Day 114 – New Old Things

24 April 2021

Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Totality.2 is Influence, card is Compromise.3 is Goal, card is Schizophrenia.4 is Distant Past, card is Ripeness.5 is Recent Past, card is Mind.6 is Future Energy, card is Experiencing.7 is Feelings, card is Possibilities.8 is Others’ views, card is No-thingness.9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Sorrow.10 is Outcome, card is Harmony.


Welcome to day 114!


The first thing to do today was visit the physio.  The physio was happy with my progress on the recovery from my broken ankle and added a couple of extra exercises to my list.  Main exercises of clock lunges plus standing on one slightly bent knee.  Believe it or not, these are tough exercises.


All the anxiety manufactured by me making assumptions about cats had disappeared, we even shared some moments speaking about her adorable puppies.  The whole experience was incredibly pleasant and have another session booked in a fortnight.


At home, the sewing machine was brought out of the cupboard and dusted off.  For some reason, settling for whatever you can buy off-the-shelf doesn’t always work for me. Thankfully, I paid attention in sewing class – most of the time.  Right after I griped about not being able to do woodwork and/ or metalwork.  


You see, during my school years girls needed to learn to cook and sew; men had to learn woodwork and metalwork.  Years later, I would still bemoan not having been taught how to do woodwork, especially since a lack of skill was not an inhibitor to me giving projects requiring woodwork a go – oh, the number of projects that failed!  Sewing helped me more than my teenage self ever thought it would.


Anyway, there was a chair purchased from a Swedish furniture company it was reasonably priced, but it only came in black.  Where the chair was going to be located a big black blob would not work.  Some black, yes.  All black, no.  So, a plan for the journey home was to get fabric from the reupholstery place, stop by the sewing and crafts store, cut the fabric to shape, and drape.


Once at home, the thought of “why not staple the cover in place before the chair is assembled?”, occurred to me. Grabbled the staple gun, cut the fabric to shape and stapled away. Unfortunately, the backrest wasn’t that easy.  There was nothing to staple the fabric to.  Then the thought of making a pillowcase type cover to hang over the top seemed the simplest way to go.  Indeed, it would be the simplest way to go. 


Nah!  Simple pales in comparison to, “how cool would it be if you could replace the one that’s there now?”.  Famous last words, “how hard can it be to make a cover with a zip?” followed by the words “it shouldn’t take too long”.


Following some measuring work earlier in the week, the effort for the backrest began today in earnest.  Admittedly, I only really got half a day done today.  The result was pretty good, if you don’t look too closely 😀.  Can’t wait to find out what it looks like tomorrow.  It has zips and rounded corners, so more difficult than I remember.


The sad thing about today was the sewing and craft store seemed quiet. Sewing isn’t popular in Australia, anymore – at least not like it used to be.  It’s sad to see stores once teeming with customers and being great giants dwindle; reduced to selling all manner of supplementary products to subsidise their income. Glad they are, it’s a worthy service and useful skill.   


With the sewing machine out, it was the perfect opportunity to mend a couple of things due for recycling or rubbish.  A pair of jeans and a skirt both had rips – now fixed.  Old items made new!  A pair of slacks which had a cuff which used cause me to trip, had the cuff sewn shut and makes them wearable again.  Three items made new all because of sewing.  What a skill-gift sewing turned out to be!


Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 114. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now card is Totality. 2 is Influence card is Compromise. 3 is Goal card is Schizophrenia. 4 is Distant Past card is Ripeness. 5 is Recent Past card is Mind. 6 is Future Energy card is Experiencing. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Possibilities. 8 is Others' Views card is No-thingness. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Sorrow. 10 is Outcome card is Harmony. Shuffle method was Washing Machine

The Cards - Analysis

Carry Over Cards

Today there were three carry over cards.  Interestingly, two of the cards have remained in the same position even after a Washing Machine shuffle.  These two cards were Schizophrenia and Mind remaining in the Goal and Recent Past positions, respectively.


The Now card has Totality with the Influence of CompromiseTotality is about us totally committing to keeping the cats inside, but instead of building a prison for both the cats and us, for the moment we’ve finished the bamboo fencing so the cats can’t climb it.


The Goal of Schizophrenia and a carry-over card shows that the torn nature of my feelings and emotions.  Compromise can lead to coming down on the wrong side of an argument.


Distant Past is Ripeness.  This makes sense, it’s all those items of clothing that have been sitting waiting for a moment to become whole again.


In the Recent Past is Mind and another carryover card.  While yesterday the card’s confusion was around me revealing more to the cat trapper than was good for our cats, today’s confusion still lies in the misinformation, and potentially some carry over from yesterday’s discussion which I’m not over yet.


The Future Energy is Experiencing. Experiencing is the last of the carried over cards from yesterday. The card was the only one that moved.  From being in the Influence position to being the Future Energy position.  Experiencing is about connecting and the line drawn to me today from the Osho book was, “[b]eing humble, simple – and that is the right way to approach nature” (Osho, p.82).  Only in this circumstance, it is the right way to approach the situation.


Feelings/ Immediate Future position has the card of Possibilities.  The Possibilities include moving houses, fencing here, and trying to find some way to incorporate some hunting space for the cats within the boundaries of their enclosure.


Others’ Views position has the card of No-thingnessNo-thingness being the card of potential echoes the card of Possibilities.  From the outside it appears that anything is possible, this could relate to my sewing abilities or the cats’ containment.


Inner Hopes & Fears has the card of Sorrow.  During Sorrow enlightenment can appear.  Discovering the purpose or cause (cats are what I have attracted as a symptom) of my current suffering is certainly something hoping to find. It’s to get to the root cause of, and yet it’s also what I’m fearing the most.  What if it’s something unpleasant and mean?


The Outcome of all of this is HarmonyHarmony being the connection and union between mind and heart.  Bring it on!  Like all things that you try too hard to hold on to, the harder you try to hold on to it the more difficult it becomes to get.  Basically, I can’t make Harmony happen, it needs to happen of its own accord.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
End Day 114
Day 114 – New Old Things
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