2021

Review Context
Distracted by an embarrassing earlier post with minimal details, I review Day 004 and Day 088. After 155 days, I realise how big a goal I’ve set for myself.
While writing for today, I came across an early post (Day 004 – Compromise is a Bitter Pill) and discovered I was embarrassed by the quality of the content or lack thereof. Disturbed by my husband’s lack of communication regarding the quality of the content, I raised it with him. He pointed out we were both new to publishing for the web at the time, and it’s part of a learning curve. His statement is, of course, true. It didn’t negate my desire to review and rewrite Day 004, which I did. It’s also true I wasn’t used to writing late at night.
The discovery has prompted me to set a goal to go back and review some of the previous blogs to tidy them up. Thank you for reading all the posts, and I hope my writing has gotten better as the year progressed. Another post that got a review was Day 088 – Lockdown, The Eagles & Chicken Strips; it’s a fun one and didn’t need too much tweaking, but tweaking it got.
It was time for a review 155 days into the 365-day goal, and it has finally hit me how big the figurative mountain I’m climbing is. There are no days off, no weekends, no vacations and no time to get sick. Yes, it’s a personal goal, and perhaps I should simply publish once a week, but this doesn’t change the need to write each day
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
There were no carry over cards from yesterday.
Control is in the Now influenced by Guilt when the Goal is Completion. In simple terms, by feeling guilty, I try to exert Control over something for the website to at least complete the day’s blog.
The Distant Past position has the card of Sharing from a time when I felt I had more time and wished to share my curiosity about how 365 days of Tarot would work out. It turns out it’s a higher hurdle than I thought.
In the Recent Past, I have undergone a period of Healing, which is true since I had broken my ankle back in January. My time healing allowed me to start my adventure.
The Future Energy has the Rebirth card, possibly indicating that this is needed to continue the journey.
The Dream card is in the Feelings position and represents self-delusion. It is both a hopeful and hopeless romantic card. Bluntly, I keep thinking I can catch up; to make up ground, keep everything else going, and add exercise, rest, sleep, spending time with my husband, and meditation to the mix. It’s a pipe dream because every time I think the window of opportunity is there, it slips away like sand through fingers.
Others’ Views is Harmony, and I’m listening to my inner self and following my calling; I just feel a little overwhelmed with everything.
Inner Hopes & Fears has the card of Courage, and I hope to have some moving forward. The Courage to follow my heart and pursue all I can without losing or letting down anyone, most of all myself (the fear).
The Outcome is of Ordinariness. The advice is the simple saving adage: “watch the cents, and the dollars will take care of themselves”. Stick to the basics of living, and your life will unfold as intended.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7