Day 102 – Unfinished Business

12 April 2021

Day 102. Celtic Cross Layout: 1 is Now card is Totality. 2 is Influence card is Turning In. 3 is Goal card is The Master. 4 is Distant Past card is Celebration. 5 is Recent Past card is Playfulness. 6 is Future Energy card is New Vision. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Control. 8 is Others' Views card is The Source. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Rebirth. 10 is Outcome card is Patience


Welcome to Day 102!

It was the first day at work, albeit working from home.  Fortunately, the study-come-spare-bedroom was empty throughout the day as its participant was entrenched in playing on the PlayStation located in the dining-come-daytime-rumpus room.  This left the living room for adults but not too far away from the nephew to have the family be included.


Where was I?  Oh, that’s right! Back at work.  Sometimes when you’re delivering a project, the pass over point from project to everyday existence (operations) leaves some support characteristics forgotten or unfinished.  These elements are usually taken for granted during a project and assumed to have existing operational support arrangements in place.  t’s not until time passes with the elements in operation where the odd issue arises from unfinished business.


Unfinished business is what cropped up in the first hour of my day.  The issue arose when there was a reshuffle of positions and roles and a role to finalise these steps disappeared. This meant the hand over activity didn’t get completed. When the issue does arise, questions go to the last person who touched it; you got it, me.  Fortunately, it was a simple component and involved a product instruction sheet to be stored centrally.  Creating the document was a time consuming but putting it in place was incredibly satisfying.  All that needs to happen now is approval, and it will no longer come back to me.  Just a matter of patience.  Perfect!


On the home front, lunch was spent with my sister watching “her” show of Married at First Sight (MAFS).  The problem I discovered is that it was the second last episode which was part one of two parts with the second being shown on the night my sister returns home.  The question is, do I watch the last episode?  Watching the episode would give my sister someone she can “analyse” the show with after it aired.  Or do I go back to my normal routine.


The most frustrating aspect of the show is the way that you do not get enough information to form your own opinion.  The show is presented in such a way that there are really limited options on what you can think and know.  Essentially, the producers provide an allocution or “Voice of God” view (McQuail D p.136).  As an example, the “Voice of God” was the power radio and TV had over the information provided to its viewers before the Internet’s existence.  If the news reported something, there was no easy way of verifying or seeking information.  Therefore, if the news reported that something was a fact, it was generally accepted to be so.


Following the airing of the episode, my sister was able to seek out a podcast on the events and source a little more detail.  One of the participants shown to be wearing a “halo”, figuratively speaking, in reality isn’t the saint that’s portrayed.  So too was the portrayal of the “villain”.  It’s very difficult for me to get invested in the show, although a definite “glee” comes out when discussing the portrayal of participants given the provided facts.  There is a side of me that is disappointed in me for getting involved; mainly because there are people behind what is being portrayed in a certain light. 


The argument could be made the participants put themselves in the position in the first place.  There still seems something wrong about commenting on someone else’s life without knowing all the facts – and yet I do 🙁.   


After the “Monday morning quartering backing” between my sister and I, the rest of the afternoon was spent throwing myself into sorting out the pile of emails that had accumulated while I was on leave.


Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 102. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now card is Totality. 2 is Influence card is Turning In. 3 is Goal card is The Master. 4 is Distant Past card is Celebration. 5 is Recent Past card is Playfulness. 6 is Future Energy card is New Vision. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Control. 8 is Others' Views card is The Source. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Rebirth. 10 is Outcome card is Patience. Shuffle method was Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Analysis

Carry Over Cards

Only one card has carried over from yesterday and that’s the card of Patience which has moved from the Recent Past to the Outcome position.


Totality is in the Now position influenced by Turning In, with a Goal of The Master.  The cards seem to be talking about my work life today.  Totality is with the dedication I pursued getting through the day amidst having guests.  Turning In, being the reflection upon why an old project’s unfinished business was unfinished and the best way to resolve it.


The Goal of The Master, if the card is interpreted as simply someone being skilled at something, in this case getting back from leave 😁.   


The situation arose from the Distant Past when the end of project Celebration occurred.  Fortunately, Playfulness in the Recent Past was able to easily identify how to resolve the issue.


Being able to hand over this aspect created a New Vision in how to hand this over, which in my world hadn’t happened in this way before.  The Future Energy of New Vision will encompass this new approach to handing over project elements.


The New Vision came about because I no longer wanted to have Feelings of where I wasn’t in Control.  Being in control of the end of project process and passing it to operations reminds me of the quote the software development team have on their wall on top of a burning building (refer picture below).


Others’ Views has the card of The Source, indicating a return to basics.  It’s probably more that when they needed to resolve the issue, those affected went to The Source of its creation.


Hopes & Fears has the card of Rebirth.  The hope in this situation is that this will be the last piece of unfinished business for the project.  The fear is that it isn’t and that I will keeping getting requests for the next ten years.


To put today’s main issue to bed, I need to wait on approval.  This means Patience in the Outcome position is spot on.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. McQuail, D (2010), ‘New Media – New Theory?’, in McQuail’s Mass Communication Theory, 6th edition, Sage Publications Ltd, London, pp. 136-159
Worked okay in dev, Ops problem now.
End Day
Day 102 – Unfinished Business
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