20 May 2021

Birthday Clumping Context
Why does birthday clumping happen in our lives? While I don’t think I have the answer, you might find some of the musings interesting.
In my mind was the topic of birthdays. I’ve noticed that birthday’s clump together for different people, and for me, my mother’s, close friends, my brother-in-law’s, and my sister’s birthday are all around April-May. It’s fun to observe how closely bundled birthdays can be. For instance, one of the loans managers at the bank, his family’s birthdays all seemed to happen around June. A friend at work mentioned birthdays for him were all in the January-February period.
What is it that sees family birthdays clump together or happen at the same time of year? Is it just the need for our hunter brains to seek out patterns in behaviour (Lang 2018)? Is there a connection? These questions are all questions I’ve been asking for years. Often I play with a mish-mash of ideas and think I come up with a suitable answer, then five minutes later, the answer is out the window.
Suppose I used the reincarnation and karmic path model where we owe each other a debt of service or gratitude. Debts create obligations, and obligations need fulfilment. The souls who need to repay the life experiences are born together to facilitate repayment.
Birthday Clumping and the Same Days
But why around the same time of year? To illustrate this point, I use ANZAC day (Day 115) as an example. Many souls shot were linked to Australia, and the number of souls Australia had lost but should have had was X many; it always seems Australia has a high percentage of births on ANAZC day. Are ANZAC day souls who were shot on that day returning to Australia on the same day?
Another example of this birthday clumping but over a broader period, covering years rather than a day, is the baby boomer bubble. The reason I began thinking these creative thoughts regarding clumping birthdays in the first place was the “baby bump” of the boomers, taught to me by my Geography teacher in high school. Are the baby boomers a group of souls reincarnated from the fields of the first and second world wars? Could it be argued in a fun way that the souls who had experienced the trauma of war returned to promote? It might explain why there was such a peace movement.
There’s, obviously, a far more logical argument to the baby boomer birth balloon on the current plane of existence. You know the war ended; men were no longer on the front. They were at home, and the world seemed safe again for people to have families. There were a lot of returning soldiers! If this is the case, then other “birth bubbles” may reflect similar times throughout history.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carry Over Cards
Three cards carried over from yesterday; The Outsider moved from Goal to Influence, Awareness moved from Hopes & Fears to Others’ Views, and Control moved from Others’ Views to Hopes & Fears.
The Fool is in the Now, influenced by The Outsider, transformed from the Goal position yesterday. Breakthrough is in the Goal position with The Source in the Distant Past driving The Fool onward. In the Recent Past, The Miser sits with misery clasped and walled in by lack of generosity. The Future Energy looks brighter with Participation.
Friendliness in the Feelings or Immediate Future position supports the Participation. Friendliness is between two, and Participation is with more.
Others Views’ has the Awareness card and indicated others see me as coming into my confidence and element. Awareness has gone from an internal understanding to one that is now showing on the surface (moved from Hopes & Fears yesterday to Others’ Views today).
Hopes & Fears has the card of Control, which incidentally has taken over the number one spot for the most number of appearances. The card was also present yesterday in Other’s Views and has swapped with Awareness to move away from being externally enacted to simply an internal struggle. I hope to remain in Control of myself and fear that I will exercise Control over others instead, through my insecurity.
The Outcome position has Projections. Projections mean that I may be inclined to interpret circumstances through “Michaela Vision” instead of seeing them for what they are.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
Lang, Stephen D J, Mann, Richard P, Farine, Damien R 2018, Temporal activity patterns of predators and prey across broad geographic, Oxford Academic, Online, Last viewed 20 May 2021 scales