Day 079 – Cat Vet Day

20 March 2021

Day 079. Celtic Cross Layout of daily cards. 1 is Now, card is Breakthrough. 2 is Influence, card is Going with the Flow. 3 is Goal, card is Clinging to the Past. 4 is Distant Past, card is Friendliness. 5 is Recent Past, card is Trust. 6 is Future Energy, card is Ripeness. 7 is Feelings, card is Silence. 8 is Others’ views, card is Change. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Playfulness. 10 is Outcome, card is Exhaustion.


Welcome to Day 79!

Cat vet day.  Every year we take our purr-babies to the vet for their annual shot and check-up.  Today was that day.  In the beginning, we (or I) wanted to have cats that were as portable as little dogs.  Let’s face it our cats are both bigger than some terriers!  When they were kittens, we took them for drives.  It wasn’t long before we discovered that Valentine got car sick.  

For the first couple of trips the seemed fine.  At first, it was a trip to the park and a couple of trips to the Gold Coast, Australia (about an hour’s drive).  On one of the trips to the Gold Coast, the two kittens, in the same cat carrier the full ginger one, Dobby, decided to let go of his bowls all over his brother.  To make the trip worse for Valentine, we pulled over rinsed him off with a bottle of water.  Dried him with a towel which luckily hadn’t gotten soiled, to leave him in the carrier by himself while we nursed Dobby. 

The poor things.  Dobby was okay for a while, but Valentine had adopted constant meowing as soon as he got in the pet carrier.  Dobby on the other hand still hung around in the carrier, even as an adult cat.   A couple of flights from Brisbane to Sydney and back for the two kittens was all they could manage before we came to terms with the fact, they weren’t going to be travel cats.  

Personally, I think Dobby would be okay traveling but once he discovered that Valentine got attention, in terms of pats and constant cooing, he was not going to miss out on the attention either. 

Apart from the cat duet in the car all the way to the vet (about 10-15 minutes), the visit went well.  Both boys were well behaved at the vets and within two minutes of being let out of the carrier, walked around like they owned the place.  Dobby was at home on the scales which looked very nearly like the bathroom sink they were used to lying in as kittens.  

You see, the bathroom was the perfect place to leave the kittens when we went to work.  It had room for a litter box, a couple of comfy beds, water, food and room to move and, as it appeared, a comfy sink as well.   Also, if they didn’t know how to use the litter box it wouldn’t be difficult to clean up.  Like most cats, using the litter box seemed to come naturally, after being shown where it was. 

At the vet’s, the boys took their shots and tapeworm tablet without fuss.  They hadn’t gained any weight since last year.  After being told to up the dietary dental content they were good to go.  Once in the carriers, the serenading cats began again 😿.  Phew!  That’s over for another year.

Two kittens in a bathroom sink.

Dobby (full ginger) & Valentine as Kittens in Bathroom Sink

Ginger cat lying in and filling cat carrier

Dobby in Pet Carrier
as Adult Cat

Today's Cards

Day 079. Tabled list: position number, description, and daily card. 1 is Now, card is Breakthrough. 2 is Influence, card is Going with the Flow. 3 is Goal, card is Clinging to the Past. 4 is Distant Past, card is Friendliness. 5 is Recent Past, card is Trust. 6 is Future Energy, card is Ripeness. 7 is Feelings, card is Silence. 8 is Others’ views, card is Change. 9 is Hopes & Fears, card is Playfulness. 10 is Outcome, card is Exhaustion. Shuffle Method used was Washing Machine

The Cards - Analysis

A Breakthrough in the Now is Influenced by Going with the Flow.  The Goal began as one Clinging to the Past, but the Breakthrough is either utilising what was thought of as clinging to the past but turns out the past was useful, or it was breaking something that had been clung to.   This could be the subtle worry I had about Valentine and a dark spot which had suddenly appeared on his ear.  Was I clinging to his not earmarked state?  Was this serious?  Google search indicated it might be a freckle or cancer.  

In the Distant Past, our relationship with the vet has been one of Friendliness.  We enjoy each other’s company, respect each other and but know we are not necessarily going to be besties.  

Our faith in the vet’s expertise has always been one of Trust and this is true of the Recent Past (our visit earlier today).  Vet indicated that Valentine’s ear isn’t anything to worry about, but we should keep a watch on it in case the skin texture changes (becomes rough or flaky). 

The Recent Past, led to the Breakthrough which indicated a Future Energy of Ripeness, that is being a timely visit.  Both cats were due for their shots and a quick once over to verify they were still in good shape.

My Feelings in regard to the Breakthrough is that of Silence.  We will accept the vet’s council to watch Valentine’s ear and recommendation to include more dental care in both cats’ diets.  Being at peace with both council and recommendation.

Others’ Views is that of Change.  Perhaps, there’s the perception that we need to Change the diet of our cats, which it appears we hadn’t gotten the diet right.  The vet was more relaxed today, not as busy as usual, and our dynamic with her had changed too.

Hopes and Fears has the card of PlayfulnessPlayfulness is exactly what our cats bring out in us and in others.  My hope is for this to continue and my fear is that we (husband and I – more me) have become complacent with our play sessions with the cats. 

At the end of the day the Outcome card is that of Exhaustion.  It’s true.  It’s late once again.  Although sort of cute in their travel sickness, it does also bear a slight impact on your energy levels because you aren’t able to do much about the time the cats stress getting to and from the vets. 


Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7

End Day
Day 079 – Cat Vet Day
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