Day 100 – Physio Assessment

10 April 2021

Day 100. Celtic Cross Layout: 1 is Now card is The Lovers. 2 is Influence card is Receptivity. 3 is Goal card is Going with the Flow. 4 is Distant Past card is Adventure. 5 is Recent Past card is Past Lives. 6 is Future Energy card is Guidance. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Sharing. 8 is Others' Views card is Creativity. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Projections. 10 is Outcome card is Breakthrough


Welcome to Day 100!


It’s the first time in the triple digits and it’s a beautiful day. Today was the first contact with the physio since Day 086 when I felt I was pushing the physio into watching a cat video.  I felt bad about it.  Since that time, I’d written about it spoken to my husband about it, thereby processing the event – from my side at least.  


After the event, I wanted to know if swimming was an option, at the same time my plan was to discuss my poor behaviour.  The call turned not to reach the physio and by this time the issue had become quite insignificant and bringing it up was indeed making an issue of what was by now a non-issue.


The physio did not seem in the slightest bit annoyed, and her behaviour was still as warm as I usually remember it to being without an underlying undercurrent from her side.  From my side, my spidey senses were on full alert in case it picked up the slightest nuance. There was none.  This probably meant that there was something last time, but its cause was unlikely to have been me. 


This time my enthusiasm was muted and given the COVID restrictions maintained social distancing and mask wearing for the appointment.  There seemed no need to raise the issue, so I decided to let it go.  It was surprisingly difficult even after a couple of weeks.  There was also a sense of relief after the visit.  At the end of the visit, the physio went off into the back room like she did last time.  It dawned on me that she had physio massage cream on her hands and probably wanted to wash it off. 


During the appointment, sections of my ankle were still hot and healing even though flexibility was good.  The physio managed to find a crystalised area of the ankle and it was hard to the touch initially.  When the physio finished the ankle felt a lot better. 


The physio thinks there might be some ligament tearing in the area.  Since it’s only been ten weeks since the break she decided to wait until the three-month mark prior to working the area for ligament damage.  Since ligament damage was a possibility, the comfrey will get pulled out of the medicine box and applied – it aids in the healing process for tendons and ligaments.  Might even see if I can experiment with a YouTube sound/ frequency healing video.  Next appointment is in two weeks.


Unfortunately, the humidity during the day was high and my ankle was being used extensively and by the end of the day my foot had swollen to the worst it’s been in a long time.  After elevating the leg and applying an icepack it looked better; sleeping with my foot elevated will improve it some more.


The news of Prince Philip’s death arrived.  While not a purchaser of the magazines that report on the comings and goings of royal life, I was aware of Prince Philip’s role as the Queen’s consort.  Reports of his antics and humour have made him a comforting presence in those magazines as he invariably showed the royals to be human like the rest of us. The memory that sticks in my mind most was him apparently farting at Charles and Diana’s wedding in the box for the photo opportunity.  The family’s reaction of scrunched noses and smirks at something he’d said done, while not a “beautiful appearance” moment from the wedding it was a very beautiful personal and unscripted moment caught on camera.  He’ll be missed by me for these things.  Obviously, the BBC News wrote about the event and there’s a link to the article in References below.


Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 100. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now card is The Lovers. 2 is Influence card is Receptivity. 3 is Goal card is Going with the Flow. 4 is Distant Past card is Adventure. 5 is Recent Past card is Past Lives. 6 is Future Energy card is Guidance. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Future card is Sharing. 8 is Others' Views card is Creativity. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Projections. 10 is Outcome card is Breakthrough. Shuffle method was Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Analysis

Carry Over Cards

Past Lives is the only card to carry over and it carries over from the Goal position yesterday to being in the Recent Past position.


The Now position has The Lovers card, and its influence card is Receptivity with a Goal of Going with the Flow.  As discussed in several posts, The Lovers card is not a sexual connection type card most of the time where I’m concerned.  The Lovers is teamwork which benefits more than the two participants involved. In this reading, I’m interpreting the card as the relationship between the physio and myself, the benefit for both of us is continued custom which leads to money for her and freedom of movement for me (husband benefits)!


Receptivity is my alert status watching for changes in mood or nuances indicating the last time was because of something I did.  Going with the Flow as a Goal is the “wait and see” approach to determine whether it was wise to raise the issue or the apology.  Luckily, it wasn’t necessary.


The Lovers were underpinned by the Distant Past of Adventure and a Recent Past of Past Lives.  The Lovers of the Now arisen from the Adventure and Past Lives morph into the Future Energy of Guidance which is listening to the self and others with wise advice.  The Adventure in the Distant Past I’m seeing as the trip to Tweed Heads for a weekend away and ended with the weekend’s ankle break.


The Recent Past of Past Lives simply follows on from that as one part of the broken ankle adventure was wearing the cast, the next “life” was walking in the moon boot, and the life in the present is healing the final stages.


The Feelings or Immediate Future is that of Sharing and expansiveness.  Following the physio visit my energy was renewed and if you were watching for it you may have noticed the subtle shift in mood.


Others’ Views position has the card of Creativity and refers, I believe to my application of Creativity in my self-healing pursuits.


My inner Hopes & Fears are based on Projections and fear what I’m feeling has been misinterpreted by me.  The hope is I’ve read the physio session with sufficient objectivity to be reasonably accurate.  


Finally, the Outcome has a Breakthrough where the letting go is something for me to do but has long term benefits.  It was also in the realisation that I read too much into a situation based on the feeling I got.  As sometimes happens, the feelings were right but my personal sensitivity and insecurities drove the conclusion.


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. BBC News, 2021, Prince Philip has died aged 99, Buckingham Palace announces 
End Day 100
Day 100 – Physio Assessment
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