Day 117 – Emotional

27 April 2021

Day 117. Celtic Cross Layout: 1 is Now card is Laziness. 2 is Influence card is The Rebel. 3 is Goal card is Maturity. 4 is Distant Past card is The Source. 5 is Recent Past card is Participation. 6 is Future Energy card is The Creator. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Letting Go. 8 is Others' Views card is Experiencing. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Transformation. 10 is Outcome card is Friendliness


Just like a teenager, hormones can majorly affect you when you’re menopausal.  Today, my nose was blocked, my mouth full of ulcers, my heart heavy and emotions filled with sadness.  Partially, this is because there have been many late nights and a lack of sleep can have that effect on me.  If I manage to recognise and control my emotions in this sleep-deprived state, something happens in terms of emotional growth. 


There were times throughout the day where control was seriously challenged.  A couple of persons, who challenge me in when in peak emotional days had me almost fall short. However, as opposed to normally suppressing it, my voice box worked with me controlling the words, still short but not reflexively so.  That is, there was no need to apologise afterward as the response was still professional.      


If I were to look for a trigger for the emotional state, it would most likely be the change in the circumstances of how we have been keeping the cats.  If animals were extensions or metaphors of aspects of ourselves then cats represent our freedom, independence, free thought, intuition, truth, are defiant and elegant – mostly.  The trigger, then, is the shift in how we need to treat our cats.  Unknowingly, we’ve been on the border of putting our cats in danger.  By allowing them to roam in a non-fauna-precious environment to restricting them 24 hours a day. It’s like being forced to constrain intuition and shut down independence, free thought and suppress defiance.  No wonder I feel like I’m grieving.


Yes. The cats will cope, they’re adaptable. However, if like in dreams the world reflects our inner selves, then their restriction is something which first had begun to happen inside me.  Sometimes when your intuition tells you to move on but you’re comfortable where you are and ignore it, somehow your intuition attracts circumstances which move you on. 


Like in my first fulltime job.  After two years I needed to be placed in a single branch.  This was to prevent burnout in those who were relieving officer travelling across Sydney, filling in for staff who were either on leave or sick.  A permanent base of operations was considered essential. As a “reward”, the relieving officer got to pick a branch, of those available at the time, where they wanted to be placed.  Inwardly, my intuition was telling me this wasn’t going to work for me anymore.  After being in a permanent base then going to relieving staff then back to permanent base it wasn’t going to work.


Looking back, at the time my first marriage to Joe (not his real name) was too soon for the person I wanted to be.  There was time, when I wanted to be able to talk about flatmates, travelling to various countries about experiences, here I was married.  We were looking at land to build a house, this meant a mortgage.  Mortgage meant constraint in my head.  Next would be children, and children meant constraint.  Joe wanted to be traditional; man works, woman home, look after babies.  No, we didn’t talk about it before we got married.  We were late teens, in love – enough said.  Joe’s argument was we could travel when we were older, like other people did.


That was fine, but those other people were telling us to travel while you’re young before you get the constraints.  I was listening to them; he wasn’t seeing them.  What we did agree on before we married was, travel first, family next.  Around that time, the stock market crashed.  The stock market crashing meant an increase in house and land values, putting us in the predicament to decide whether to travel or to settle down – that’s how Joe saw it, anyhow. Pushing the pre-marriage agreement into focus.


There were a couple of other factors at the time which also felt constraining.  So, when the time came for me to no longer roam the region and go to a single branch, I was reluctant.  As relief, I felt like a spy going on missions.  Absolutely, killing each role I was thrown into. Received like a hero for saving the day from the disaster of overworked staff, who would go home on-time because of me!  One branch would be a letdown.  There were others who hated the insecurity of not knowing where you were going to be tomorrow. Not me.  


When the branch choice was removed from me by the selection officer, he placed me in a branch which needed my versatile skillset not the branch of choice.  On arrival at the new branch, I vented.  The vent was to one of the girls I then indignantly stated, safe in the belief no-one except her was listening, I was going to resign.  The accountant walked by and overheard.  He turned to me, “did you say you’re gonna resign”?  The world stood still while I thought, “money where your mouth is, girl?” and said “yes. Saul” (not his real name – my head remembers him looking like the actor Saul Rubinek in Warehouse 13).


That’s how my intuition and the universe moved me on.  While tiredness brought about the emotional state, it’s not the reason – metaphysically speaking – I’m feeling it.  The question is, what are my constraints since the cats’ restriction is being felt so keenly? This time the constraints around marriage aren’t there, work’s okay.  The need to roam is no longer there for me, “been there done that!”.  Just a little more wiggle room in the yard space, not too much – it would restrict our time with tending a lawn.  Oh well, another day’s discussion. 


Let’s see what the cards have to say!


Today's Cards

Day 117. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now card is Laziness. 2 is Influence card is The Rebel. 3 is Goal card is Maturity. 4 is Distant Past card is The Source. 5 is Recent Past card is Participation. 6 is Future Energy card is The Creator. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Letting Go. 8 is Others' Views card is Experiencing. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Transformation. 10 is Outcome card is Friendliness. Shuffle method was Washing Machine

The Cards - Analysis

Carry Over Cards

There was only one card that carried over from yesterday, Letting Go moved from the Outcome to the Feelings/ Immediate Future position.


Laziness is in the Now position influenced by The Rebel, who incidentally hasn’t shown up for 33 days.  Laziness is the resting on one’s laurels while the bits you’re not maintaining begin to crumble.  The Rebel is about going your own way and not being bound by others’ influences. 


Doing my own thing at work, still doing project work for my previous position is possibly looking like whatever work I’ve been doing in the new role is slipping.  Alternatively, it could be the “neighbour-proofing” the cats and we rested upon our laurels thinking we had done enough, and we missed a section of fence.  Therefore, watching the self-satisfied smugness at keeping the cats in the backyard, crumble .


Maturity is in the Goal position.  In a work sense, it’s about the goal of settling into the new role more comfortably.  In the cat sense, it’s about maturing the cat-fencing solution.


In the Distant Past is The SourceThe Source is about getting back to the root and/ or heart of the issue from which it all stemmed.


The Recent Past has the card of Participation.  Recently, for a moment in time, I was immersed in performing my new role and delivering.  This delivery probably had me relax a little too much.  Hope to do more in the future in this area.


From The Source to the Future Energy of The CreatorThe Creator knows how to work with The Source.  If The Source is the clay then The Creator is the potter.  Does this mean The Creator knows how to make Laziness an advantage? 😏


In the Feelings/ Immediate Future position is the card of Letting GoLetting Go was in yesterday’s Outcome position if it has moved to the Feelings or Immediate Future position it’s likely the outcome has moved more into focus and the emotional state.  Right before letting, you have a moment of reflection and clinging then set it free.


Others’ Views has the card of Experiencing.  Not sure how to feel about other people seeing me Experiencing.  Possibly my emotional state has been noticed by the slightly more direct approach I’ve taken on issues where softer nudge would have been more my style.


The Transformation card in the Hopes & Fears position accurately reflects both my hope and my fear.  As mentioned yesterday, I could feel a transformation happening.  My hope was is for it to be on a smaller scale to the one this card indicates.  The hope is supported by the Transformation card’s position in Hopes & Fears and not happening anywhere else in the reading.  The fear is the Transformation is bigger than anticipated or there’s none happening at all.


Finally, the Outcome position has the card of Friendliness.  Looking forward to Friendliness, with neighbours, with work.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
End Day
Day 117 – Emotional
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