Day 108 – Choosing Colours (updated)

18 April 2021

Day 107. Celtic Cross Layout: 1 is Now card is Playfulness. 2 is Influence card is Guidance. 3 is Goal card is Going with the Flow. 4 is Distant Past card is Comparison. 5 is Recent Past card is Totality. 6 is Future Energy card is Control. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Courage. 8 is Others' Views card is Schizophrenia. 9 is Hope & Fears card is The Burden. 10 is Outcome card is Sorrow


Welcome to day 108!


The bathroom renovation hunt for fixtures, and fittings continued.  Yesterday, we (husband and I) had selected a couple of tile combinations – feature tile, floor tile and standard tile.  The aim was to leave it overnight to mull around in our minds.  Independently, while we both loved the natural slate charcoal for a feature wall, we both decided the colour wouldn’t work in the space we were planning to use it for.  The bathroom’s not big enough.


Eventually, something we thought was going to be quick turned out to take longer than expected.  Only to come back to the original tile selection! 


Next were the vanity and the shaving cabinet’s turn for selection.  The plan is to reuse the existing sink, but the benchtop and cabinets will need to get replaced because of the space it’s going in to.  At first, the plan was to use Ikea to provide us with the products.  Like Goldilocks and her three bears the Ikea products were either too big or too small for the space.  We settled on a brochure and decided the decision didn’t need to be made at that moment.


The other thing on my mind today was my AFL football team.  They lost and for a few moments following the game yesterday, I felt bummed.  The whole choosing tile colours got me thinking about choosing a team to fan for. 


In 2005 on the ski fields of Perisher (New South Wales, Australia), if it hadn’t been for a white out, I would never have met my husband.  A white out is when small snow falls without all the hype of a blizzard, storm or wind.  It’s like a dark heavy drizzly day but with snow instead of drizzle.  These conditions make it hard to see, increases the chance of injury and makes it difficult for rescue teams to find anyone if they happen to get lost on the mountain. 


Other things happen in these conditions is the amount of runs skiers can ski is reduced to the ones with the best visibility, usually on the lee side.   With the weather being considered icky by most people, the runs are sparsely populated which means perfect skiing conditions for die hard skiers or those with limited time to get any skiing in.  This is when I met the man I’m married to today. 🥰


There was one thing going against the relationship he was from Melbourne, Victoria and by the time I’d moved to Brisbane, Queensland. This meant a long-distance relationship and, being a former New South Welshman, the rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne did not go unmentioned .  You see, in Victoria and the southern parts or southern states Australian Rules Football (AFL) is the sport du-lifetime.  In New South Wales, you could walk around and not have a Rugby League team and you would have been fine. 


Why is this a problem?  It’s a problem because the two sports are played at the same time of year at roughly the same times, therefore competing for the same advertising space on television broadcasts.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, it’s a false dichotomy.  Of course, you can barrack for a rugby league team and an AFL team.  In fact, many Victorians are sports enthusiasts.  With cold weather at that time of year, there’s not much else to do – yes it was a friendly jibe!


In the second year of our relationship, it was becoming clear we wanted to spend more time with each other.  This meant tackling the hard question of who would move where.  I’d always wanted to spend some time in Melbourne and was regularly voted as the most “liveable” city.  It was decided, I would move to Melbourne for a trial period.  Once the location was decided but prior to my move, my husband (husband-to-be hereinafter referred to as “husband”) solemnly mentioned there was a difficult choice ahead of me. 


Obviously, it was a serious decision he was so sombre, I braced myself for the really tough question.  He said, I would need to pick an AFL football team.  Really?  That’s not a tough decision! Is it?  Do I have to make a decision at all?  The answer was, of course I didn’t have to make a decision, but my life would be easier if when asked about my team, there was a response.  The response would mean people left you alone from people trying to persuade you to have a team.


Choosing a side in a sport I hadn’t paid any attention to understand wasn’t really as easy as I thought.  Turns out the AFL team is kind of like the Myers-Briggs or DISC personality tests and if you declare your team, people associate you with a particular type of personality.  Didn’t learn this until a few years into committing.  Discussing the selection process, I went through is a post for another day.


In the end, I selected a team and the universe wanted me to at least watch a game as I’d been given a couple of tickets to watch my husband’s AFL team.  The rules are simple, and it seemed very like basketball – which I love!  Now 15 years later, AFL is on more because of me than my husband.  Might discuss this investment tomorrow.


Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 107. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now card is Playfulness. 2 is Influence card is Guidance. 3 is Goal card is Going with the Flow. 4 is Distant Past card is Comparison. 5 is Recent Past card is Totality. 6 is Future Energy card is Control. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Courage. 8 is Others' Views card is Schizophrenia. 9 is Hope & Fears card is The Burden. 10 is Outcome card is Sorrow. Shuffle method was Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Analysis

Carry Over Cards

There’s only one card that carried over from yesterday, the Control moved from Future Energy to Distant Past.  This implies natural movement of the cards.

Analysis - updated

Existence is in the Now is influenced by The Fool.  What does that mean?  Existence is about simply being, not doing anything just existing.  Like that moment in the shower when you’re free to be yourself.  The Osho Existence comes with the humbling feeling of knowing you’re unique in all of time and space. There never was or ever will be anyone like you with your unique set of attributes.  With this card in the Now position it assumes a position of humbleness overawed by the greater experience of existing.

The Goal card was The Source which is about getting back to basics – guess I did that in describing how I arrived at the AFL (football) team which I now support 🙂.


Control is in the Distant Past and Flowering the Recent Past.  The future is looking prosperous in the card of Sharing sits in the Future Energy position.  This means that from a position of controlling certain aspects of discipline has led to what was closed as now opening up, aka Flowering.  The Flowering not only opens up but like the flowers on a fruit tree soon becomes fruit to share.  Like the blossom turned to fruit, the tree does not mind who it shares its fruit with – the earth, a person, a bird.


The Feelings/ Immediate Future card is Understanding.  Just by writing this blog today, understanding dawned on me about why the bathroom was important to me.


Other’s Views has the card of PossibilitiesPossibilities in this position it could mean others see opportunities for the situation and potential further growth for me.


In the Hopes & Fears position is the card of Stress.  The hope is for work to not be as pressure-ful as originally. On the other hand, the fear is for Stress to enter my life unexpectedly because it has been quiet.


Finally, the Outcome position has the card of AdventureAdventure is about using the inquisitive side of the brain, investigating to get a lot more done than expected.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
End Day
Day 108 – Choosing Colours (updated)
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