Day 129 – Paradigm Shift

9 May 2021

Day 129. Celtic Cross Layout: 1 is Now card is Ordinariness. 2 is Influence card is Flowering. 3 is Goal card is The Source. 4 is Distant Past card is New Vision. 5 is Recent Past card is Clinging to the Past. 6 is Future Energy card is Transformation. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Patience. 8 is Others' Views card is Friendliness. 9 is Hope & Fears card is The Creator. 10 is Outcome card is Morality


My husband and I watched Cinema Therapy’s YouTube post on the Wonder Woman 1984 movie.  At about the minute and a half mark, Decker defined the paradigm shift as being “a fundamental change in perspective, beliefs, or world view.”.  It got me thinking about work and the Tarot indicating growth or Transformation was due.  Emotionally I was sensing it too.  You know, there’s a bit of unexplained tiredness; you’re off your game, perhaps feeling an inexplicable desire to weep for no readily available reason.


Last night, I had an epiphany and my new role of work suddenly made sense.  Whatever I’d been holding onto probably from some misguided loyalty or security net had gone and the clarity or acceptance of the new role connected.  Reflectively, I have been slow on the uptake. But now, there’ll be no stopping me!  The sad part about having the epiphany is it reflects backwards. There’s the realisation other people have known for some time, just unable to communicate it.

Some people are catalysts for paradigm shifts

Some people make you better if you’re prepared to listen with your ego set aside.  It’s not that I didn’t listen. In fact, I was reasonably good at it.  The other thing I knew was that there was always a greater and a lesser skilled person than me in XYZ activity and area.  Most of the time, my knowledge was reasonably current. I learnt and adapted quickly and fell into the late 20’s early 30’s bracket, making me young and experienced.   My confidence in my capabilities was high.


Then one day, a new, younger person started at work. Krystal was intelligent, vibrant, witty, likeable, and also adapted quickly.  Everything about her spelt threat, especially when vying for the team’s “cleverest person” award.  A paradigm shift was due, and in this case, it was going to be accompanied by a down-pegging (taking me down a peg or two). 


By the way, there wasn’t an award; it’s just the subtle rivalry you might come across in a work environment – almost sibling rivalrous.  On the help desk, we often consulted with other help desk officers about this-or-that knowledge, Krystal was able to contribute equally.  It wasn’t until she contributed to “MY” speciality area when I hackled.

The paradigm shift moment

Typically, the hackles would turn into passive-aggressive moments, and the interaction would become strained.  It was then I realised Krystal was my greater in some areas of my areas of expertise!  What I thought was uniquely mine – think about it, mine. Really?  It was nowhere near logical! It was an IT problem to solve. After all, the knowledge already existed. That’s how I got it!


It was a secretary thing in me, or at least it was with some of the ones I studied with and met when relieving in numerous secretarial positions as a contractor.  A lot of secretaries liked to think they were indispensable.  It made us feel important.  In our heads, it meant job security – or so we thought!  My boss at the time said when I put in for nine weeks’ vacation, “if no one else can do your job, you can’t go on vacation.”.  Did I make myself replaceable?  You bet! 


The Krystal moment was a paradigm shift for me.  It took me by surprise when after stepping back from the moment, I didn’t mind.  Compassion and logic joined forces inside me.  Of course, you’re getting older, and young people can be smart too – remember the moment you realised your younger sister was smart too? – it’s good to see the world with intelligent, lovely people.   From that point on, I no longer worried about people being better than me.

Today's Cards

Ordinariness, Flowering, The Source, New Vision, Clinging to the Past, Transformation, Patience, Friendliness, The Creator, Morality

The Cards - Analysis

Carry Over Cards

Two cards carried over from yesterday; Ordinariness moved from the Influence to the Now position.  This movement signifies a subtle move by Ordinariness becoming the now, means simply focussing on getting the job done.  


The Source moved from the Recent Past to the Goal position.  Suggesting a desire to revisit of basics, and simply focus on the Now. 



The Ordinariness card is in the Now influenced by Flowering. The Source sits in the Goal position with the New Vision (yoga card 😃) occupying the Distant Past.  In the Recent Past, there is the Clinging to the Past card.  From the influence of Flowering on Ordinariness and getting back to basics (The Source), the Transformation card appears in the Future Energy position.


Well, what can I say? I knew Transformation was around the corner; I wasn’t aware it was going to be today.  The significance of epiphany didn’t occur to me until later in the day (the future from when I shuffled).  By the way, Transformation is another word that describes a paradigm shift.


My Feelings on the shift from the ordinary to the Transformation is, “it’s about time”.  I’ve been patient, and perhaps that’s why the Patience card has shown up.


Others’ Views in response to the shift is one of FriendlinessFriendliness could be appropriate because my energy and enthusiasm are up. Luckily for me, most will see the mood as me recovering from an ankle injury.


In the Hopes & Fears position sits The Creator.  The Creator is the potter working on new clay or reformed clay.  The reshaping skill of The Creator is what I hope to have and use well.  On the side of fear, it is the possibility of reshaping something into being unhelpful.


Morality is in the Outcome position and suggests that I’m now going to do things “properly”.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Megan Seawright, Jonathan Decker and Alan Seawright, WONDER WOMAN and Coping with Paradigm Shifts, last viewed 11 May 2021
End Day 129
Day 129 – Paradigm Shift
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