23 May 2021

Trust Context
On Tuesday, there’s a cancer fundraiser activity called Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. At work, our Wellness Committee is attempting to raise funds by having a morning tea. Participants need to bring a plate of food to share. My contribution was going to be macarons. They’re a little fiddly to make, but I’ve had a lot of success with them in the past.
The Macaron Journey
Macarons need a lot of egg whites since they are essentially meringues. I usually feel guilty if the egg yolks don’t get used. There are other biscuits (cookies if you’re American) that use yolks, but that’s double the amount of work I wanted to do. So, we purchased the bulk egg whites. If you don’t know what this looks like, it’s egg whites in a carton, with “nothing but egg whites” written on the box.
The egg whites looked strange, but they whipped up okay. So far, so good. It was then the sugar’s turn, and for clarity, I use the Italian meringue recipe. Italian meringue uses melted sugar streamed into rotating beaters. The meringue becomes smooth and silky – typically. But not today, with the eggs collapsing into a thin watery mix.
Brushing the failure aside – it happens, and I’m not one to be put off by something not working the first time (anymore 😁). If, at first, you don’t succeed, try again. Try again; I did. Put the eggs in a bowl; then it was “beat, beat, beat” until they were at the soft peaks stage. At this stage, I slowly poured the sugar syrup in and kept beating. Once again, the eggs collapsed into a soupy mix without any hope of resurrection. Before I could try again using real eggs, the thermometer case melted. As it turns out, the thermometer wasn’t a candy thermometer. After all these years, too!
Not succeeding at making the macarons, and despite my brushing aside failure the first time, I don’t like not accomplishing something I’ve set out to do, especially if we forslothed the morning (refer to References for what forsloth means). If I forsloth, I tend to get angry at myself about the lost time – too much of my mother’s words drifting through my head from my teenage years. Stuff like “you’ll waste your life away if you continue to lie/ sleep in any longer!”.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
There were no carryover cards from yesterday.
From a weekend of freedom and “unlimited” time on our hands (Understanding and Abundance cards), the Goal was to reach our Success regarding “one day we’ll get to it” tasks. Letting Go enabled me to move on from the confusion of the Mind, which was in the Distant Past. Perhaps the Goal of Success was to recuperate, and Letting Go was about not trying to do everything every weekend. Letting Go then enabled us to participate in life (Participation in the Future Energy position).
My Feelings/ Immediate Future position has developed a sense of Maturity with Others’ Views seeing me as a person who does her own thing her way (Intensity).
The Hopes & Fears has the card of Patience, indicating that I wish (hope) I had more time while fearing things not done quickly enough. A case of “hurry up and be patient” or my favourite parental line to children, “you can do it at any time, as long as you do it now”. 😁
The Outcome position has the Fighting card, meaning I’m on tenterhooks. The failed macarons would probably be the cause.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
“Forsloth: To forsloth (money/ day/ lifetime) is to waste it through idleness.”. Susie Dent‘s Twitter Feed 14 Apr 2021.