Day 107 – Metaphysical Renovation

17 April 2021

Day 107. Celtic Cross Layout: 1 is Now card is Playfulness. 2 is Influence card is Guidance. 3 is Goal card is Going with the Flow. 4 is Distant Past card is Comparison. 5 is Recent Past card is Totality. 6 is Future Energy card is Control. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Courage. 8 is Others' Views card is Schizophrenia. 9 is Hope & Fears card is The Burden. 10 is Outcome card is Sorrow


So, what does it mean metaphysically if you’re modifying your bathroom?  Is this something you’ve ever considered?  Not until I began thinking of what to write for today’s blank screen, did the thought occur to me!  Which is surprising because it is something which would be fun to have a mental play with.  Much like a cat playing with a toy mouse.  


It’s not that bathroom aspects haven’t entered my field of thought, like there have been times where when the pipes at a friends’ place of mine constantly reeked of blocked plumbing. No matter how many times they moved or built new houses, so it’s wasn’t like it carried over from previous occupants.  Where my mind went with this was would the problem go away if one of two things happened.  If the occupants were having problems with their personal food processing or elimination and this got fixed would the house plumbing fix of its own accord?  Or if the house’s plumbing was fixed regularly would the occupant’s elimination also be eliminated.


Maybe there’s too much mental, emotional and physical food coming in and not enough time spent processing the information.  By processing on the mental and emotional level I mean meditation or mindfulness activities to enhance processing. All the more important the older you get.


Never before had the thought of looking at the bathroom as a metaphysical and metaphorical externalisation of myself occurred to me.  Let’s logically and with a sense of fun, play with the idea for a moment.  Applying say some dream analysis guideline basics to the situation.  Yes. I’m aware we’re not in a dream but this knowledge is the one readily available to me and seem to adapt to reality as well.  Did I not mention having a bit of fun with the idea? 😁


Firstly, the bathroom deals with cleaning away grit.  The bathroom does this with water.  Water or fluid in dreams, and elsewhere, is typically connected to the emotions.  Possibly connected with the foetus floating in the womb’s “water”. As an example, a shower is great after exercise.  Exercise promotes toxins to leave the body.  Having a shower afterward washes away the sweated toxins.  Leaving you feeling not just good from the exercise but also fresh and reinvigorated from having a shower. 


For those kids who love water and find it difficult to resist getting wet when a pool, pond or beach are near means the kids are free and comfortable with their emotions.  Although there is a period of time in some kids, around the ages of 10 to 13 where there’s a reluctance to get wet under a shower but a pool or ocean swim is just fine.  That’s something to explore on another day.


On many occasions a shower has picked me up when I’ve been in the midst of a “what’s the point” kind of day.  How many times do you see this exact scenario enacted in movies or TV shows?  There’s also the fact you’re naked in the shower.  One of the aspects to nakedness symbolises being your true self.  To paraphrase from Osho, although not referring to a shower experience is relatable to my point:  each time you have a shower you let go of everything that has been given to you by others, your name, your identity, everything disappears for those few moments.  It’s a momentary rebirth of your innocence where you’re reborn – even if it is for a short while (Osho, p.41). 


Particularly, true for me when I was sharing a household with housemates who put a “damper” on me expressing who I was when at home.  The feeling was so suffocating my preferred form of exercise was to go swimming at 5:00am to do laps – in winter!  Don’t get me wrong, swimming is great but typically it hasn’t been my go-to form of exercise.  


Bathroom.  Bathroom …?  Okay, here goes bathrooms make us feel like ourselves.  The bathroom being renovated, is being renovated because of the shower.  From the few times where I’ve had to use it, I’ve hated showering in it because it’s restrictive.  In a previous post, I mentioned the narrow doorway.  There was also an early design decision which meant the water pipes needed to encroach into the shower space as well robbing the shower space of 70mm (7cm or about 2½ inches) off the original already tight space.  It’s still not great.


On a personal level, I’m not a fan of restrictions and the main shower feels like both.  The restrictions prevent freedom in a noticeable way.  Hopefully, the adjustment will increase the feeling of spaciousness and freedom.  To start the process, we bought a bathtub 🛁


Getting back to the metaphysical reason for the renovation, perhaps inside my head I need more room and less constraints around freedom in the public space of the home when visitors are present?


Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 107. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now card is Playfulness. 2 is Influence card is Guidance. 3 is Goal card is Going with the Flow. 4 is Distant Past card is Comparison. 5 is Recent Past card is Totality. 6 is Future Energy card is Control. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Courage. 8 is Others' Views card is Schizophrenia. 9 is Hope & Fears card is The Burden. 10 is Outcome card is Sorrow. Shuffle method was Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Analysis

Carry Over Cards

There was only one card that carried over from yesterday and it was Guidance which moved from the Distant Past to the Influence position.


The first card out in the Now is Playfulness influenced by Guidance and the Goal of Going with the Flow.  We were curious about what baths were available, as a bit of fun (Playfulness) we thought we’d drop into a couple of bathroom renovation resellers to get some Guidance.  There wasn’t a specific aim in mind, like we have to buy a bathtub.  However, if we saw one we liked, we would buy it (this is Going with the Flow).



The whole motivation in the Distant Past was the Comparison between the en suite shower and the main bathroom’s shower.  Understanding the two are completely different is one thing, but the constriction by the comparison in highlighted the lack of space in the other.



In the Recent Past, like earlier today, we purchased a bathtub which then meant committed to renovating the bathroom in Totality.



There’s a Future Energy of Control.  Could this be around finances or trying not to get too carried away with the renovation?  It might be around the colours of the tiles.


On a personal level looking at Feelings/ Immediate Future I felt the step to renovate needed a step of Courage.



Others’ Views. Others’ possibly think I can’t make up my mind, which was reflected by the Schizophrenia card.  It’s true, we were unable to decide on the colour scheme and kept chopping and changing the look.  In the end, there wasn’t a definitive selection – tomorrow.



When it comes to Hopes & Fears the card of The Burden exists.  The fear is the renovation will add a burden to daily life more intense than anticipated.  With respect to hope, it’s possibly hoping The Burden isn’t as intense as where my imagination is leading me.



Hmmm… the Outcome has the card of Sorrow.  Doesn’t look promising.  However, it could relate to my feeling of disappointment in not having finalised the colour selection on the tiles.  Aware it’s only early in the process.  Again, there’s tomorrow.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
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Day 107 – Metaphysical Renovation
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