28 April 2021

Technology Down Context
There’s nothing more taken for granted in our modern era than technology. Technology down becomes a nightmare for all involved, except for those asleep. There’s also nothing more frustrating when an update arrives at an inopportune time. For instance, when writing this post, my Mac required an update. That’s okay; there’s a PC available – nuh-uh! The PC required a critical update too.
The technology at work also required overnight updates and meant that “technology down” happened at work too. At work, if you don’t run them within a set window, auto-install takes over. So, why is it so frustrating? I mean, most of my life was spent without a computer – obviously not a generation Y or a millennial.
Growing up, the Walkman and Compact Disc (CDs) was the trend as far as technology went. More by luck than design, I was in the right place at the right time and the right age to embrace early word processors. I was then working for a computer company that sold personal computers with a whopping two megabytes RAM.
When looking back at some of the fun questionnaires circulated in the early 90s that asked, “what made you a geek?” One of the answers was owning one computer. If I count the devices, including smartphones and smartwatches in the household, we have about 12. That amount varies if I bring home the work laptop and smartphone. My, my – how things have changed!
More than Technology Down
Computers make me think of India. Thinking of India makes me think of how remarkable its computer recycling is and the impact the effort will have on future earth’s sustainability. And at present, I doubt you can think of India without sending wishes and condolences to its citizens experiencing tremendous loss resulting from the coronavirus outbreak. In the same way, Europe, specifically Italy, got sympathy in the epidemic’s early stages. The whole epidemic is incredibly heart-retching.
The world is undoubtedly undergoing a tremendous grief outpouring. With its tightly controlled communities, China has managed to keep the virus to a standstill almost six months after it initially had its outbreak. Admittedly, it would be devastating if the virus got a hold of China the same way India has encountered it. It’s the difference between the free-spirited Indian population and culture to China’s more conservative and cautious culture – politically speaking.
China, like its rival manufacturer India, of course, contributes hugely to the world economy. Any loss in manufacturing by either nation would have an impact, on a large scale, globally. For instance, insurance companies in Australia have a “follow the clock” call centre. This system means call centres in a work time zone answer calls as night and the end of the day arrives, calls switch to another country that is just beginning its day.
India is a popular choice for a call centre because of its low labour costs. At the moment, this choice is being felt by the Australian housing market because companies have assessors located in India. A call centre of usually 200 might now be a call centre of 20.
Technology down and not working has its impacts. For me, it has impacted the time I will get to bed!
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Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over from yesterday.
Morality in the Now is me doing the right thing and initiating the computer update, not realising how long it will take. The Influence of Turning In on Morality is the ability to reflect while technology is out of action.
Quite simply, Goal has the card of Change. It can be said, by selecting the “upgrade now” option, I was aware that Change was my Goal.
In the Distant Past is the card of Completion. Completion is the end of the previous update; the state’s stability is just after the update and before the next; for a while, everything is complete.
The Recent Past has the card of Stress. Imagine my Stress when sitting down early at the computer to get an early night. Because it was early in the morning, I thought, “why not quickly do the computer update?”. Click update, I did and decided it was a good time to reflect and meditate while the update was in progress. The meditation was done with one eye open, watching the progress 🧐.
The Feelings/ Immediate Future card has the card of The Miser. The Miser is how I was feeling when my information around the finances is lacking. Whenever dealing with finances or time, I get a little miserly. That is until I forget about it!
Others’ Views has the card of Thunderbolt. Being back in the office for most of this week has enabled me to see just about everyone. The biggest thing to notice is the absence of the cast, the scooter, and how I walk, which is almost back to 90% – at least on a portrayal side.
Hopes & Fears has the card of Intensity. I’m going to play with this a little today. My Intensity is there when hoping for the update to be short and the number on the screen saying it would take half an hour was a lie. The fear also has my Intensity, but the number could be worse.
Finally, the Outcome position has the card of Innocence. Experience and wisdom bring us full circle from birth to death. Innocence is also the state without technology down or technology altogether.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7