25 April 2021

Commemorative Context
Australia & New Zealand Army Corps Day. Today we commemorate those men and women who have fallen in battle. Although ANZAC day began honouring those fallen at Gallipoli in Turkey, it has evolved. The day now remembers the men and women who represented Australia as part of the Australian Military forces (and presumably NZ) regardless of the conflict. While the battle of Gallipoli began the tradition, commemoration is not just for this tragedy’s spirit.
In the past, friends from other countries commented that Australia was the only country to celebrate a loss. Not true; the day is not a celebration of the loss but a commemoration of spirit. The day is a tribute to those who fought on behalf of Australia and New Zealand in conflicts defending that needed protection.
To me, the day has always felt like a day when you attend a funeral. At a funeral, there is the burial and the wake. The sombre part of the day, the funeral, begins with a dawn service that honours those who have fallen. Their service and the ultimate sacrifice for Australia are recognised, acknowledged and preserved.
The Wake of Commemoration
After a funeral, there’s the wake. The wake celebrates the accomplishments and contributions those sacrifices have achieved, much like you would if a friend or family member passed away. You talk about how they helped you do “this or that” or influenced how you “do this or that”. You do something which honours them as a tribute, something which was close to their heart or at the very least; you talk about it. The same is true of the ANZACs and ANZAC day. It’s one of three (two and a half) days in the year where the game of “two-up” can be played legally (Hamilton Janke). Two-up is a tradition that dates to Gallipoli, and the ANZ people played it.
The funeral analogy works for me. People have died in the wars, and we tribute them each year to keep their memory alive. Then we do celebrate their contribution to the extraordinary Australian lifestyle we’re able to lead.
So, how did I spend ANZAC day? By acknowledging those that have fallen with mindfully living the day in gratefulness to their sacrifice. Without even attending the service, the Ode to the fallen rings respectfully in my head:
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."Australian Army
Commemorative Connection
The phrase in the Ode that triggers my connection is the “nor the years condemn”. At this point, I’ll mention there were naïve years in my youth. Where, like many before and after me, detested the concept of war – still do. Unfortunately, my naïveté and anger toward wars were misdirected to those who had died in them. Thus, unwittingly condemning them.
As I matured, I learnt the meaning of current contextual bias. Looking back at the past from my current viewpoint and not from the contextual history of the participants, I realise I will never know their environment or the pressures of the day. Not for all the reading, TV shows, documentaries, or movies of the era. The only time we can judge by is when we’re in, although we can make attempts to understand it.
Therefore, I cannot judge what I do not know and cannot know, simply accept that it was different. That then meant, even feeling by today’s standard, going to war regardless of time or era, knowing there could be death for you at the end of it, is brave – irrespective of the side.
I created a personal mantra to remind myself to pull back from judgment: “you are not them, and therefore you cannot know what they are thinking. Anything you think they are thinking is a guess”. It’s a bit long, but parts of it work enough to pull me back – trust me, it’s not easy!
Anyway, after the morning was over, I continued to sew and complete the seat cover started yesterday, and my husband continued to people-proof the cats from the neighbourhood.
Let’s see what the cards have to say!
Today's Cards

The Cards - Analysis
Carryover Cards
No cards carried over today.
Okay, I’m going to confess I see the cats as a burden at times. The Burden influenced by The Source occupies the Now position. The crux of our pain at the moment is having cats. Would we trade them for peace? No. Therefore, The Burden is one of our choosing. The Source is the raw Energy that is influencing the suffering.
The Goal position has the card of Innocence. Innocence is not so much a Goal as a way of being. By dropping all pretence, the communion with nature – instead of fighting it – can be experienced.
In the Distant Past is the card Moment to Moment reflecting a time when planning or looking to the past did not happen, but each moment was in complete focus.
The Recent Past position has the card of Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt, to me, is about physical changes in direction, reflecting the inner movements of the spirit. Thunderbolt, in this case, probably refers to my desire to move to a new house to find a more secure and larger cat play area. It would have the side-effect of being away from the grumbly neighbour.
A clarifier/ disclaimer: grumbly is my nickname for him. He may or may not be grumbly as I have very little to do with him, except when it comes to the cats. His family are lovely. Again, based on my minimal interactions with them. Grumbly is very garden-proud with every right to be so – just wish he were a more tolerant animal person.
Future Energy following the consideration of moving is that of Patience. When the time to move is here, the universe will move things in a way to get me to where I need to be when I need to be there.
My Feelings/ Immediate Future position has the card of Participation. A part of me wishes to work with the neighbour to participate in a new outcome that’s better than the one we currently have. Yet, both beaten down by the system and The Burden of being a good “pet parent”.
Others’ Views has the card of Playfulness. Good to know that others’ perceptions of my situation are better than I imagined I was portraying. The goal is not to burden anyone else by what is going on.
The Master sits in the Hopes & Fears position. This one is easy! I hope to be like The Master and rise above the circumstances and trust the universe will help meet the wish for the cats to be happy (not stressed) by their environment. The fear is that I am a long way from being The Master.
Aloneness is the Outcome card. One of the cards in the Osho book quotes Gautam Buddha’s quote to disciples “be a light unto yourself” (Osho, p.20). Possibly indicating some things require self-reflection, which only I can do.