Day 080 – The Pool and Massage

21 March 2021

Day 080. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards.1 is Now, card is Aloneness. 2 is Influence, card is Totality. 3 is Goal, card is Sorrow. 4 is Distant Past, card is Maturity. 5 is Recent Past, card is Letting Go. 6 is Future Energy, card is No-thingness. 7 is Feelings, card is Friendliness. 8 is Others’ views, card is Postponement. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Exhaustion. 10 is Outcome, card is Sharing.


Welcome to Day 80!

On Day 078, I began playing positing the idea of the invisible aligners aligning more than my teeth.  The idea went on to potentially trigger a domino effect not least of all being the broken ankle.  Well, the repercussions continue.  Another ailment added to the list is that of my lower back (sciatica).  The physiotherapist did warn this might be a side-effect of the moon boot.  Yesterday, there was a lot of moon boot activity. 

One of the other ideas, metaphysically speaking is that the lower back means there is financial stress.  This doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have any money; it simply means you are stressed about where to spend your money.  Torn between multiple places of equal value to you.  The tension seems to hang around in the lower back area.  Ironically, this is the time you need to see a massage or physio therapist or chiropractor and these folk cost – you guessed it – money.    

Out of curiosity checked Louise L Hay’s list, “Sciatica: Being hypocritical. Fear of money and of the future” (p.212) and Annette Noontil, “You are disregarding your own wants. Therefore, not communicating to yourself and others what you want for yourself” (p.68).  In this case, Annette is possibly righter although I am unsure on what I want for myself, which could be the problem in itself. 

On the financial front, there was tension because there was some shelving I’d like to put up before the next group of visitors arrive. Although not through my funds completely from last pay, I’d liked having the money there.  The other place for the money was into savings.  Savings would build toward possible renovations or a vacation.  The third stress was the need to go to said assistance with my back.  As a cheap compromise and something that would help with the ankle’s flexibility.  Even though it was raining, we went to the local swimming pool.

The swimming pool, not far from us, has an indoor physio pool. The physio pool is a 25-metre pool at the same depth of 1.1m.  That is, there is no deep or shallow end, which is perfect to wade in up and down the pool.   In the process of heading up to the pool, I was acutely aware it was raining.  This meant wet concrete.  This will be the first time encountering wet concrete in bare feet since I broke my ankle.  It’s a bit of a psyche. 

In my head, the battle of thoughts was taking place.  Something like, “you’ve walked on wet concrete hundreds of times before and not broken an ankle; just be cautious where you step”.  The countering thoughts went along the lines of, “but your ankle is still healing. Can your ankle take this?”.  The response to that counter was the ankle would get better quicker by following through and doing the exercises.  

In the end It was worthwhile going to the pool.  It took the weight off my leg and away from my back enabling me to stretch the tightened lower back area.  Not enough to remove the pain, but enough to provide more movement.

It was lunchtime, and we had grocery shopping to do.  Off to the shopping centre (mall) we went.  This centre has a few massage places and while my husband went to the supermarket I bit the bullet and went and had a massage.  Personally, I’m not fond of remedial massage being done on me 😉.  Remedial or deep tissue massage is something I prefer other people to experience.  My preference is for the still therapeutic and much gentler hot stone massage.  The heat from the stones tends to relax my muscles more allowing the massager to get deeper into the tissue without the side-effect of the pain.  It works for me.  Opting for a hot rock massage, usually negates the need for finger, elbow or arm driven deep tissue massage.   

The problem when you go to someone who is skilled in remedial massage, and although not requested, is if the massager will act on instinct.  If the massager senses the chunks of non-pliant knotted muscle beneath the skin, they will want to clear the area of the “offending” mass.  This I know, in the past I was trained as a Swedish Masseuse  and know the instinct well.  

There are times when remedial massage works and sciatica is usually one of them.  Nonetheless, given the moon boot is still going to be in my life for at least another week.  In fact, I would be walking out of the clinic in it.  It seemed a waste of pain to go through a remedial massage.  Simply standard loving care massage was all I requested, with hot rocks and aromatherapy.  

