Day 093 – Full House

3 April 2021

Celtic Cross Layout: 1 is Now card is Flowering. 2 is Influence card is The Master. 3 is Goal card is Friendliness. 4 is Distant Past card is Totality. 5 is Recent Past card is The Fool. 6 is Future Energycard is Control. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Futurecard is Slowing Down. 8 is Others' Views card is We are the World. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Harmony. 10 is Outcome card is Existence


Welcome to Day 93!

Finally, everyone has arrived and the house if budding with life.  Due to COVID restriction status and the state border dividing my bestie and her family, my bestie and I decided to spend Easter with just those we can readily access.  It’s a good thing too, as the circumstances might have the added complication of a LOT of rain!

While the day rolled on the excitement of seeing my sister and family built.  At this stage, we (mother, husband and me) were unsure whether my brother-in-law would be able to make it.  The COVID situation doesn’t hold well.  My brother-in-law needs to work, like many, if he doesn’t work, he doesn’t get paid.   Being stuck in another state in a COVID lockdown would not allow him to go to work when he planned to return. 

My mother hung on to the decision because it would determine the final sleeping arrangements.  You see, she has a fondness for sleeping in the spare room over the study because of the queen bed, the study has a double.  The mission for my husband, was collecting the visitors from the airport, was to text ahead once he knew whether the number of passengers. He was bringing home three.  This meant we quickly needed to move my mother to the study – and the double bed.  A bittersweet moment for her 🙂 and a frantic moment for us to relocate luggage from one visitor station to the next.

There was a flurry of activity when the crew from Sydney landed at home, it was wonderful to see them.   With the full happy house there’s additional housework.  The additional housework isn’t the issue; however, it does mean the ankle that’s mending is being used for longer periods.  Longer periods of standing means more swelling and more pain.  The pain is a good kind of pain because it feels like the areas which haven’t been used are getting blood flow.  Blood flow means healing.  The healing brings with it, tiredness.

Guests, as mentioned yesterday, come with their own particular idiosyncrasies especially those of a parental persuasion.  If some patience is applied, things can run incredibly smoothly.  Especially, when the guests are all particular about how they like things to go.  Of course, if everyone’s ideas are equally valid and everyone is equally stubborn in order for harmony to ensue, someone or something must give.  If no one is going to concede then conflict arises.  On the other hand, if someone concedes to keep the peace resentment can build.  It takes a great amount of emotional skill to be able to pull of the initial territorial dance while everyone’s energies settle setting the tone for this visit.

Fortunately, this seems to have happened quickly this time.  The length apart seems to have allowed for personal growth on everyone’s part. The house has been peaceful with everyone settling into its tone quite quickly.  Of course, the week isn’t over yet!

The house still had a child who was keen in the Easter Bunny’s appearance and was ushered off necessary early bedtime to allow the Easter Bunny to make its appearance.  After the little tyke went to bed, some plans were made and before long the Easter Bunny had been dropping chocolate eggs all over the place.

Following on the theme of getting to bed early otherwise the Easter Bunny won’t show, let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now card is Flowering. 2 is Influence card is The Master. 3 is Goal card is Friendliness. 4 is Distant Past card is Totality. 5 is Recent Past card is The Fool. 6 is Future Energycard is Control. 7 is Feelings or Immediate Futurecard is Slowing Down. 8 is Others' Views card is We are the World. 9 is Hope & Fears card is Harmony. 10 is Outcome card is Existence. Shuffle method was Standard Shuffle

The Cards - Analysis

There were four cards that carried over and these were:  The Master moved from the Now to the Influence position, Friendliness moved from Influence to return once again to the Goal position like on Day 091, Totality moved from the Outcome to the Distant Past position, Control moved from Others’ Views to the Future Energy position.

The Master influences the Flowering in the Now.  Reading The Master as being enlightened truth, then enlightened truth is influencing Flowering.  Flowering is living life to the max it’s enjoying every moment of existence.  Today has definitely been exhausting but in a pleasant way.

Friendliness has moved back into the Goal position after sitting in the Influence position yesterday.  All I can say is if you’re going to have a goal there are less pleasant goals than Friendliness and what it represents.  I’m simply going to quote Osho today, page 101:

You relate; as long as things are moving beautifully, you share. And if you see that the moment has come to depart because your paths separate … you say goodbye with great gratitude for all that the other has been to you, … joys … pleasures … beautiful moments… With no misery, with no pain, you simply separate.

Yesterday, Totality was my mother arriving and this energy has moved to the Distant Past, indicating things are going well because the household is flowering 🙂.

The Recent Past has seen a leap of faith in The Fool.  The card of The Fool is echoing the Totality card in terms of total commitment, but The Fool is committed to an ideal.  Perhaps we will be able to fulfil my mother’s wish to have a board game played by all.  Fulfilling this request will be more difficult than it sounds.   

Control is in the Future Energy position hinting at some possible speed bumps when it comes to controlling a situation.  My mother, sister and I are strong-minded, and we don’t mind voicing our opinion if creativity is involved – or on anything really 😃.

The Feelings/ Immediate Future position has the Slowing Down card.  With the household Flowering it might provide a much-needed opportunity to slow down – emotionally at least, if not physically.   

Others’ Views position holds the We are the World card.  The card shows everyone working toward a common goal and creating harmony for the world.  That world may simply extend in this case to the bubble that is our house at the moment.

In the Hopes & Fears is the card of Harmony.  It is hoped Harmony continues to prevail.  However, while the Goal is Friendliness it may not be possible as the day of separation looms.  In the past, tension and “arguments” occur around this time and only to discover afterward it was most likely triggered by separation anxiety.  So, the fear is that Harmony won’t continue.

On a positive note, the Outcome is Existence.  The discovery of one’s unique nature in the temporal and physical realities and learning that you are not accidental (Osho, p5).


Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

End Day
Day 093 – Full House
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