30 April 2021

Now and again, something comes up to make you look at the moving or renovating dilemma. But is it worth it – for me?
Dilemma Context
Welcome to Day 120!
The cards tended to focus on where my attention was throughout the day, and it was on whether we should be moving house or renovate the bathroom. There is a dilemma because we have purchased a bathtub already, viewed tiles, vanities, basins and renovators. We just haven’t started renovating. If we move, what do we do with the bathtub?
There are so many benefits to staying put and renovating; you don’t have to move, the neighbours (if they’re good) stay the same, any routines you have can remain in place. Nothing moves, and getting rid of rubbish you should get rid of is unlikely to happen. Of course, the downside of renovating and living in the same area during renovations is noise, inconvenience, and mess.
Moving has its benefits. You get a new house, and you get to throw rubbish you haven’t looked at for years out. If you don’t like your neighbours, you might have new neighbours. But the downside of moving is packing, organising new voting, new address details for everyone – you always forget one! Then, there’s cleaning, unpacking, new routines, pleasant and unpleasant surprises in the new place.
Now it depends on where and why you’re moving whether the move is worth it. If it’s into a magnificent waterfront property, close to work and activities you like to do with a pay rise or fewer costs, it’s probably worth the move. Darn, I think I just talked myself into staying put and doing the renovation – this time!
However, most of my thoughts throughout the day were on the bathroom or moving dilemma. It turns out the cards seemed to get the vibe too.
Non-dilemma Stuff
So, my workday went well, with most of my activity involved in ad hoc meetings. These are productive in their way but sometimes go a little longer because the ad hoc nature begins with social conversations then drifts into work.
It was also a long-time friend’s birthday today, and I am constantly reminded about how lucky I am to have her in my life. She’s like a second sister to my sister and me.
Without further ado, let’s see what the cards had to say about the renovating or moving dilemma.
Today's Cards

The Cards - Dilemma Analysis
Carryover Cards
Only the one carryover card; Inner Voice moved from Hopes & Fears to Distant Past.
In the Now position is the card of Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt is about a change in the physical aspects of your life. Thunderbolt covers dilemma aspects of life like moving house, changing jobs, change a relationship status concerning loved ones, buying a car, or even undertaking a bathroom renovation.
The Burden influences Thunderbolt and The Burden card is restrictive, and therefore in my interpretation, is a blocker card preventing, in this case, the Thunderbolt of change to happen.
The Creator is in the Goal position. As mentioned once before, The Creator is the potter or the artisan. The Creator shapes the clay. Having this card in the Goal position is what the aim was for today is perhaps progressing work. The Goal position is not an outcome or happening position, but a position that shows the motivation for the Now predicament. Sometimes the reasons are recognisable from self-awareness; at other times, it might be so subtle or assumed it’s unnoticed.
The Inner Voice sits in the Distant Past and has generated the Now of Thunderbolt. If Thunderbolt is the desire to move to a new house, it was listening to an Inner Voice that formed the foundations of the search. Note, the Inner Voice was the card that carried over from yesterday.
More in the Recent Past was the card of Friendliness. Friendliness is probably the real estate agent contacting me.
Future Energy has the card of The Miser. If we’re talking about moving to a new house, in all likelihood, The Miser will show its face when I go, “you’re asking, how much?”.
In the Feelings position is the Rebirth card. Rebirth is about re-energising something which I thought wasn’t going to happen for quite some time. The original idea was to move in where we are, pay off part of the home loan and then move. Then we got comfortable. It looks like the original plan got a Rebirth.
Others’ Views is getting in touch with The Source: my source, inner drive and connection. Others see me as being in touch with my “truth”, and the dilemma appears unnoticed.
Hopes & Fears has the card of Slowing Down. When first gazing upon a particular house, I wanted to put our name down and sign the contract immediately. The place just felt like it was right – my Inner Voice had kicked in. Waiting or Slowing Down is what I feared – hoping for Slowing Down to happen.
We weren’t ready. Also, if it were ours, it would have come to us. It may have just been the right trigger to keep an eye out for one that will be ours. There is no point in having a dilemma if you don’t need to have one.
The Outcome card has the card of Patience. Need I say more?! Okay. Just a line. The right property for us will need a little time; it’s almost there, as indicated by the pregnant woman on the card – just not now.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7