Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Ultracrepidarian Context
Welcome to Day 76! I love St Patrick’s day! Yes, I’m generalising based on the people I’ve met who are from Ireland. In fact, Irish people have a great sense of humour. Perhaps it’s just the accent that makes me smile. There’s something about the lilt.
When it comes to matters Irish, I become an ultracrepidarian. Thank you, Susie Dent, for another beautiful word of the day. The meaning of ultracrepidarian, Ms Dent describes it as a 19th-century word that “describes someone who loves holding forth on matters they know absolutely nothing about”. It was fun to read the Twitter feed beneath the post as well. Whenever Susie posts a word, there’s a bunch of responses pointing out the extreme examples of those fitting the description of the word of the day.
One of the things I discover midway through an ultracrepidarian moment is how much I don’t know on the subject. In the past, this is where information got creative. Why? What was I afraid of? Not knowing something? A quote from, who I thought was Coco Chanel but actually was Maimonides, “teach your tongue to say I don’t know”. (Added 9 Oct 2021, I’d misquoted. In the meantime, here is a Coco Chanel quote, “I only drink Champagne on two occasions, when I am in love and when I am not”.
Anyway, it reminds me of those times when accusing or complaining about someone else’s actions and realising I’m doing the same thing. For example, during an argument with my sister, we often accused each other of being “selfish” when we were in our teens. (Pst. Not just teens just sound better if I put some distance between me and some of my not-so-proud moments). When we were accusing each other of being selfish, we were each being selfish. We each wanted our way.
If we didn’t mind, why were we discussing and trying to score points with the accusation? Even knowing this is what we were doing, we failed to learn from using the word as a point scorer or barb in arguments. Sometimes, it even worked 🙀.
This interaction and irony had me take a closer look at words I used in challenging situations. It had me watching for moments when I was accusing others of something to see if I was guilty of it myself. It became easier to spot in moments when irritated by someone or something. On reflection, I began to see what innumerable wise sources have said; the world is us reflected ourselves. It’s the whole “physician heal thyself” or “charity begins at home” thing. This self-assessment stuff is a work in progress, but a LOT of tests keep confirming those sources.
What do you do when you discover you don’t like the aspect of yourself that irritates you? You can try to deny it, ignore it, reinvent it, control it, suppress it, accept it, but best of all, you can “compassion it”. Showing kindness to that aspect of yourself allows you to acknowledge it in others better as well as in yourself.
For me, exercising compassion on an irritation worked. Gentle understanding overwhelmed me in a meeting where everyone was vying for the right to be heard. In this environment, what I wanted to say wasn’t going to get a look in. Irritated, I sat back to think on an approach to get my point across. At this moment, mindfulness kicked in. Suddenly I realised the participants and I was all doing the same thing. We were like kids wearing grown-up clothes, too big for us, mimicking what adults do in a meeting.
We were still fundamentally stamping our feet, trying to “out tantrum” each other. At that moment, I got an image of everyone in the room being four years trying to manage their insecurities but not very successfully – if you were looking. Following that moment came a wave of compassion for everyone in the room. How could you be irritated by four-year-olds trying to be brave? Figuratively speaking, of course.
That’s not to say that I saw them as four years old – I did but didn’t. Probably to use some New Age terminology, or perhaps it’s from the psyche fields, I saw the inner children motivating the adult. The irritation I had felt disappeared and became a wave of compassion and love for everyone in the room. What I had to say didn’t matter; my idea would get out there, even if I didn’t get the credit.
There was a quote that embedded itself into my psyche that went something like, “you can accomplish a great many things if you don’t mind who gets the credit”. It’s not that it doesn’t occasionally irritate me when something of mine is adopted by someone else. Alas, there’s another quote by Goethe: “All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; …”. Who knows where the idea came from to get to me in the first place? There’ll be others.
This post took a weird turn; it started with me wanting to write something that, in the end, probably would have shown me to be genuinely ultracrepidarian. Maybe it did just that. The post ended by showing how for some areas, I’ve learnt compassion for my foibles.
Let’s see what the cards say!
Today's Cards

The Cards - Ultracrepidarian Analysis
Sharing is the only card that carried over from yesterday. Yesterday it sat in the Distant Past and today it sits in the Hopes & Fears. Although, I wouldn’t draw a correlation between the two, but Sharing in the Distant Past could very well prompt a longing to recall the Sharing moment and perhaps fearful it’s not reproducible.
The Now has The Fool with the Influence of Aloneness and a Goal of Thunderbolt.
The Fool in the Now is the embarking of the journey to let go of my previous role and focus on the new one. Aloneness in the Influence position means that no-one can do the letting go for me.
Thunderbolt is that handing over to respective areas. It’s a big shift for me and for those getting the projects. It means that for a time, my popularity may drop.
This stems from when my organisation in the Distant Past had a New Vision and how it wanted to go about delivering what it delivers. Working in the area that needed to change, I needed to change.
The Distant Past of the New Vision gave way to Innocence in the Recent Past. Innocence I was a person with experience but innocent to what the new role entailed. Up until recently, that knowledge was new, now it’s time to begin to embrace it. This is because I’m beginning to as the Future Energy card demonstrates, get an Understanding of what is required of me.
The Feelings or Immediate Future reflected in The Fool is that it is all part of Existence. Existence is about just being yourself/ myself and realising that it’s my uniqueness that’s needed.
Others’ Views of has the card of Laziness. A consequence of doing two roles and wanting to take it back down to a single role for which I’m employed, is that it might appear that I’m trying to shirk some of my responsibilities and that I am being lazy. Particularly, a project where over the years I’ve established a good working relationship. Persons in the area have changed and it just seems difficult to “start again”.
Hopes & Fears is Sharing. Following on from the “starting again” in the business relationship there was a time when Sharing of information and respect was high and carried with it a warmth. My Hope is to build the relationship to a new style of friendliness by Sharing. The Fear is because there are different people involved it will not even happen.
The Outcome is The Burden. The Burden card suggests I will be working on the two roles for a little while yet. Long enough for it to continue to be a burden.
- Osho, Osho Zen Tarot – The Transcendental Game of Zen, St Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-312-11733-7
- 2021, Susie_Dent, Twitter