Day 092 – Visitor Idiosyncrasies

2 April 2021

Day 092. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is The Master. 2 is Influence, card is Friendliness. 3 is Goal, card is The Source. 4 is Distant Past, card is Patience. 5 is Recent Past, card is Politics. 6 is Future Energy, card is Courage. 7 is Feelings, card is Morality. 8 is Others’ views, card is Control. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Possibilities. 10 is Outcome, card is Totality.


Welcome to Day 92!

Well, after a couple of days where decisions have been put in the spin cycle of a washing machine.  My mother is finally on a flight heading for Brisbane. Woohoo!  Right before picking her up from the airport, there was a little bit of trepidation.  The trepidation comes from no matter how old I get my mother is able to make me feel like I’m the same person I was when I was a teenager. 

For years, there are certain “cute” items of clothing or figurines, that mum for some bizarre reason, thinks I might like.  My tastes may have changed for the most part but at other times, they were never something that is “me”.  These are things that my mother wants me to like because she likes them.  Then you’re stuck in the quandary whether to say something and upset her or whether to accept it and then continually get something of a similar nature – worse still is something you need to display. 

I usually opt for being honest.  It’s a natural go-to even if it means upsetting my mother temporarily at first.  Now, for me, there’s a distinction between being honest and telling the truth.  Truth is blunt and unthinking and is a one-way interaction with the person on the receiving end; honesty has the first three letters of honour and requires context coupled with reason and a listening recipient.  It’s the intention behind the delivery of truth and honesty that makes all the difference “where intention goes, energy follows” (Linn, 1995).  

An overly simplistic example might be, me eating the last of my husband’s chocolate in the fridge because it was taking up room where a meal being provided to guests that night needed to go.  He wasn’t around to ask to eat the chocolate and at work he typically isn’t able to answer his mobile phone. Taking the chocolate out of the fridge would melt in the summer heat and re-refrigerating, from past experience has caused the chocolate to go off.  The options were to throw out the chocolate or eat it.  So, I ate it. My plan was to tell my husband when he got home and to reimburse him next time we were at the supermarket.

Okay, it’s a fun example!   When my husband comes home, I forget to tell him that I ate his chocolate. After an hour’s exercise he feels he has earned his chocolate and goes to the fridge only to realise there’s no chocolate.  He asks me in a disappointed and enquiring tone, “honey, did you eat my last piece of chocolate?”.  To which the truthful answer would be “yes”.  It answers the question and is the truth.  If my husband wants more explanation like a follow-up question might be, “why?”.  This is where the difference between truth and honesty comes into play, articulating the intention of why the chocolate got eaten.   It solves the need for people to understand the why.  It’s the more honourable approach even if the why might not be as honourable as the one I’ve said above. 

What if, instead of having friends over I just ate the chocolate because I really wanted some chocolate? The intention was still to tell and reimburse him when he got home.  If my response to his initial disappointment were “yes” and I responded with my reason.  He’d still be okay.  He’d be disappointed by my actions, but he at least had the picture.  What if my response to the follow up question of “why” was simply “because” – it wouldn’t go down well although it would be the truth.

So, while my mother would get upset with me, she would be okay with the response.  Sometimes, even the best intentions of why aren’t good enough.  It’s also a bit more difficult when you’re staying at somebody’s home or vice versa, when it comes to habits and idiosyncrasies.

Just about every visitor ends up buying their own food.  Even if we’ve noticed what they’ve eaten in the past and bought it, invariably their tastes or dietary requirements have changed. Or if you get the food that is okay, the brand that you purchased isn’t the right one.  We have a lemon tree in our front yard that was in full of ripe yellow fruit, only to have one visitor buy six other different variety lemons from the store.  Interestingly, not a single one of the purchased lemons were used before the end of the visitor’s trip.  I get it, you don’t always get to everything you buy – but at least one should have been used!

From now on, we’ve decided to wait until the visitors arrive before doing the shopping.  We go to the store, and ensure we pay for the groceries – even that can be a fight because the visitors want to pay!

Ah… idiosyncrasies.

Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 092. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is The Master. 2 is Influence, card is Friendliness. 3 is Goal, card is The Source. 4 is Distant Past, card is Patience. 5 is Recent Past, card is Politics. 6 is Future Energy, card is Courage. 7 is Feelings, card is Morality. 8 is Others’ views, card is Control. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Possibilities. 10 is Outcome, card is Totality. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

First, the carry over cards from yesterday were: Friendliness which was in the Goal position but is now in the Influence position and Patience which was in the Recent Past and has moved to the Distant Past. Read on to see if they had an impact on today’s reading.

The Master sits in the Now position and is being Influenced by Friendliness.    In the Osho book The Master is one who is nothing but truth (in a very different way to how I’ve described “the truth” above).

The Master is fully aware of himself and those that approach him.  Influenced by Friendliness would suggest that the I might be connected to the moment.   This connection to the moment is about connecting to our inner truth as declared in today’s Goal card of The SourceFriendliness moving from the Goal position to being in the Influence position suggests the Goal from yesterday has somehow been successful and is now influencing the Now.

It’s from a Distant Past of Patience that The Master can be aware in the Now.  Without Patience without taking the time to evolve and grow, no growth is possible.  This lesson has been taught to me many times but no more succinctly than during the recovery of the broken ankle (don’t judge, I’m a slow learner 🙂).  Patience moving from Recent Past yesterday to Distant Past, is a logical trajectory, not much more to say really.

The Recent Past card of Politics might be where the use of a kind lie might be kinder than a hurtful truth, particularly where there’s a time constraint.  Of course, being rude to the only person that can give you a refund on flight tickets isn’t wise.   Not sure why this card is here, but it may have something to do with the six hours wait to get a cancellation.

Courage is in the Future Energy.  Is this picking up my mother while my ankle is still in recovery.  It is a long walk from the carpark to the terminal and back.  Walking’s good, we’ll see how it goes.

In the Feelings position is the Morality card.  This card really is on the money today.  As much as I love my mother, there are certain expectations and as I mentioned above around how you need to act – some of which I’ve outgrown but now need to stuff back into my way of being at least for a little while. 

You may be thinking that my mother likes being in Control, she does. You could be thinking that I am the one that needs to be in Control, and you’d be right there too.  It’s part of the reason we clash, different views equally strong.  Makes Others’ Views of Control seem justified.

Hopes & Fears position has the card of PossibilitiesPossibilities as a hope is that anything is possible.  Likewise, Possibilities as a fear is that anything is possible.

The Outcome shows the “no choice” position of Totality, you wind up in when you previously make a choice to undertake a certain activity or endeavour.  For example, you decide you want to go on a roller coaster.  Once the lining up has been completed and you sit in the seat and the attendant checks all seat restraints and the cars start rolling, you’re in Totality. The roller coaster is a bit scary, but the result is worth it.  Mum’s here let the roller coaster begin!


Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

Linn, Denise 1995 – Sacred Space

End Day
Day 092 – Visitor Idiosyncrasies
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