Day 082 – Feeling Sad

23 March 2021

Day 082. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards. 1 is Now, card is Turning In. 2 is Influence, card is Flowering. 3 is Goal, card is The Miser. 4 is Distant Past, card is Mind. 5 is Recent Past, card is Maturity. 6 is Future Energy, card is Understanding. 7 is Feelings, card is The Lovers. 8 is Others’ views, card is Guilt. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Silence. 10 is Outcome, card is Compromise.


Welcome to Day 82! 

Caution: Controversial content ahead.  Some readers will not agree with some of the statements.  Please bear in mind that this is a site where ideas and concepts are explored.  This does not mean that I subscribe the the thoughts, think of me like a writer of a story.  In order to make the story interesting, the writer needs to understand the “bad guy” and look at the world through his/ her eyes.  Hence, entertaining both the hero’s perspective and the bad guys.  This is what exploring the many facets of topic looks like.  Like on day 

A news article caught my eye today where a person government did something stomach churning onto an opposition member of parliament’s office desk, to quote an Australianism, “it’s just not cricket!”.  The Urban Dictionary describes the meaning as, “Having something that is unjust or just plain wrong done to someone or something”.  Cricket being a gentleman’s sport, where fairplay was tantamount to playing it should give you an idea of it’s wrongness. 

The person was appropriately served the consequences of such actions and was dismissed from his job.  There was a follow-up comment made by one of the members of staff that he worked with in his same political party.  Stating she felt sad/ bad for the guy that was sacked because he had been a good worker and had enjoyed his job.

Of course, the comment was opposition gold.  To which the opposition, were quite rightly speechless and came back hard on the speaker of those sentiments.  Saying that the person should have felt sad/ bad for the cleaners who had to clean up the mess, the person who sat at the desk.

To carry on this “feeling sad/ bad” a little further.  The whole situation is sad.  Apparently he was encouraged in his actions by other members of his party.  In 2021 and in parliament, do they not do enough behaviour, anti-bullying/ anti-mob training to realise that what he/ they were doing was wrong?  The culture still has a long way to go if this was deemed okay.  Yeah, yeah! The rock I live under is lovely, warm and sparkler non-hurtful twinkle light and glow appears when people wave hands to genuinely wish the recipient a fond hello!

On a personal note for the actioner, what made him think that this would impress those he hung around with?  It’s a far cry from the “soggy cracker” antics rumoured to be performed by the boys in high school (explanation as to what the “soggy cracker” is further down).  The actioner, to my mind needs therapy or assistance to enable him to not only process the fallout that will no doubt occur but also help work through the “why” it seemed like a good idea at the time. 

What I don’t know (this is where I reveal that I’m an ultracrepidarian):

  1. don’t personally know the people involved
  2. do not know the background to the situation, that is relationships, dynamic. Although superficially it doesn’t appear to be a reason except to impress 
  3. do not know the full story – I wasn’t there
  4. don’t know whether it was personal or wrong place wrong time and the office of the opposition member was close
What I do know:
  1. the act was disgusting
  2. coming in on finding it would have been grosse
  3. definitely feel sorry for the cleaners
  4. it’ll go into political point scoring
  5. more than one person will probably need therapy on both sides

Now, for the yuk parts of the article.  At school, the “soggy cracker” was when a group of adolescent/ teenage boys got around a cracker and masturbated over it, making a crunchy cracker soggy.  Not sure when this happened, however, it must have been discrete because no-one had gotten sprung in the act.  This is a good thing!  

To some extent this type of early experimenting is to be expected.  After all, how else do you discover what you’re capable of.  All that masturbating into tissues, underpants, watermelons, magazines, vacuum cleaner, apple pies et cetera is stuff you expect from the adolescent/ teen male.  Thankfully, while I hung out with the boys a fair bit, I was never included in this type of “boys’ stuff” – not being a boy and that 🙂.  If I lost at pool, there wouldn’t be anything to dangle into a pocket 🤭.

This kind of behaviour is definitely not okay in the work environment, let alone a government environment.  Having worked for several government agencies across the east coast of Australia I know this isn’t normal behaviour.

Today's Cards

Day 082. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card. 1 is Now, card is Turning In. 2 is Influence, card is Flowering. 3 is Goal, card is The Miser. 4 is Distant Past, card is Mind. 5 is Recent Past, card is Maturity. 6 is Future Energy, card is Understanding. 7 is Feelings, card is The Lovers. 8 is Others’ views, card is Guilt. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Silence. 10 is Outcome, card is Compromise. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

The cards that have followed from yesterday are, Guilt which has moved from position Feelings/ Immediate Future to Others’ Views, and Compromise which has moved from Future Energy to Outcome.   Quite simply, Guilt moving is probably from me feeling guilty to my husband reading about it and recognising it.   

Compromise in Future Energy was from me debating with myself (hypothetically) how best I can help my husband, if I make him angry and he suppresses it I shouldn’t be around.  However, me leaving him would make both of us sad and neither of us would win.  As an Outcome Compromise, he’s decided to drink more water.   💦


Turning In in the Now is the reflection on how I can help prevent my husband from getting kidney stones (he’s got to do it for himself – I know, but I care about him).

Influencing the Turning In is FloweringFlowering of giving and being expressing who I am which helps me turn inward to assess the situation.

Yesterday, I spoke of turning down my “over the top-ness”.  That Goal translates into The Miser.  Restricting who I am might be a challenge and not knowing which elements of “too much” to restrict may restrict some of the elements that people enjoy.  Of course, it could also about restricting my distractions to allow for the focus on Turning In

The Distant Past has Mind occupying it. Mind is the card of confusion and certainly influences the Now of Turning In.  In the past when in great mental unrest, the best way I found to refocus is through meditation – turning in.

Recent Past has the card of Maturity, suggesting that experience has provided me with the knowledge to Turn In.   

Unsurprising, Understanding is the Future Energy for Turning In.  When the mind settles from Turning In it provides an opportunity to reflect on the situation and a clearer Understanding can present itself.

Feelings/ Immediate Future position has The Lovers card.  The Lovers is about teamwork, two individuals coming together and accomplishing more than the sum of its parts.  Different to two halves coming together and making a whole, it’s two whole people coming together to create more than two – hope that makes sense. 

Guilt in the Others’ Views position explained above.  Moving from Feelings to Others’ ViewsGuilt has moved from inside to being visible on the outside.  Incidentally, this is when this position is useful.  You can gauge just whether what you’re feeling has become visible to others.  This allows you to adapt or enhance accordingly.

Hopes & Fears has the Silence card – first time this month for this card. Hope is that Silence and connection to who I am simply “is”, it’s about capturing the moment.  Fear that I will never experience that silence again or that the moment to experience Silence has gone (as a sufferer from mild tinnitus silence is wonderful).

The Outcome position having the card of Compromise was also covered above.  Water drinking for my husband, will help him deal and kidney process anger times more easily.  


  1. Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
  2. Urban Dictionary, Cricket quote source
End Day
Day 082 – Feeling Sad
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