The masseuse’s instincts kicked in, fortunately not delving to pain levels most of the time.  Some massagers have felt like they were trying massage my bones.  No thanks.  My body is in enough pain, I do not need more.

A good massage is when the hands of the masseuse finds those points and firmly but gently works the area.  You should feel like that the massage is discovering pain you didn’t know you had almost inspiring weeping in relief that it has finally been discovered and gentle loving care applied to soothe it.  Not giving you pain by which you weep at the relief when it stops.  Obviously, this is a personal preference.

Let’s see what the cards have to say!

Today's Cards

Day 080. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card.1 is Now, card is Aloneness. 2 is Influence, card is Totality. 3 is Goal, card is Sorrow. 4 is Distant Past, card is Maturity. 5 is Recent Past, card is Letting Go. 6 is Future Energy, card is No-thingness. 7 is Feelings, card is Friendliness. 8 is Others’ views, card is Postponement. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Exhaustion. 10 is Outcome, card is Sharing. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine.

The Cards - Analysis

Carry over cards from yesterday were: Friendliness that was in the Distant Past position and today is in the Feelings/ Immediate Future position and Exhaustion which has moved from the Outcome position to the Hopes & Fears position.

Feelings of Friendliness are a relatively common occurrence, particularly in everyday situations.  Sometimes that Friendliness can lead to something in the future because it is a mutually beneficial relationship.  The same cannot be said for Exhaustion.  As an Outcome card, it was fulfilled and remedied.  However, the Fear with this card is continual Exhaustion will not provide me any long term benefits when it comes to my physical health.  My hope is that I can adapt to the new way of life and Exhaustion is no longer an issue.

Totality influences Aloneness in the Now with a Goal of SorrowTotality is full commitment knowing there is a chance of relief on the receiving side.  Aloneness is realising that healing cannot be done by anyone but yourself.  Because the cards adapt to the reader’s interpretation of them.  Most of the time this card is about, “enlightenment and growth through tears of compassion”.  Sorrow, in the Goal position, makes sense, waking up with pain and embarking on the healing process for the day – pool, back roller and massage.   

The Totality of trusting in the process and understanding that healing is done alone, comes from the Distant Past reflecting a Maturity or wealth of knowledge in the area.  The Distant Past rolls into the Recent Past with Letting GoLetting Go is when clinging onto old notions and constraints are overcome.  Today’s Letting Go could relate to the letting go of the money dichotomy, spend the money on getting professional held for back health or buy shelving for visitors.  

I know this seems like a no-brainer, however, it’s amazing how many times I’ve struggled with health versus something else.  Today, it was a simpler choice.  It fell into health vs want.  There have been times when the choice hasn’t been as easy, like pay car registration or pay electricity.  The latter boils down to getting to work or having light, a tougher decision. It’s almost like “want versus need” but the difference is sometimes difficult to identify.

From Letting Go in the Recent Past, the Future Energy is No-thingness.  No-thingness is about unrealised, unidentified and untapped potential in whichever direction is wanted. 

The Feelings of Friendliness.  This I’d apply to the masseuse, she was lovely and the massage beneficial, in lieu of visiting my favourite masseuse (further away), I’ll go back to her.

Others’ Views is of Postponement.  Osho’s interpretation is that Postponement is stupid.  In this case, I’m reasonably certain that my husband may have thought that when it came to going to the pool and to having my back massage.  As mentioned, it seemed from the outside like a no-brainer.

Exhaustion in the Hopes and Fears was tackled.  Basically, the fear is that it’s not good for my health and the hope is my body will adapt to the new routine and exhaustion abated.

Sharing is the OutcomeSharing is the card of bountifulness and generosity, possibly stemming from the relief of no longer being in pain. 


Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

End Day 80
Day 080 – The Pool and Massage
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