Day 112 – Political Correctness Humour (updated)

22 April 2021

Day 112. Celtic Cross Layout: 1 is Now card is Letting Go. 2 is Influence card is The Source. 3 is Goal card is Sharing. 4 is Distant Past card is We are the World. 5 is Recent Past card is Existence. 6 is Future Energy card is Guilt. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Experiencing. 8 is Others' Views card is Patience. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Breakthrough. 10 is Outcome card is Intensity


Welcome to Day 112!


Discussions at work today were about political correctness and joke telling, and pranic healing.  There was one guy at work who I’ll call, John (not his real name), mentioned he had a joke but was unsure whether it was politically correct or not.  We were both discussing how humour had changed since we were growing up.  Humour’s use in breaking down stereotypes and encouraging tolerance. 


John told his joke, only after promising not to be offended, even if it was politically incorrect.  When it comes to humour, it would have to be outright mean for me to get offended. Humour to me is based on many factors: the context and the joke teller’s intention. For instance, one of the fifty companies I worked for had a small team made up of multiple nationalities who had worked with each other for years.  When I raised that the daily banter of racial and stereotype humour hurled at each other could be seen as offensive, they were truly shocked.  At the time, the words “unconscious bias” wasn’t in my vocabulary.


The team were subdued until after lunch.  It was obvious, it had been discussed and with a quick question to me whether I had been insulted by the banter – to which the reply was a definitive “no”.  There was a little bit of exposition by one of the team members, saying he came to work for the banter and would hate it if it stopped.  After ensuring the team’s antics would not offend me, the team resumed its usual banter.  None of the joke tellers’ intentions were intended to be offensive.  The context for the jokes was within the team.    


In the end, John’s joke was clever but as the intended audience, you would be hard pushed to offend me with a joke.  In the end, the joke’s status was unknown.  There’s a slim chance it might offend someone I’d have to check with a source who might be able to advise better.  I’d follow up with someone and get back to him.   He wasn’t sure, there was a joke out there that wasn’t funny at someone’s expense.


Then I broke out the “Foot, Foot Foot and Foot Foot Foot” joke1 and stood corrected. The joke came around many years ago in a “Funny Friday jokes” email or something of the sort.  This joke arrived at the right moment when I worked on the IT Service Desk many years ago, it usually told when a caller needed to reboot their machine or wait for the “load line” to march across the screen.  It got a couple of groans, giggles, and laughs with no-one every getting offended (joke below).



Yesterday, Pranic Healing was mentioned in discussion, but I hadn’t provided a definition.  Basically, it’s frequency healing.  Not being an expert click on the link to a definition Pranic Healing.

Today's Cards

Day 112. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now card is Letting Go. 2 is Influence card is The Source. 3 is Goal card is Sharing. 4 is Distant Past card is We are the World. 5 is Recent Past card is Existence. 6 is Future Energy card is Guilt. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Experiencing. 8 is Others' Views card is Patience. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Breakthrough. 10 is Outcome card is Intensity. Shuffle method was Washing Machine

The Cards - Analysis

Carry Over Cards

Oooh. There three cards carried over from yesterday: Sharing has moved from the Now to the Goal position, Guilt has moved from Recent Past to Future Energy, and Intensity has moved from Hopes & Fears to Outcome.


Letting Go is in the Now influenced by The SourceLetting Go, I’m taking to relate to the political correctness glasses at work.  If was an after-work chat and it was the usual three people on the floor working back late. Two of the three aren’t really morning people.   When I say “morning people” it’s with respect to showing up for work.  They could be wake up early people but not want to show up early.


Sharing is a carry-over card moving from the Now to the Goal is a forward shift perhaps indicating that the experience of Sharing in the Now is something that I’d like to continue doing.


Distant Past is We are the World indicating a time when the work environment was working toward a common goal but while hurling prejudices not actually being prejudice.


The Recent Past card is Existence and is the reason for Letting Go.  It is in the acknowledging and confidence in our uniqueness (Existence) that we can be comfortable in Letting Go. Just had a thought, perhaps this might relate to moving to a bigger property so we can put up a cat/ person enclosure where I won’t feel guilty.


That brings us to the Future Energy position occupied by Guilt.  I feel guilty about so many elements regarding the cats but the Letting Go has triggered the feelings of Guilt.  The guilt relates to both the cats and potentially finding funny a joke that I shouldn’t be laughing at.


The Feelings/ Immediate Future card of Experiencing.  This one relates to the jokes Experiencing the wonder of how people create them. 


Others’ Views are of me with Patience – take that husband!  Ah. Maybe it’s that I need to get Patience.  Okay, hubby. We’re good here. 😇 Patience is the reward for Letting Go.


Hopes & Fears has the Breakthrough card.  Back to the cats. I hope there’s a Breakthrough solution which will meet my needs as a cat owner.  The fear is for the Breakthrough will favour the cat detractors of the area.


Intensity is the Outcome position.   Intensity is another carry over card.  If you view the Intensity card as a person having strong views and moving forward with them, but for now, there’s only the present.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

Once upon a time in a land of incredible fantasy there lived three worms.  The first was called Foot, the second called Foot Foot, and the third called Foot Foot Foot.  For many worm seasons they went about their business, crossing the path to get the groceries whenever it rained.  Today was no different. Foot, Foot Foot and Foot Foot Foot were at the edge of the wet path and began. Foot had taken the lead while Foot Foot and Foot Foot Foot were taking their time.  As Foot was halfway across the tires of a bicycle ran over it and Foot was no more.  In panic Foot Foot and Foot Foot Foot retreated to the side of the path huddled together and paid tribute to Foot in their own worm way.  


This sort of stuff happened to worms all the time, it was just a part of life.  Nonetheless, Foot Foot and Foot Foot Foot were saddened.  The two were a little panicked because while it happened all the time, it hadn’t happened to them in a very long time.  After a worm eternity, Foot Foot said to Foot Foot Foot: “we still need to cross the path, because we still need to get groceries”.  Foot Foot Foot agreed and said, “yes. We should go, but we better be careful because we already have one Foot in the grave”. 

Sorry 😉
End Day 112
Day 112 – Political Correctness Humour (updated)
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